Monday, August 11, 2014

A message for ISIS

A personal message to ISIS though it could easily apply to any terrorist group out there.

I heard three comments that were made over the weekend by some of your pathetic and cowardly leaders. Yes I called you cowards because only pissant wimps hide behind women and children to show how brave they are and somehow believe that they are doing the will of God.

First your vomitus puss filled mouths suggested that you have an appointment in New York, second that are going to fly your flag at the White house and third you don't want us to attack you with drones and bombs you would rather fight us man to man.

Lets address the last thing first. If you want to go mano y mano you have to be a man. You are nothing but pathetic little wimps and truly aren't worth the bullets. Secondly you wouldn't stand a chance against our professional battle tested troops. If we sent the Marines , along with army special forces against you, with the full authorization to eliminate you from existence, you would be soon discover what the real wrath of God felt like as we would rain hell down upon you in a manner unlike anything you have ever witnessed. Seriously you want to go toe to toe with us? We are a people who make games out of killing each other in video and paint ball, among other things, what makes you even begin to think , in the pea brained mind of yours that you could go up against an army that is professionally trained and battle hardened? If you really thought you could ,you had plenty of opportunity, but instead you hid behind women and children and waited for us to leave before you came out of your cave. Personally I think you are worth nothing but a double tap to the head, I wouldn't waste my time with a knife, I would just end your miserable life quickly and humanely unlike what you have been doing to Christians and other minority religions.

Next lets talk about New York. You seem to be under the illusion that New Yorkers are a bunch of wusses and would take this lying down. You are sadly mistaken. Folks in New York will tolerate a lot and you might even get away with an attack once but after that you can rest assured that New Yorkers will hunt you down like the low life dogs that you are and toss you right out into the harbor. Sorry for the insult dogs.

Fly your flag from the White House? Just what makes you think that any of us will let you get that close? I will grant you that many of us here in the United States are very angry with our government and many of us don't particularly care for the policies but that OUR house and not yours. Do you really believe that with our military, various law enforcement agencies, militias and millions of war veterans armed with somewhere around 300 million guns, a people who invent cannons that fire frozen chickens and pumpkins are going to just sit idly by while you just waltz right in? You are out of your puny little minds.

You may, for a bit, get away with some acts of terrorism, but if you start, here in the US, make damn sure you understand that “we the people” will put an end to your miserable carcasses and gladly allow you to find out if there is indeed 70 virgins waiting on you. The people didn't start this fight with you, but we will finish it.

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