Wednesday, October 14, 2015

What if: Missiles in Texas

Imagine this for headlines in the United States.

In the south; residents of Arizona and Texas came under missile fire from the Mexican border for the third time today, a day after Mexican border leaders called for the destruction of both Arizona and Texas because their residents are “Christian” and because they are building more housing in the southern border areas.

In the north; Canadian officials are cheering the recent stabbings and killings of dozens of New Englanders' sighting New England residents are “occupying” the land and are nothing but animalistic “Christians” who deserve nothing but total annihilation.

At the UN; UN leadership condemned the US security forces for the killing of many of those carrying out the attacks in New England, as well as the “disproportionate” response of the Texas and Arizona security forces as they flew into the Mexican border and destroyed several missile batteries.

Earlier today, as the United States tried to appeal to the UN for help in stopping the terrorists at an emergency security council meeting, 90% of the delegates walked out on a visibly angry US representative. When asked by this reporter, most of the delegates blame the US as being an “Apartheid” state and that it was their own fault because they are continuing to build on their own territories.

This is what is happening in Israel.

Every day, from Gaza, missiles are being fired at civilian population centers in southern Israel.
Every day,especially in the last few weeks, there have been literally dozens of attacks on Jewish people, including babies, women and children, by terrorist thugs. They have killed with everything from cars to hatchets, they have killed with rocks and knives, yet when they are killed by Israel security forces for the killing of innocent Jews, Israel is blamed for the violence.

John Kerry came out and said that this is because Israel is building or is threatening to change things on the Temple Mount, yet the fact of the matter is that Hamas, the PA and their leader Abbas, have openly said that they want nothing more than the total destruction of the Jewish people, they don't care one iota about the land, they want to kill and that's what they are doing.

And while this has all been going on the leader of the UN has called for Israel to restrain themselves, this coming after a huge chunk of reps, including our own, walked out on PM Netanyahu when he came to the UN to make his appeal.

As for calling Israel an “Apartheid” state, you need to go back and look at what real “apartheid” was in Africa and then try to explain to me how Israel fits the bill. Israel is willing to let anyone from any background live among them as long as they become citizens and obey the laws. Abbas has said that he will never let any Jew live in his territories, that he would drive out each and everyone, so tell me again about apartheid in Israel.

Go back to my original “headlines”. Would we put up with it if it was happening here? Not likely, so why do we expect Israel to do so? Gutless, cowardice leadership both in the US and the UN only encourages more killing on the part of terrorists. Israel needs to stand up for itself and our leadership should back them, to hell with what the rest of the world thinks.

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