Friday, December 11, 2020

Don't threaten me.


I am not a violent person, this must be understood before I say anything else. I have had occasions where I have had to live violently but as a whole I prefer peace and quiet. Having said that I am getting a bit tired of some of the donkey persuasion threatening violence on those of us who have, and still do support the current elephant in charge. For 8 years under the last donkey, those that are elephants didn't loot and burn neighborhoods and businesses because we were upset with the outcome of the election, we didn't threaten folks with violence and we didn't go all up into their personal spaces and get ugly with them. For the last 4 years we have been called every name in the book, and in this last year and especially since this last election we have been threatened with actual violence from the peace loving donkeys to include politicians.
Let me state again I am not a violent person ( this primarily for the FB thugs who may choose to censor this or me, communist much hmmmm) but don't threaten me. Or my family and friends. For the most part I stay in the background and observe, it takes a lot to get me into a place where I am comfortable around a lot of people, but never take my silence, or preference for the shadows, as being complacent. If you and yours come after me and mine, you will see a level of insane crazy that you wouldn't think I am capable of. I may not be able to stop a mob from attacking but I can promise you that I will slow you down considerably. This is not a threat it is simply fact.

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