Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Who am I choosing?

Howdy to all who are reading this. It has been a long while since I have written anything to speak of, especially concerning politics, but with fall in the air,school back in session, and the end of tourist season, I thought I might finally add my two cents worth. Though I don't suspect that it will be well received by some yet if I did not speak my mind and opinion I would be remiss.

Earlier in the year I did state my opinion that I did not care for the selection of candidates from either party and was ( and still am ) convinced that out of 330 million people in this nation, that certainly we could do better. I even considered not bothering to vote at all during the general election in November because of my distaste for the two ( not counting the libertarians or others) who were nominated by their parties. I have changed my mind. I will vote and I am going to explain for who and why.

Now in full disclosure, those that actually know me, know that I am a believer in the founders idea of a Constitutional, representative, republic, that the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land and that no one in government, any where, has the right to destroy that. We are not supposed to be answering to them they are supposed to answer to us and do as we tell them not the other way around. Our founders believed in a small federal government with very limited powers and most powers being given to the people and their states. This is what was intended but we have strayed far from that intention.

Over my life time I have watched as the government has become a massive bloated behemoth that has its suction cupped tentacles, deeply attached to all aspects of our lives. There is almost nothing you can do anymore that does not involve government interference in one way or another. Want to fish? You need a government approved license. Want to build a house? The number of permits is staggering. Want to start a small business? Look out for all the taxes and regulations. This is not what our founders intended and this is what I am firmly against.

So ,you might be asking, what party do I support? Neither. One thing I have learned,especially in the last 30 years, there is little to no difference between the parties. You and I might see differently on many political issues but we are people who are fundamentally good warmhearted folks , who genuinely want to see good things happen for all. Not so for those who live in the DC Beltway.

For them it is all about power and control.

This election season has made this quite clear. I have been very skeptical of the last few election cycles of the trustworthiness of the process, noting many cases of voter fraud, things such as dead people voting, more people voting then actually live in an area or all of them (109% in one case) voting for only one candidate, but this session , and we are still a couple of months out from the general election, has already shown us just how corrupt both parties have become.

Lets look at the republicans first. Donald Trump was supposed to be a joke. He was supposed to be a side note, easily dismissed, while the “establishment” republicans rallied around the various, more conservative ( ie establishment) candidates. We all watched as Trump won more and more primaries and the establishment started into panic mode. One by one the candidates dropped out and in the end, the only one still standing was Trump. The establishment tried every dirty trick in the book to take him out and failed. They even threatened to make new rules so that they didn't actually have to nominate him and many of them didn't show up for the convention. Why? Because they couldn't cheat him out of the nomination and they knew it so they simply refuse to support him. Now many establishment republicans won't endorse him and many have said that they would support Mrs. Clinton. Why? Because Trump is a threat to them and the status quo.

Remember it's about power and control.

Now for the democrats. Hillary Clinton was the nominee long before the actual nomination process ever began. I was honestly surprised that any one at all chose to run against her. Mr. Sanders gave it a good run but he was something like 400 super delegates behind before the first primary votes were ever cast. We all know how that turned out, the DNC cheated and made damn sure that she won thus negating millions of votes for Mr. Sanders. Why? Because Mr. Sanders was a threat to them and the status quo.

Remember it's about power and control.

So now lets look at the two candidates starting with Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump is a business man. A rather successful one at that. Some have been critical of the few businesses that he has had that failed or went into bankruptcy while ignoring the 500 plus successful ones world wide. He knows how to create jobs.
He is loud and he can be obnoxious at times, though, in all fairness, so can his opponent.
He speaks his mind and he says what many people believe but haven't said out loud. He says he wants a better, stronger and more secure America.
The one thing he is not; he is not a politician, nor is he racist. If you believe that he is a racist go back and look at his history. He didn't become a racist until he ran against Mrs. Clinton. Just because you want to secure the borders and seriously vet people coming to this country from violent Muslim countries does not make you a racist.
The biggest problem with Trump, at least for me, is that he is an unknown. He can say many things and promise much, but as far as political things go, he has no record.

