Friday, October 11, 2013

Tinfoil Hat Time

Due to a lack of government funding and partial shut down this will not be nearly as silly or as long and I will have three armed guards, who also are not being paid, watching you....

Number one today under the category of “I wish I was Big Bird” apparently the government was able to find money to continue to fund PBS to the tune of 445 million, while shutting down national monuments and threatening to chop money from seniors and disabled vets. When asked, Big Bird, who was heading south for the winter and is a senior himself thought that it was good that the government had it proprieties straight and that it was by far more important to take care of talking birds and a critter that lives in a garbage can rather then fund those who actually have done something like contribute to society.

Under the category of “2 inches is bigger than you think” a Rhode Island 7th grader was suspended from school for have a 2 inch plastic toy gun on a key chain. Apparently the keys, that were being held hostage by the toy gun, panicked and called 911 and after some intense negotiations with the SWAT team the gun surrendered and blood shed was averted.....

In a unusual posting the Washington Post apparently gave the president 4 Pinocchio’s, the highest number given for lying, based on a comment that Mr. Obama said, “never in the history of the United States has a non germane (relevant to a subject under consideration) bill ever been attached to debt ceiling talks” According to the post he only missed that by about 1400 starting with Ted Kennedy and Walter Mondale back in 1973. The words ooops comes to mind.
So while Vietnam vets are being arrested and WW2 vets are being barred from their respective monuments a rally was allowed in support of illegal aliens, complete with staging, guards and a wonderful guest appearance by Nancy Pelosi. Imagine that, we can celebrate those who come here illegally and demand that they have rights , all under the guise of free speech, while prohibiting those who fought for those rights from visiting the memorials built in their honor.
A town in New Jersey has decided that pan handlers need to have a permit to pan handle. I am a bit confused; how does someone who doesn’t have any money, hence they are out pan handling, get the money to buy this permit? They have also suggested that should someone be found with out one that they could go to jail...OK so lets get this straight If I don't have a permit and it's a cold January night you are going to arrest me and put me in a place that warm and that I can get fed...prepare for full jails....
A judge in Ohio has declared a man legally dead....even though the man was standing right in front of him...apparently this man wandered off back in 2005 and was declared legally dead by the same judge. Shortly after being declared dead he returned from the other side but the judge refused to acknowledge his presence in effect telling him he was still dead, the ghost defamation league has filed a formal complaint stating that the man in no way represents the ghostly community and should be restored to life......
Schools in NH and CT have decided that playing tag and using baseballs, footballs,etc are just way to dangerous for kids and could promote violence so these activities will no longer be allowed. When asked the children were basically non committal as they were busy playing Assassins Creed and Grand Theft Auto....

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