Friday, May 1, 2015

What Is Justice?

What exactly do you consider “justice” to be?

I always understood that justice was the process of fact finding before judgment was passed, you know the concept of innocent until proven guilty, instead of just guilty because of the color of your skin or occupation. Seems though that we have come to a place where if you are a police officer and you are white, you are immediately guilty of murder, or attempted murder, as soon as you attempt to do your job in dangerous circumstances.
Yet the flip side to this is that if you are a black teen age male ,or young adult, that you are innocent of everything, no matter how many crimes you have committed, if you are killed while resisting arrest. Or you are called “children”, rather then thugs, as you riot, loot and pillage, destroying others lives and livelihoods. Strange world when that is considered to be justice.

Please don't waste you time with the idea that I am speaking from some sort of “white privilege position” When I was the age of many of those “children” of whom I like to refer to as “punks or thugs” (though I will refrain lest I offend the more sensitive in the crowd) I was a part of that privileged class known as “white trash” I broke laws, took drugs, and was arrested on numerous occasions. Never convicted of anything of any importance but I was hassled by the police for things I didn't do and yes, just walking down the street was enough to get me stopped by them. Granted, this was in a small town, yet it never even occurred to any of us young punks, no matter how many times we were arrested, or stopped for something, to think of looting and burning down our own homes and neighborhoods, nor did we try and resist arrest, it seemed rather pointless because they knew us and they had the guns and badges.

But now, at least in the cities , it seems that this kind of behavior is considered to be justifiable. Sorry, I don't buy it. If you are violently resisting arrest, you should expect to get hurt or killed, and if you are rioting and looting you should expect to pay the price no matter what the skin color.
One person commented that you couldn't possibly hurt or arrest all those “children” ( the rioters) Why not? Those same “children” committed arson, attempted murder , vandalism, destruction of property etc. They stopped being “children” when they started doing these things. Some have argued that they were under the influence of adults. Fine, arrest them too,but don't excuse bad behavior with the notion of “the devil made me do it”, it is still no excuse. They destroyed lives. They destroyed businesses and homes that may never return and all this over a drug dealer who died in police custody , under unclear circumstances. Don't take me wrong, I am not routing for the police if there is a provable case against them, I am saying all the rioting and looting should have been stopped without all the BS excuses. Two injustices don't make either one right.

The sad part is that no justice is being served. The Green family is not being served justice, the innocent people, including the police officers, are not being served justice and even if it is proved that there is wrong doing it still does not justify destruction and chaos, that is not justice.

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