Today, while reading through various
web pages and articles, I discovered the real reason that Clinton
lost the election. Apparently it was stupid,uneducated,ignorant and
misinformed voters that put her out and him in. It apparently had
nothing to do with the idea that she was the worst candidate the
democrats could have enthroned or the fact that her and her fans did
little more than smear and trash everyone who disagreed with her.
First let me say, that you should have
gone with Bernie. He had a message that was very popular with the
younger crowds, and those were the very people who didn't show up to
vote for her. I personally believe that had he of won the primary, he
might have been able to beat Trump, but no, the fix was in, many of
your people caught on and said hell no.
Now lets take a moment to discuss the
“stupid, uneducated, ignorant and misinformed voter” of which I
am a proud member.
I am the first to admit that I am not
the sharpest tool in the shed, but stupid? Not hardly. I'm not the
one who fell for the total BS notion that she actually cares
anything, at all,about any of us. I didn't fall the idea of having a
President who has more baggage than Logan airport. I didn't fall for
ignoring all her crimes and all the damage she has done to national
security. Nor did I fall for some ridiculous idea that Trump has to
be a saint.
The “uneducated” You got me there,
I have only had a little college. I don't have a bunch of letters
behind my name ( nor do I have the colossal debt) though I have had a
few titles in front of it, such as Sgt and Rev, but really not a lot
of education in the hallowed halls of academia. However I have gone
to 4 different military schools for 4 different jobs using equipment
and materials that Clinton probably leaked to our enemies. I did MCI
(Marine Corp Institute) classes on my own, and completed the
Corporals school, Sergeants course as well as the Staff NCO course. I
have a stack of of certificates that would blow most peoples minds
away. It has been said that if any of it counted in the “real
world” I would have an easy B.S. Along with all the tech training.
But setting all that aside, just
because someone doesn't have a degree, does not make them stupid or
ignorant. How many of you college educated folks can rebuild a
carburetor? How many of you even know what that is? How many of you
can weld or fix your plumbing or wiring? How many of you even begin
to understand how to build a house? Some of you do, but a vast
majority of you don't. I don't have your education but I know how to
do these things and more, the difference being that I understand that
you don't know these things, and so I don't go out of my to insult
people because they can't, which brings me to my last point.
Stop with the insulting already. You
want to persuade people to your way of thinking? How about open
discussion and discourse. How about conversation and an exchange of
ideas? How about listening to those who disagree with you and trying
to find common ground?
I warned someone ,a few years ago, that
the political winds would change, as they always do, and when that
happened my liberal friends were going to, figuratively, take a
beating. It didn't have to be this way but many liberals have spent
their collective time trashing everything that many Americans hold
sacred and true, insulting instead of discussion, ridicule instead of
open dialogue.
The bottom line is that it wasn't
because the people were stupid,ignorant or just uneducated, it was
because they had had enough of the liberal ,political correct, BS
that the establishment in DC pandered to. They were tired of being
pushed around and ignored, ridiculed for their beliefs and insulted
because they wouldn't fall in line with a globalist agenda. In short
a long sleeping giant was awoken and,quite frankly you brought it on
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