Monday, November 28, 2016

A Recount

For those of you who missed it,especially in light of this coming about during a major holiday weekend, we now have a recount about to begin in three key states; Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, brought to you courtesy of a woman, Jill Stein ,a Green party candidate, who only received about 1% of the vote nation wide, with the accusation, that the system was hacked based on unusual voter patterns in those states. Interestingly enough I just read an article that is suggesting that HRC actually started this process the day after conceding the election sending out as many lawyers and computer gurus as she could to scour the results to see if there was any evidence of hacking or fraud. They admit they have nothing but they are going to go through with it anyhow.

Amazing though is that this woman,Stein, who wasn't able to hardly raise any money for her campaign, suddenly finds herself with the millions of dollars needed to demand a recount, receiving this money over Thanksgiving weekend when most folks are more interested in the turkey and black Friday deals, all over election results that would change nothing for her no matter what was found.

I also find it quite interesting that after three weeks of saying that she was going to accept the outcome of the election, that even though there is no evidence of fraud or tampering , that the Clinton team is going to join forces with her ( they say not financially ) so that all “voices can be heard” because ,after all, she allegedly won the popular vote so we need to be sure. So much for accepting the results.

So why go through all this when they admit they have no proof?

I believe ( tin foil hat time ) that this was a part of the plan all along. They have been talking of the system being hacked by the Russians,since at least spring time, thus setting us up for this very scenario. No one actually believed HRC was going to lose but they set in place an excuse and they chose Stein as their patsy to push this. Not necessarily so HRC can steal the election but to try and bring more doubt on our election process and to try and DE-legitimize the presidency of Mr. Trump.
As someone else has suggested if they can make it so that those electoral votes won't be able to be counted then you wind up with neither candidate having the right amount of electoral votes and so it would have to go to the house and the senate to vote on it in which case, in all likely hood,they would finish the job of electing Trump, and causing even more of a political firestorm.

So,again, whats the point to all of this? Division. Hatred. Confusion. Greed and selfishness.
I believe that HRC likely had this in the works shortly after conceding the race, and because she is a very sad egomaniac who would rather see the country burn to the ground then lose power, she is willing to roll the dice and do as much damage along the way as possible.

So much for the peaceful transition.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Uneducated Voters?

Today, while reading through various web pages and articles, I discovered the real reason that Clinton lost the election. Apparently it was stupid,uneducated,ignorant and misinformed voters that put her out and him in. It apparently had nothing to do with the idea that she was the worst candidate the democrats could have enthroned or the fact that her and her fans did little more than smear and trash everyone who disagreed with her.
First let me say, that you should have gone with Bernie. He had a message that was very popular with the younger crowds, and those were the very people who didn't show up to vote for her. I personally believe that had he of won the primary, he might have been able to beat Trump, but no, the fix was in, many of your people caught on and said hell no.

Now lets take a moment to discuss the “stupid, uneducated, ignorant and misinformed voter” of which I am a proud member.

I am the first to admit that I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but stupid? Not hardly. I'm not the one who fell for the total BS notion that she actually cares anything, at all,about any of us. I didn't fall the idea of having a President who has more baggage than Logan airport. I didn't fall for ignoring all her crimes and all the damage she has done to national security. Nor did I fall for some ridiculous idea that Trump has to be a saint.

The “uneducated” You got me there, I have only had a little college. I don't have a bunch of letters behind my name ( nor do I have the colossal debt) though I have had a few titles in front of it, such as Sgt and Rev, but really not a lot of education in the hallowed halls of academia. However I have gone to 4 different military schools for 4 different jobs using equipment and materials that Clinton probably leaked to our enemies. I did MCI (Marine Corp Institute) classes on my own, and completed the Corporals school, Sergeants course as well as the Staff NCO course. I have a stack of of certificates that would blow most peoples minds away. It has been said that if any of it counted in the “real world” I would have an easy B.S. Along with all the tech training.

But setting all that aside, just because someone doesn't have a degree, does not make them stupid or ignorant. How many of you college educated folks can rebuild a carburetor? How many of you even know what that is? How many of you can weld or fix your plumbing or wiring? How many of you even begin to understand how to build a house? Some of you do, but a vast majority of you don't. I don't have your education but I know how to do these things and more, the difference being that I understand that you don't know these things, and so I don't go out of my to insult people because they can't, which brings me to my last point.

Stop with the insulting already. You want to persuade people to your way of thinking? How about open discussion and discourse. How about conversation and an exchange of ideas? How about listening to those who disagree with you and trying to find common ground?

I warned someone ,a few years ago, that the political winds would change, as they always do, and when that happened my liberal friends were going to, figuratively, take a beating. It didn't have to be this way but many liberals have spent their collective time trashing everything that many Americans hold sacred and true, insulting instead of discussion, ridicule instead of open dialogue.

The bottom line is that it wasn't because the people were stupid,ignorant or just uneducated, it was because they had had enough of the liberal ,political correct, BS that the establishment in DC pandered to. They were tired of being pushed around and ignored, ridiculed for their beliefs and insulted because they wouldn't fall in line with a globalist agenda. In short a long sleeping giant was awoken and,quite frankly you brought it on yourselves.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Is 70 considered old?

Is 70 considered old? According to Obama care it is.

Not long ago my family and I went to a BBQ put on by one of our friends. One of the things that came up was the health of my friend since we had seen him last and, to say the least it, wasn't good. We had heard, of course, that he had not been well, but we didn't realize just how bad until that night.

I won't tell you his name but I will tell you what I do know about him. He is a 10 year Navy Veteran who served “in country” during Vietnam. Like many other Vietnam vet he was exposed to agent orange and actually had a heart attack at the age of 37 because of exposure.

Since Vietnam, he had his own business for 35 years, successfully raised a family, and has grandchildren. From all I know this is a decent and hard working man who faithfully served his country and has worked hard for all he has.

While in conversation I found out that just before he turned 70 he had another heart attack, this time the damage was bad. In the course of all the paper work that had to be done he went from being on a transplant list to being off of it because he turned 70. He was 69 when he had the attack but then turned 70 shortly there after. The only thing keeping him alive now is two battery packs and a 25 foot extension cord. This comes straight from Obama Care policies.

How is that someone, who is full of life, can be considered “too old” at 70 to have a transplant that they need? Obama Care policies apparently. They determined that rather then a new heart they should place him on a battery pack. What happens if the battery pack fails? He dies with zero chance of ever getting a replacement.

This is the fault of Mr. Obama and the democrat party. It's the policies of “Obama Care” that has made it impossible for him to get any more help, all because he crossed an imaginary line from 69 to 70.

How old are you? I'm 51 with health issues, is this to be my fate as well when I get to 70? Will the government get to decide when I no longer should be cared for? I have a curiosity for life, I want to know what comes next, I don't want some faceless bureaucrat deciding for me when it's my time.

How about your parents? How old are they? Are you willing to let them suffer and die because they hit some artificial age?

This is the second time I have witnessed this happening. If I have seen two recently, how many more times has this happened all over the country?
This is what happens when you live in a society that doesn't value human life and you have a government that's allowed to determine who lives and who dies.

The whole thing makes me sick.