Saturday, January 9, 2021

Taking the flag down


I'm thinking about taking down my flag. I haven't done it yet but I'm considering it. The reason? We are not the United States any more. Really we haven't been for some years now but the last two months or so have really finished it off.

Not really sure as to what flag I should fly. Should it be a google flag or FB, maybe twitter? Maybe one of the media giants? I know!! China!! Everyone in DC is in bed with them so hey, why not join the fun!

No, I have one that's even better!! We'll call it the “false flag” and we will have a picture of a tail wagging the dog on it. Our motto will be “fool me twice.”

Folks, I don't care what side of the aisle you are on, there are two things you need to understand.

First; there aren't “sides of the aisle” there is just one aisle. Second is that we are being played, once again, to keep us at each other.

Have any of you watched any of the video and audio that came from Wednesday's so called “Trump Supporter” riot ? If you are watching the MSM probably not. Go do a search for them, if they haven't been censored yet, and pay close attention to what happened. If they were rioting , why did the capital police open the doors and let them in? The videos are out there just go look. Why would Trump supporters, who are in favor of the police, suddenly become violent to the police? Why would all the police, of whom you can see in the background , just stand there, if this was an actual riot? If these people were terrorists or were actually attempting sedition, why didn't the snipers take them out. If all this is legit where was the secret service? Where was all the normal security protocols? Why was it that members of congress, the media, and police were warned that BLM and Anitfa were going to infiltrate the rally and yet did almost nothing to protect congress? The list of questions can go on and on.

The bottom line is this was a set up , false flag event, that everyone knew was coming. We all have been played and they will use this as a pretext to clamp down on us , and by us, I mean all us peons no matter your view. Don't believe it? Lets take a short trip down memory lane then.

The Spanish American war was started over the blowing up of the USS Maine in Havana, Cuba. Americans were told that the Spanish government had blown it up and got the people so wound up that they clamored for war. Later it was discovered that the ship had exploded from the inside due to likely a spark in the magazine hold. But none the less we had Cuba and the Philippines.

This tactic has been used for every war we have been in since then. Have a false flag event or an event that they knew was coming but didn't stop ( think Pearl Harbor) get the people angry at the alleged enemy and clamor for war.

9/11 was used as an excuse to limit our personal rights. The patriot act was supposed to only last 5 years and gave away many of our privacy rights then sent many of us off to endless war. 20 years later it hasn't gone away.

Don't think for a minute that this wasn't a false flag. They ( the powers that be) have an agenda and that agenda is globalism/socialism and they will take an event like this to crush our rights even further, don't believe it, look at all the folks who, in one day, have been banned for life on social media for having views differing from the “accepted” views. For essentially speaking their minds.

My flag will stay up for now but I'm not sure there is a point to it anymore.

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