Sunday, March 7, 2021

Butt Hurt


Let us set aside the politics of the day and instead speak of being “butt hurt.” Perhaps “butt hurt” is a new term for you so I will try to explain. “Butt Hurt” is another way of essentially saying that you are offended by something that someone else has said, or done, and you want to whine or yell about it. It is usually experienced by those who are not accustomed to others having a differing opinion than their own, and having the nerve of expressing it, either vocally or in writing. This,of course, is a rather loose translation but for this purpose, uncle Iggy's condensed version will do.

A few days ago I posted to my blog and on FB my opinion and views on the so called “Equality Act” I am not here to rehash it, if you wish to read it feel free, if not that's fine, we still live in a partially free society where you are allowed to make those kinds of decisions, so trust me I won't be “butt hurt” either way.

Having said that apparently I did “butt hurt” someone. Worse was that it was at least the second time in the last few months, though I suspect I have done so many times, they just weren't vocal about it until now. This is not an apology for that. I am too old to care if I have “butt hurt” someone because of my views. If you don't like what I have to say you can actually do this weird thing called “scrolling right on by” it's not tough. I do it all the time.

What makes this “butt hurt” so strange is that said individual had “de friended” me some time ago because of a past “butt hurt” but still decided to read what I posted publicly recently. Sorry I don't get that. When I know that someone is likely to be posting something I am not going to like, I find it easier to just go on by, like an adult should do, and move on.

Sadly I don't think this individual understands this concept. Said individual lives in a world that seems to be filled with folks that agree with said individual and the individuals world view on everything and I am not sure said individual knows what it's like to have folks around who disagree with that world view.

I am blessed. I have a large diversity of friends who have various religious back grounds and political views. Many of us don't see eye to eye about a great number of things but some how we can debate a subject, disagree with each other, and still have a beer and a burger with out being “butt hurt.”

So let me simplify this for the two or three of you who might actually read my ramblings. I am all about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I do not care for any legislation that gives preferential treatment for one group over another, in violation of the Constitution, or that takes away a God given right from one group because the other group doesn't like it or is “ butt hurt” over it.

Simply put if you don't like what I write, and are easily “butt hurt” then just scroll on by, I'm OK with that, and we can go and have that burger later.

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