Monday, October 5, 2015

Violence is in the heart

Another mass killing. Another battle over guns. Nothing solved. Why? Because the heart of the problem, as always, is being ignored. Blame is assigned to objects when the blame should clearly fall on hearts and minds. Not just the killers heart and mind but all of our hearts and minds.
If I have a heart full of hate and violence and I want to kill, I am going to find a way to make it happen. There isn't any law on any books that would be able to stop me. If my heart doesn't change nothing will stop me. If I can't have a gun OK fine, I'll use a baseball bat or a chain saw, or drive my car through a crowd it doesn't matter, if hate is whats in my heart and killing is my intention I will find a way.

You want something to blame, rather then the person? OK try our so called entertainment industry for starters.

I don't watch a whole lot of TV but when I do, I see the commercials for all the great “entertainment” that I am missing and it makes me sick. The most popular shows involve wholesale violence.”Game of Thrones” is probably one of the most graphic shows of them all yet it's one of the most popular ever. I saw the preview for “Gotham” while watching football yesterday and what do you have? Someone who is crazy, I'm assuming it's a young Joker, taking a knife to some old man tied up in a chair. We glorify violence and we make it look sexy. We laugh as a “Joker” type character's kill and maim as they live in the lap of luxury. We glorify gang life in music video's, showing money, gold and sexy women all the while promoting violence. Even the most popular games out there are usually in some way war based.
You think the gun is the problem? Not hardly, it's the indoctrination of violence that we have raised our youth in that's the problem.

I keep seeing stats talking about the last 20 or 30 years and how much “gun violence” there has been. Has it ever occurred to anyone that there just might be a correlation between that and our declining standards and morals? Oh I know that makes me an old fashion stick in the mud but I don't remember so many mass killings back when I was a kid. Sure you heard about crimes in the “big cities” but nothing like what you see today in places like Chicago and Baltimore. Whole sale killings every day.
This is a direct reflection on our society and how Hollywood and our media glorifies it.

Not only is it a heart problem it is quite literally a mind problem.

The one thing that all of these shootings have in common, at least the big ones that make the news, is that everyone of them had mental and psychiatric problems that were ignored. by parents or colleagues. And even doctors. It used to be that it only took a doctor's word to determine if someone was a danger to society and have someone committed to a facility. Now they are just given psychotropic drugs , which seems to make them worse, and they are turned loose on the world. In today's PC world A doctor or any mental health provider can be sued and lose their right to practice if they, without permission, send out a warning to law enforcement. How do you prevent something like this from happening again if mental health workers are not allowed to warn anyone?

The last thing is that we have a serious morals issue. You don't believe in God or you don't want to go to church or synagogue, that's fine, but how about we go back to teaching our children, from a young age, that there is right from wrong instead of just moral relativism. Teach them that are consequences for doing wrong. I was playing with matches one day and my grandfather saw me, he picked me up by one leg and wailed in my back side till I couldn't sit. I have never forgotten that and I stopped playing with matches. I learned that there were consequences for what I was doing and some of them could be quite painful. I know our society is against spanking and now look at what our youth are doing to themselves and each other. Bottom line; How about we teach them that violence is not acceptable and how about we stop supporting the glorification of it in the media?

You can make all the gun laws you want. You can ban certain weapons and magazines until you are blue in the face but it won't stop mass killings. You can tighten the rules and make gun ownership harder ,if it will make you feel better, though the only people that will hurt is legal gun owners, but until you address the real issues, our societies glorification of violence, and very careful changes to mental health laws,as long as there is a way to, and a will to kill, it will happen.

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