Saturday, March 20, 2021

What Was The Point?


Right now, even as I write this, I should be at a ice fishing derby, as you can guess,obviously, I am not there. No, I am home dealing with the inner demons of war time memory, not really wanting to be around people.

This year it is especially hard. I'm guessing it has much to do with the stress that has been added to everyday life for the past year, as I have witnessed the eroding, rather quickly, of the freedoms that once made the United States the envy of the world and the people being meekly compliant. Not everyone mind you, but enough of the majority of peoples, so as to appear to be everyone.

Which brings me back to the memories of war. I have to ask several questions the first ,and most obvious, is; what was the point? What was accomplished? We certainly didn't go there to win, if we had, with all our technology, it would have been over in 6 months or less. It seems we haven't fought a war to win and truly free people since WW2.

So, again, what was the point? We certainly didn't go because they were of any real threat to us and our way of life and we have become a nation that really doesn't care about it's own freedoms and the constitution that guarantees those God given rights to us.

Since 9/1/1 and the founding of “The Patriot Act” we have steadily given our liberties away, time and again, allegedly for safety. Are you feeling especially safe? Are you enjoying the attack on your freedoms? Do you really enjoy the government regulating every aspect of your life?

Again; what was the point? This past year, and especially in the last couple of months, I have watched as the donkeys, with the assistance of big tech and the media, utterly destroy some of our basic liberties, especially if you don't see things their way, that would have made Stalin proud. We don't like what you have to say so we will silence you. We don't like your religious beliefs so we are going to silence you. We don't like the fact that you own a gun so we are going to take them away through back door methods and the list goes on.

Tell me, what gives the donkeys and the alleged elephant wanna be's the right to do all this?

What was the point in fighting a war to allegedly free people, when we are willingly giving away ours?

Where are the people, in the individual states, that are going to say no, you are not going to do this, you are not allowed? The Constitution is quite clear that the federal government has limited power and that all other powers belong to the individual states. See amendment 10

So once again I ask the simplistic of questions; What was the point? For the rest of my life, I will have to live with the faces and memories of all those who died in combat, young men who were in their prime, cut down in ways that I won't describe here, and those who suffered after, and gave in to their inner demons becoming the 22.

So, finally, I ask, and this is for all veterans since the Korean war, what was the point? If Americans are going to meekly surrender their collective rights, what was the point in trying to “liberate” countries and give them rights that are quickly being taken away?

What was the point.

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