Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Glorious Revolution


Good afternoon comrades! The glorious revolution of the social democrat society is now in full swing and on total display!! We no longer have to hide in the shadows! With our glorious fearless leader wielding his pen, much like our ancestors would have used a sword, our future transition to the elite, dictatorial,one man ( soon to be one woman) rule will be complete. Soon our founding documents, such as that pesky constitution, will be null and void and all of our history and founders left in the trash heap of irrelevance because of our newly lighted path to perfection as dictated to us by our glorious leaders in the socialist technocratic party!!

I wonder how much of the above paragraph offends? More importantly, I wonder how many of you, if your allowed to read this at all, believe that this is a glorious time?

I have kept quiet for the last two weeks watching as a senile old man ( no, not Bernie, though he has cool mittens ) has gone on a rampage signing executive orders, signing more then the last 5 presidents combined, that has literally killed thousands of jobs, with many more to come, all while allegedly saying he wants unity??

And while this glorious revolution is taking place his folks at the DOJ have decided that all of us who might even think that something was wrong with the election, or we might be Christian or Jewish conservatives, or have the nerve to believe that a biological male is well, male, we are likely terrorists.

While this is going on the talking heads in the MSM are suggesting that we need to be, at the very least, “reeducated” if not interned somewhere in a FEMA camp until we comply with what they tell us to believe, and the technocrats are censoring folks over their speech and ideas to the cheers of our comrades in the socialist technocratic government.

The 1st amendment guarantees the right to free speech. It doesn't say that you have the right to not be offended, in fact it was written especially for those that do offend you. I may not agree with you on something, but I will defend your right to say it, and it used to be that the liberals in this country were all about free speech for all. Apparently that has gone the way of our republic as well, being replaced by conformity to what we tell you is truth.

My question to all of you who think this is all good, just a quick question, what are you going to do when they come for you? In every revolution, everyone who is seen as any kind of threat gets eliminated, today it's likely to be a conservative or a religious entity. Tomorrow it will be the “intellectuals” or those who think they are elite. If they even consider for a moment that you are a threat you will be next. The Soviet Union, China, NAZI Germany, as well as many others have shown that you go after those you consider an immediate threat first, then you take out the rest.

One last question: if your argument is sound ,and based on facts, why are you so afraid of debate? Why do you wall yourself in and use the military like it's your own guard? What are the technocrats afraid of that they have to censor people? If your argument is sound then let us debate on the merits of the ideas not suppress them.

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