Friday, April 28, 2017

Threats to Free Speech

Let me ask a question or two and I really hope that someone will respond in a way that makes sense to me. I admit to being a rather simple minded kind of guy, I like things simple and to the point and as uncomplicated as I can get. So here goes.

If I call you or send you an email and I threaten to do you harm, wouldn't that be considered enough to trigger some sort of investigation by the police?

If, not only do I threaten you, but I send a message to your employer stating that I can't guarantee your safety if you are allowed to go to work, nor could I guarantee the safety of your employers business or his property, wouldn't that be considered to be a threat worthy of investigating by the police?

What if, not only do I make the threat, but I actually follow through with it and trash your building breaking windows and setting things on fire, would that be worth the time to investigate and perhaps to arrest someone?

Or is it OK to do all these things because the person or business being threatened isn't of the right race,religion,sexual orientation or ethnic group?

Is it OK if it's a political party that differs from your own, just because they see things, politically speaking, differently than you?

Other then the email part, this is what the NAZI brown shirts did to those that opposed them, they threatened and attacked those that they either disagreed with or out right hated. They burned and destroyed the property of anyone who opposed them and millions died because they were Jews or Gypsy's or any other group that was not considered to be worthy to them. 50 million died because of them when all was done.

These very things are happening today. College campuses are being threatened because conservative speakers have been invited to give a lecture. In some places riots have broken out and damage has been done. In at least one case an entire parade has been called off, one that has been going on for almost 90 years, because some groups have threatened to do bodily harm to the republican group that was going to have a float in that parade.

Why isn't any of this being investigated?

Why isn't the left calling out these people who are doing it in their name?

Why is it that you are so afraid to hear a differing point of view, so afraid that you have to threaten violence in order to silence conservatives? Or those you disagree with.

Do you really think that conservatives or any one else who disagrees with your point of view are really Nazi's and racists or homophobe?

Is that what you think of me? I am a conservative libertarian, does that make me a Nazi?
If it does, at least in your mind, it isn't going to change mine.

When was the last time you heard of any conservative group rioting and shutting down speech they find offensive? Try never.

Years back, after a very heated debate with several people, I warned that if you don't support the right of free speech, even speech that you loathe, there would come a day when it would be gone. If this is what you hope for just remember your speech will be silenced as well because there will be no one left to defend you when yours become politically incorrect.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

War And Speech

I was planning on staying out of politics. I am not sure that I can. Much is going on in the world and in our country and as much as I would like to ignore it all I find I can't. Two things have really caught my attention and, as libertarian or a non party supporting person, I have to speak my mind, even if no one out there will pay any attention.

We are a nation on the verge of changing forever. Free speech is no longer being tolerated, and we are a nation that is about to get ourselves in a much bigger war than we have been in in a long time.

First free speech. Any of you,who actually know me, will already know that I am a big fan of free speech, and the constitution as a whole. I even support the free speech rights of hate groups and those of other political or religious affiliations that I disagree with. Free speech is supposed to be just that free speech. There are many however that seem to disagree with that notion. They only seem to support that which they agree with or find non offensive as forms of legitimate speech. Worse yet this is being pushed by administrators and teachers all over the country and is being egged on by those of a more leftist political nature. It makes me sad and I fear for our country.
I want to know, and this is for you on the left, what are you afraid of? Many years back it was your side of the political spectrum that was clamoring for more free speech, Berkeley, California, has been touted over the years as being the modern birth place of free speech, what happened? Did you suddenly all become cowards with a serious lack of intestinal fortitude? This has spread now all over the country,especially on college campuses, where anyone conservative,who has been invited to speak, is greeted by screaming mobs and violence, where many times they can't speak because of said violence.
If this is your idea of free speech and exchange of ideas then you are embracing fascism, the idea of shutting down those that you disagree with, the very thing that you accuse the right of doing. But it doesn't stop there, it gets personal. I heard time and again, in particular from politicians, and left leaning partisan groups, as they have made personal attacks against those few in the media or politics who actually claim to be of a conservative bent. It's not that they are attacking their policies as they are demonizing the individual and then trying hard to hammer them into submission, something straight out the Saul Alinsky play book. Demonize your enemy and isolate them, embarrass them, humiliate them etc.
I am not any sort of politician but I have dealt with some the same kind of thing, albeit on a smaller scale, but I have dealt with it. I was debating with an individual about an Obama policy( sorry I don't remember which one) when the individual could no longer answer me back with facts, they started to insult everything about me,calling me nothing more than a “useless sperm donor” and insulting my family, simply because I would not agree with their left sided view of the issue. In this case, while I still agree the individual had the right to say what they will, what did that accomplish? It sure didn't change my point of view and it damaged a long friendship.
What surprises me though is how many people, on either sides of the political spectrum,people that I know make a living from free speech, that are being silent on the issue. Why? If only one side of a debate or only one point of view, and that being what is considered to be politically correct, is the only thought or speech allowed then you will have effectively shut down free speech and turned everyone into little more than bobble headed robots. There will be literal hell to pay for that.

