Saturday, March 20, 2021

What Was The Point?


Right now, even as I write this, I should be at a ice fishing derby, as you can guess,obviously, I am not there. No, I am home dealing with the inner demons of war time memory, not really wanting to be around people.

This year it is especially hard. I'm guessing it has much to do with the stress that has been added to everyday life for the past year, as I have witnessed the eroding, rather quickly, of the freedoms that once made the United States the envy of the world and the people being meekly compliant. Not everyone mind you, but enough of the majority of peoples, so as to appear to be everyone.

Which brings me back to the memories of war. I have to ask several questions the first ,and most obvious, is; what was the point? What was accomplished? We certainly didn't go there to win, if we had, with all our technology, it would have been over in 6 months or less. It seems we haven't fought a war to win and truly free people since WW2.

So, again, what was the point? We certainly didn't go because they were of any real threat to us and our way of life and we have become a nation that really doesn't care about it's own freedoms and the constitution that guarantees those God given rights to us.

Since 9/1/1 and the founding of “The Patriot Act” we have steadily given our liberties away, time and again, allegedly for safety. Are you feeling especially safe? Are you enjoying the attack on your freedoms? Do you really enjoy the government regulating every aspect of your life?

Again; what was the point? This past year, and especially in the last couple of months, I have watched as the donkeys, with the assistance of big tech and the media, utterly destroy some of our basic liberties, especially if you don't see things their way, that would have made Stalin proud. We don't like what you have to say so we will silence you. We don't like your religious beliefs so we are going to silence you. We don't like the fact that you own a gun so we are going to take them away through back door methods and the list goes on.

Tell me, what gives the donkeys and the alleged elephant wanna be's the right to do all this?

What was the point in fighting a war to allegedly free people, when we are willingly giving away ours?

Where are the people, in the individual states, that are going to say no, you are not going to do this, you are not allowed? The Constitution is quite clear that the federal government has limited power and that all other powers belong to the individual states. See amendment 10

So once again I ask the simplistic of questions; What was the point? For the rest of my life, I will have to live with the faces and memories of all those who died in combat, young men who were in their prime, cut down in ways that I won't describe here, and those who suffered after, and gave in to their inner demons becoming the 22.

So, finally, I ask, and this is for all veterans since the Korean war, what was the point? If Americans are going to meekly surrender their collective rights, what was the point in trying to “liberate” countries and give them rights that are quickly being taken away?

What was the point.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Butt Hurt


Let us set aside the politics of the day and instead speak of being “butt hurt.” Perhaps “butt hurt” is a new term for you so I will try to explain. “Butt Hurt” is another way of essentially saying that you are offended by something that someone else has said, or done, and you want to whine or yell about it. It is usually experienced by those who are not accustomed to others having a differing opinion than their own, and having the nerve of expressing it, either vocally or in writing. This,of course, is a rather loose translation but for this purpose, uncle Iggy's condensed version will do.

A few days ago I posted to my blog and on FB my opinion and views on the so called “Equality Act” I am not here to rehash it, if you wish to read it feel free, if not that's fine, we still live in a partially free society where you are allowed to make those kinds of decisions, so trust me I won't be “butt hurt” either way.

Having said that apparently I did “butt hurt” someone. Worse was that it was at least the second time in the last few months, though I suspect I have done so many times, they just weren't vocal about it until now. This is not an apology for that. I am too old to care if I have “butt hurt” someone because of my views. If you don't like what I have to say you can actually do this weird thing called “scrolling right on by” it's not tough. I do it all the time.

What makes this “butt hurt” so strange is that said individual had “de friended” me some time ago because of a past “butt hurt” but still decided to read what I posted publicly recently. Sorry I don't get that. When I know that someone is likely to be posting something I am not going to like, I find it easier to just go on by, like an adult should do, and move on.

Sadly I don't think this individual understands this concept. Said individual lives in a world that seems to be filled with folks that agree with said individual and the individuals world view on everything and I am not sure said individual knows what it's like to have folks around who disagree with that world view.

I am blessed. I have a large diversity of friends who have various religious back grounds and political views. Many of us don't see eye to eye about a great number of things but some how we can debate a subject, disagree with each other, and still have a beer and a burger with out being “butt hurt.”

So let me simplify this for the two or three of you who might actually read my ramblings. I am all about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I do not care for any legislation that gives preferential treatment for one group over another, in violation of the Constitution, or that takes away a God given right from one group because the other group doesn't like it or is “ butt hurt” over it.

Simply put if you don't like what I write, and are easily “butt hurt” then just scroll on by, I'm OK with that, and we can go and have that burger later.

Monday, March 1, 2021

What equality?


This message is mostly directed at my Christian and Jewish friends as well as any Muslims that I am not aware of. A simple question: When are you going to stand up and defend yourselves from the full court press of the government and the media? Where are the feminists? Where are the alleged conservatives that believe in the constitution, or is that just something you say when it's convenient and you want to make political points?

If you belong to any of the above groups or are a simple patriot then you should be concerned about the so called “equality act”

This isn't about equality, it's about shutting you down if you believe differently then what is considered to be politically correct.

If you believe that there are only two sexes then this bill bans you from acting upon that belief if you are any kind of public institutions, especially in churches and church schools. If you speak out against the idea of biological males being in women locker rooms and showers and competing against girls then you have just become the latest form of bigot.

Free speech and expression dies with this bill, religious beliefs are censored, and women get pushed aside, all to allegedly protect 0.6 percent of the population who are clearly suffering from a mental disorder.

I realize that for some of you who are Christian, you see this as the end times or end of days and you believe that this is inevitable, so you remain silent hoping for a better world to come, well I call BS on you. Your job, least the way I remember it, is to save as many souls as possible. How do you do that if you just lay down and die? If you don't stand up for your rights who will? How about it ,Jews? Muslims? Same question. If you give up your rights to speak and believe as you will how long do you think your religions will last?

And I truly don't understand how feminists can just sit back and watch 50 years , or more, of progress get destroyed at the stroke of a pen. What is wrong with you?

Perhaps you voted for the knuckleheads allegedly running the show, perhaps you think that the RHINOS in the senate will will stop this, well I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you.

But I will say this point blankly, if you did vote for them, just remember ,when the debating for this bill was going on, while one courageous congressmen was speaking against this bill, using scripture and commentary, one very prominent house member spoke up and said that the “will of God was of no concern to the house.”

This tells me all I need to know about the bill, and our government as a whole, science be dammed, religion be damned, the will of the people be damned, the constitution be damned, and lastly the will of God be damned.

If you truly want to make this world a better place then you need to speak out for all people and defend your freedoms and liberties.

Stand up for yourselves before total darkness wins.