As most of you know there was a shooting in DC that involved the
capital police and home land security. Apparently a woman rammed into
one of the barricades near the white house and after nearly running
over the capitol police she was shot and killed in her car. She was
un-armed and her one year old was in the car with her. DHS has tried
to justify this stating that she had some serious mental problems and
that she believed that Mr. Obama was controlling her mind through
radio waves. Seems to me that a number of the shootings recently have
involved people who thought they were under some sort of mind
control, the last one being the Navy yard shooter. I am usually
skeptical about anything mind control like but it can it all be just
a coincidence?
A.Rod is suing MLB and Bud Selig. Why? Because, according to his
lawyers, they have been on a witch hunt to smear his name and it has
cost him millions in contracts. OK so the fact that he has been
caught twice using performance enhancing drugs and he has encouraged
others to do the same has nothing to do with it? It couldn't possibly
be his arrogance and selfishness that did him in? At least Manny
Ramirez had class enough to quit....
In war news Afghanistan is going to be having elections soon!
Running for president this time around is a man who is considered to
be a warlord and he was the mentor to OBL. Just wonderful, we bomb
the crap out of the Taliban and we supposedly have the bad guys on
the run and in the course of trying to stabilize Afghanistan they are
going to allow one of the original Taliban to run for president... I
have a better solution; why don't we just send them all our congress
people and president? They aren't doing anything right now anyhow....
In an incredible show of compassion for America's disabled vets,
Harry Reid refused to even entertain the bill, which was passed in
the house, that would have continued to fund the VA and all it's
services to veterans. Of course he made damn sure to pass the bill
that would allow active military to stay paid, wouldn't want active
combat vets to be angry after all, and then he made sure that
government employees are going to get at least back pay when this all
over, but for those of us who sacrificed our minds, bodies and souls,
all we're going to get is a foot up our backsides...
A high school girl recently found out that her t-shirt promoted
violence. And what was on this frightening shirt? It was a picture of
a hunter ,with an American flag in the back ground, and the words
“NRA protecting Americas traditions since 1871” The only way that
shirt could have promoted violence was if she had taken it off and
started snapping people with it....but not to be out done we have the
story of two 7 year old’s who were suspended from school for
pointing their pencils at each other and making “ machine gun
noises.” Now I understand the fear of pencils, lead poisoning and
all that, but these were two boys, at least one of whom has a father
that is a Marine, doing what it is that boys do, making noises and
imitating their dads. We used to put them in rubber bands and shoot
them at each other....
Ted Cruz reportedly said that the GOP was going to what
exactly? If it's about Obama care then perhaps you didn't get the
memo? It went into effect the very same day that you shut down the
government....that explains it then, with the government shut down
you couldn't get to your have lost this particular battle
sir, for the moment, but you are in danger of loosing the entire war
and destroying all of us at the same time..pick your time and your
battle but this is neither...
In Saudi Arabia, 4 men were sentenced to 10 years in prison and up
to 2,000 lashes, for dancing naked on top of their car. I will be the
first to admit that this would have been a very traumatizing thing to
see, from what I understand the car was impounded and is seeking
counseling, but it seems to me that, compared to say water boarding
that this is a bit on the extreme side....
DOJ is refusing to let a book be published that exposes all the
screw ups in the “Fast and Furious” operation that resulted in
guns disappearing into the hands of Mexican drug lords and has
resulted in many deaths including border patrol agents. The reason
they give? “Because it would have a negative impact on morale”
Really? Who's morale? Eric Holder the mastermind of this stupidity or
the president who refuses to do anything about it? Seems to me that
there is an extreme conflict of interest here....
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