Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Is 70 considered old?

Is 70 considered old? According to Obama care it is.

Not long ago my family and I went to a BBQ put on by one of our friends. One of the things that came up was the health of my friend since we had seen him last and, to say the least it, wasn't good. We had heard, of course, that he had not been well, but we didn't realize just how bad until that night.

I won't tell you his name but I will tell you what I do know about him. He is a 10 year Navy Veteran who served “in country” during Vietnam. Like many other Vietnam vet he was exposed to agent orange and actually had a heart attack at the age of 37 because of exposure.

Since Vietnam, he had his own business for 35 years, successfully raised a family, and has grandchildren. From all I know this is a decent and hard working man who faithfully served his country and has worked hard for all he has.

While in conversation I found out that just before he turned 70 he had another heart attack, this time the damage was bad. In the course of all the paper work that had to be done he went from being on a transplant list to being off of it because he turned 70. He was 69 when he had the attack but then turned 70 shortly there after. The only thing keeping him alive now is two battery packs and a 25 foot extension cord. This comes straight from Obama Care policies.

How is that someone, who is full of life, can be considered “too old” at 70 to have a transplant that they need? Obama Care policies apparently. They determined that rather then a new heart they should place him on a battery pack. What happens if the battery pack fails? He dies with zero chance of ever getting a replacement.

This is the fault of Mr. Obama and the democrat party. It's the policies of “Obama Care” that has made it impossible for him to get any more help, all because he crossed an imaginary line from 69 to 70.

How old are you? I'm 51 with health issues, is this to be my fate as well when I get to 70? Will the government get to decide when I no longer should be cared for? I have a curiosity for life, I want to know what comes next, I don't want some faceless bureaucrat deciding for me when it's my time.

How about your parents? How old are they? Are you willing to let them suffer and die because they hit some artificial age?

This is the second time I have witnessed this happening. If I have seen two recently, how many more times has this happened all over the country?
This is what happens when you live in a society that doesn't value human life and you have a government that's allowed to determine who lives and who dies.

The whole thing makes me sick.

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