Now for Mrs. Clinton.

I don't even know where to start with her. As much as Mr. Trump is an unknown, politically speaking, she is well known and that's the problem. She has, as I said earlier this year, more baggage attached to her that can be found at Logan airport in Boston. Corruption, lies and double dealing follow her and,just like her husband before her, she doesn't seem to know what the truth is. I won't spend much time on pointing out how many times she has been investigated, or the fact that she should have been indicted over the emails, or at least fired outright for Benghazi. If it had been you and me that played with Americas secrets to cover for the Clinton foundation, we would be in jail, having said that this also seems to be her strong point. Because she is known and because her base doesn't care what she has done and because she is an insider, politically speaking, she could be a continuation of the status quo. And the powers that be want that.

Remember it's all about power and control.

So what we have is a choice, again politically speaking, between an unknown loudmouth or a known liar. I don't call that much of a choice.

Now also consider for a moment that both the house and senate are up for grabs. Neither one of them, the candidates,will be able to accomplish anything without them and my guess is that no matter who wins, unless they have a majority in both chambers they will not get anything done and even with a majority because neither of them is well liked they still may not get anything done.
The other thing to consider is that the next 20 years or so could be greatly affected as the winner will be able to nominate new members to the supreme court. Sadly, as in the case of the lower courts as well,this has become a political issue. The court was supposed to rule based on the constitution not on their own ideology but it has become very much a huge part of the political force and I am afraid that no matter the outcome of the election many of our rights will be curtailed or eliminated.

So who am I going with?

I am going to have to plug my nose and go with Mr. Trump. I don't trust him, but she absolutely frightens me.

I know that some of you, whom I care about greatly, are not going to understand but at least take a moment and read why.

First; Why Trump?

He is a political unknown. It's kind of scary I admit, but after 50 years of the same people and policies, that have accomplished almost nothing for the common person but has benefited politicians, Wall Street, and big business things need to change.

Just the fact that both the DNC insiders as well as the establishment Republicans, and many prominent big banks and business( think Goldman Sachs) support Hillary tells me that they expect her to continue the status quo and if we ever want anything to change we have to start with her.

He can't be bought. He doesn't need the money. Yes he is filthy rich but that also means he cant be bribed. I am not saying someone won't try. He knows how to run a business and how to create jobs.

He's not a politician.

Trump supports the police and the military as well as disabled vets.

The fact that both the republicans and democrats are afraid of him is enough for me.

There is more but this will suffice for now.

Why not Clinton.
For starters she is an insider and she has the support of establishment democrats and republicans.

She is corrupt and an accomplished liar. This is not speculation or hearsay this is simply the truth. Just what she did with classified material alone is enough to disqualify her for me. I have had a clearance. I would be in the brig right now if I had done the same.

I would not want to be in the military with her in charge. She showed no hesitation in denying help for the people trapped in Benghazi and four people died all to cover up the government running guns to the Syrians via Libya again. Then of course all the lies that followed.

She has stated quite clearly that she will put as many restrictions on the 2nd amendment as she can get away with.

She has stated that she would shut down various conservative sights, stating that they didn't have a right to exist, yes they do ;it's called free speech and a free press. I don't care for Solon or other liberal sights, but they have a right to speak their mind.

According to her, and the DNC as a whole, you don't have a right to your religious beliefs in your own business and that the government has the right to force you to violate your conscience or destroy your livelihood.

She supports Obama Care. Those of you who are suffering under that madness, I don't have to say any more.

She doesn't support Israel.

If elected she will pick more liberal judges for the supreme courts as well as lower courts and much of what we see as freedom, according to the bill of rights anyhow, will either be regulated more or curtailed completely, all part of the world wide socialist/globalist agenda.

The bottom line is that I am not voting for a party.

I am, instead, voting for a real chance at change, and I am voting for the person of whom I believe will honor the Constitution, destroy the status quo. I could be wrong, but I will take my chances with an unknown outsider rather than a known insider.

Either way God help us all we are going to need it.

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