Thursday, April 16, 2015

I Am A Traitor

I saw one of those “Meme's” that you see everyday on Facebook. Normally I ignore such things because most of them don't really get my attention, as I am more interested in whats going on in my friends lives than I am about unhappy cats and laughing babies. This one though got my attention and it actually concerns me a bit.
The basic idea behind this particular one is that you are a “traitor to this country” if you dislike the president and or his policies. I have a bit of a problem with that because,by this definition, that makes me a traitor to my country, because I fit the aforementioned description. I like very little of what he has tried to accomplish, I am glad that he has failed at most, and I don't like his arrogant manner. For this you would call me a traitor? Funny when President Bush was being hammered and run over by the left it was called “patriotic” and all part of your 1st amendment rights. I agreed that it was at the time and I spoke loudly against those in the republican party that tried to say other wise or called it unpatriotic. This time though is different; You are suggesting that because I don't care for a sitting president or their policies I am now a “traitor.” Perhaps we need to review just what a traitor is.

Traitor: Noun, One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust,especially one who commits treason.

Not sure which part of this applies to me. I haven't betrayed my country, I have served it in both peacetime and war in the Marine Corp. I received several personal awards and was injured in the line of duty, in a war zone, while serving my country overseas, hmmm I guess that one doesn't apply...

My “cause” has been freedom and liberty for all people, as defined in the bill of rights, from an oppressive government, that seems bent on destroying that same bill of rights. I have consistently spoken out against both parties and their policies for violating those rights, so I guess that can't be it either....

“A Trust” I don't trust the folks in DC, as is the case for a large majority of Americans, so if that's it then I am guilty, however they don't trust us either so I guess that evens things out...

So I guess it must be that I am committing “treason.” According to the dictionary Treason is as follows:
“The betrayal of allegiance towards one's own country,especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding it's enemies in committing such acts”

As I stated before ,I served my country honorably, I kept my oaths and though I haven't cared for the last couple of presidents, I have not acted in any way to aid or abet the enemy nor have I committed any acts of violence against the country or government.

So to whomever put out that MEME you really need to go and look up the word “traitor” before you throw out such a large blanket statement. Many of us who don't like him, or his policies, are just as honorable as those that do, and having a different political view does not make one a “traitor.” It means that I have a differing point of view that's all. If by your definition that makes me a traitor so be it. I wouldn't want to be loyal to anyone who really doesn't understand the meaning of the word.

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