I was planning on staying out of
politics. I am not sure that I can. Much is going on in the world and
in our country and as much as I would like to ignore it all I find I
can't. Two things have really caught my attention and, as
libertarian or a non party supporting person, I have to speak my
mind, even if no one out there will pay any attention.
We are a nation on the verge of
changing forever. Free speech is no longer being tolerated, and we
are a nation that is about to get ourselves in a much bigger war than
we have been in in a long time.
First free speech. Any of you,who
actually know me, will already know that I am a big fan of free
speech, and the constitution as a whole. I even support the free
speech rights of hate groups and those of other political or
religious affiliations that I disagree with. Free speech is supposed
to be just that free speech. There are many however that seem to
disagree with that notion. They only seem to support that which they
agree with or find non offensive as forms of legitimate speech. Worse
yet this is being pushed by administrators and teachers all over the
country and is being egged on by those of a more leftist political
nature. It makes me sad and I fear for our country.
I want to know, and this is for you on
the left, what are you afraid of? Many years back it was your side of
the political spectrum that was clamoring for more free speech,
Berkeley, California, has been touted over the years as being the
modern birth place of free speech, what happened? Did you suddenly
all become cowards with a serious lack of intestinal fortitude? This
has spread now all over the country,especially on college campuses,
where anyone conservative,who has been invited to speak, is greeted
by screaming mobs and violence, where many times they can't speak
because of said violence.
If this is your idea of free speech and
exchange of ideas then you are embracing fascism, the idea of
shutting down those that you disagree with, the very thing that you
accuse the right of doing. But it doesn't stop there, it gets
personal. I heard time and again, in particular from politicians, and
left leaning partisan groups, as they have made personal attacks
against those few in the media or politics who actually claim to be
of a conservative bent. It's not that they are attacking their
policies as they are demonizing the individual and then trying hard
to hammer them into submission, something straight out the Saul
Alinsky play book. Demonize your enemy and isolate them, embarrass
them, humiliate them etc.
I am not any sort of politician but I
have dealt with some the same kind of thing, albeit on a smaller
scale, but I have dealt with it. I was debating with an individual
about an Obama policy( sorry I don't remember which one) when the
individual could no longer answer me back with facts, they started to
insult everything about me,calling me nothing more than a “useless
sperm donor” and insulting my family, simply because I would not
agree with their left sided view of the issue. In this case, while I
still agree the individual had the right to say what they will, what
did that accomplish? It sure didn't change my point of view and it
damaged a long friendship.
What surprises me though is how many
people, on either sides of the political spectrum,people that I know
make a living from free speech, that are being silent on the issue.
Why? If only one side of a debate or only one point of view, and that
being what is considered to be politically correct, is the only
thought or speech allowed then you will have effectively shut down
free speech and turned everyone into little more than bobble headed
robots. There will be literal hell to pay for that.
The second thing is this push for war
in N. Korea and possibly Syria
I have been married for 27 years and
during virtually all that time, we have either been at war or in a
state of readiness for war. We have been on a war footing. Now the
drums are beating again but this time, there actually seems to be
support for this. Both sides of the aisle as well as many in the
media seem to think that this is a good idea all of a sudden. Why?
Yes the North Korean dictator is weasel and ought to be wrested out
of his personal chicken coop, but is he worth starting WW3? No one
seems to be paying attention to the fact that N. Korea borders,
China, that has troops on the border, Russia, who has just brought up
troops to it's border, as well as us, the S. Koreans and Japan.
That's a lot of armament,as well as potential Nuclear fire power, all
concentrated in one place. Has it occurred to anyone that perhaps the
Russians and the Chinese are looking for an excuse to go to war with
us? Just because China SEEMS to be playing ball, with they still stay
silent once the bullets start flying? What about Russia? We have been
having many confrontations with them both politically and militarily
in various parts of the world to include the Alaskan coast and Syria,
isn't even remotely possible that they could take this opportunity to
hit us somewhere else if not there? Have we become so arrogant, by we
I mean our politicians, that we believe that someone won't hit us
back eventually? I am not saying that NK isn't a threat, they are,
but I am really hoping that someone can come up with a better idea
than bombs and bullets.
The eroding of our liberties and the
constant beat of war will eventually destroy us all.
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