The second thing is this push for war in N. Korea and possibly Syria
I have been married for 27 years and during virtually all that time, we have either been at war or in a state of readiness for war. We have been on a war footing. Now the drums are beating again but this time, there actually seems to be support for this. Both sides of the aisle as well as many in the media seem to think that this is a good idea all of a sudden. Why? Yes the North Korean dictator is weasel and ought to be wrested out of his personal chicken coop, but is he worth starting WW3? No one seems to be paying attention to the fact that N. Korea borders, China, that has troops on the border, Russia, who has just brought up troops to it's border, as well as us, the S. Koreans and Japan. That's a lot of armament,as well as potential Nuclear fire power, all concentrated in one place. Has it occurred to anyone that perhaps the Russians and the Chinese are looking for an excuse to go to war with us? Just because China SEEMS to be playing ball, with they still stay silent once the bullets start flying? What about Russia? We have been having many confrontations with them both politically and militarily in various parts of the world to include the Alaskan coast and Syria, isn't even remotely possible that they could take this opportunity to hit us somewhere else if not there? Have we become so arrogant, by we I mean our politicians, that we believe that someone won't hit us back eventually? I am not saying that NK isn't a threat, they are, but I am really hoping that someone can come up with a better idea than bombs and bullets.

The eroding of our liberties and the constant beat of war will eventually destroy us all.

Friday, February 3, 2017

War on Progressives

I am declaring war on progressives. You are NOT liberals ,you are communists, Nazi's, and anarchists. I am not speaking of a shooting war but a war of words. You are nothing more than the very things you have tried to say about Trump supporters,or anyone even vaguely on the right.

A question first: Where did this dumb idea, that if you disagree with someone's point of view, that you are some how nothing but hateful? That you are some how phobic of everything? Are you so brain dead that you can't disagree with some one with out thinking they are simply filled with hate? My wife and I have been married for 26 years and we still don't agree on everything, but that doesn't mean that there is hate, we just disagree.

Moving on.

It has been suggested in the past that some of my writing seemed mean spirited or angry even. Well you are about to get it in spades but a small bit of explanation is needed first.

Why would I suggest that today's liberals are not real liberals? It's simple really, the liberals that I have known over the years were people who believed in free speech and dissent,with out violence, who wanted less government intrusion into our lives, while caring for the poor and wretched among us out of their own pockets and hearts, not via the government. They were a people of honest intellectuals who were willing to discuss differing ideas and opinions, coming to terms with the idea that not everyone shared the same opinion, and they had great taste in music. I used to be one of those people for the most part.

Today the so called “liberal” is an insult to real liberals, in fact liberal is not the right word for them, the right word is “progressives.”

Progressives are in fact nothing more than repackaged socialists/communist. Period. In fact you are more Nazi's then all of us you tried to accuse of being just that.

You say bullshyte perhaps? When was the last time you saw a conservative group burn down buildings or start riots because they didn't like who was speaking? Try never.

This is nothing more than an attempt by well disguised Nazi's and communists to take over this country.

Go and look at history if you don't believe me. I'm sorry, I know they don't actually teach history any more so you may have to work at this a bit, but it is still true.

The Nazi's liked to burn down buildings and destroy anyone of who they considered to be a threat, groups of them would gang up on individuals and neighborhoods and burn them down because they didn't like the religion or politics of those people.

The communist revolution in Russia started with the so called intellectual elites at the universities and spread out from there.

Ironically enough,especially with those who originally embraced communism, the so called “intellectuals” who supported it, were some of the first to be executed as were millions of other dissenters.

Today this has started in grade schools, government sponsored socialism is your friend, and is now becoming evident at the college level, people who don't know history are being egged on by some intellectuals who haven't learned, or don't really care, the hard truth about history that Communism kills. Facism kills.

Most recently at Berkeley ( the modern day founders of free speech and expression, ironically enough) students have been rioting over free speech issues of a gay/Jewish/libertarian, visa holding, Brit, Named Milo Y ( not going to attempt the spelling of the last name at the moment) and why is that? Because he holds a differing view than is allowed, apparently, for a gay Jewish man to have. According to his critics, his speech is hate speech! Really? Have you actually listened to anything that he has said? I have, he is a bit flamboyant for my taste,but where is he lying? What part is considered to be hate speech? More importantly who cares if it is?

Please explain to me where in the first amendment that all speech is allowed except for that which is hateful? It's not there.

Some would say to me this is true but there are consequences for that speech, really? So in your pathetic little mind, it's OK to threaten the life of somebody because they disagree with your point of view? Your telling me that a little anarchy and destruction is OK as long as it's reserved for conservatives?

If you believe this you are pathetic and you are the problem.

But this is traditionally how revolutions began during the last century, you get to the students and dumb them down, then you convince them that free speech and religion is nothing but evil incarnate, you get them all riled up so they start rioting and you disarm the citizenry so they can't defend themselves or if they get vocal in their disagreement you shut them down in any way necessary, by all means necessary. Any of this sound remotely familiar to you?

And, while I am on such a roll, I have to commend the brave little snowflakes who can come out in mass to commit acts of violence and destruction and yet have the nerve to run away to their teddy bear infested “safe spaces” so they don't have to be offended by mean words; you are nothing but cowards and the people that egg you on are worse than cowards.

I thank God (quick run to your safe space) that I live near several military bases. I see men and women of every color and creed, every day standing at the gate ,and the front lines of defense, who may be millennial by birth but they are far from being snowflakes. It gives me small hope that not all is lost.

I have tried my best to walk a fine line between political points of view, always looking at both sides and comparing it to what the Constitution says, well I can't any more. It has become very clear to me that those on the left, the powers that be anyhow, do not support, and will not defend, the Constitution or the Bill of rights, so as such I won't ever again even tolerate your views and I will treat you as hostile just as you have treated me and my points of view.

Disregard me if you will, but make no mistake I'm not alone in my thinking, I am just saying it louder than most.