Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Solution for all border problems.

With all the talk of folks from central America crossing into the US illegally, and all the headaches that have come from that, I am surprised that no one has been brave enough to state the perfect solution to all this; open borders.

Yes, let's just do away with the pesky border down there in the south and let everyone in who wishes to come here. We can just tax all hard working Americans a bit further to provide all the necessary funding to feed and house all the millions that will come, why take care of our own poor and needy, not to mention Vets, when we have so many coming to the border and crossing it illegally. But I'd like to take it even further. I want to remove all borders. That’s Mexico's borders all the way down to the very tip of south America, if we can do it surely the dictators..err... I mean leaders of our fine southern neighbors would be willing to do the very same thing that we are..right? We should be allowed to enter into their countries and demand services and free health care, and because they are so compassionate, they would quickly rush to meet our needs wouldn't they?

Next we have to get rid of those bothersome state lines, and because we would all be a part of one very massive state, we could just eliminate all the state bureaucracies, thus saving tax payers billions of dollars which we could then funnel into programs for all those that are crossing our non existent border! But, then again , if we are going to remove our border, then we really don't need a federal government any more because it's supposed to defend our borders and if it's not, and we remove the border, we will just become a member of a massive border less country ,with everyone from Alaska and Canada down to the tip of south America. We won't need the federal government any more and thus we could do away with the taxes that are paying for all the people coming here...hmmm... that might be a problem for the original agenda. Oh I know, we can set up a quasi government in say, Honduras, that would represent all the needs of every member country,and consequently all those coming over the invisible border, we can let them tax all of us, and I am sure that they would be fair and generous in their taxation of us just like our federal government has been.

Next we have to remove county and town lines and then remove the corresponding local governments as well because, if we don't actually live in towns or a state or a country, then there is really no need for any kind of local government and we can all just fend for ourselves.

The next step would be to remove all doors from our homes because we wouldn't want to actually keep any one out. (This being a reflection of our current border policy) This would cause some discomfort in the north during the winter but we could make an exception allowing for blankets to be hung in doorways so folks still have easy access to what ever is in your house, but then again if we are trying to remove all borders perhaps we should just get rid of all our homes as well and just live in the open or perhaps a lean to. Then there is the problem of clothes as a kind of border.....

Is this silly and stupid? Yup. But so is our current lack of border policy and thousands if not millions will suffer from it.

Just my Simple Minded Opinion.

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