Monday, July 26, 2021

VA Stab


So now the VA is getting in on the act of forcing their staff to get stabbed. Wow.

For those of you who don't know the VA is usually quite short handed. Plenty of bureaucrat types, not enough hands on folks, doctors and nurses and others like that and now you want to make it even worse?

How will it get worse? Nurses and doctors will leave. Not everyone is drinking the cool aid and many don't like the idea of being forced so they will quit.

If this stab is so safe, why haven't all medical types gotten it? Is it because they can see and read for themselves and come to a reasonable conclusion that perhaps this isn't in their best interest ? Perhaps they don't like the idea of all the side effects , including death, that have been happening all over the world? Perhaps they might even believe that the risk of the bug is considerably less? Perhaps they have religious reasons? Perhaps some are allergic to the compounds in the stab? Who knows what the reasons are, but my overall question is; if it is so safe, which I personally don't believe, why do you have to force it on everyone? Shouldn't it sell itself on it's own merits?

Look if you want the stab, please be my guest, no one is going to stop you, but I think it's a violation, somewhere close to rape, to force people into a choice of taking a risk with an unproven drug with, unknown consequences in the long run, or loosing your livelihood.

So whats next? Are they going to tell vets that they can't get service unless they get stabbed? Won't matter I suppose because they will be short handed anyhow...

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Tech And The Swamp Monsters


While originally trying to post this on fb, I quite literally saw it get taken down as I was posting it, so I am trying this from a different direction and hope that it sticks.

I have been surprised by the lack of attention that a few comments by by the mouth piece of the grumpy one, and some of what the grumpy one himself has said, has garnished.

We all know that the swamp creatures have been spying and trying to censor us for many a moon but now they openly admit it. They openly admit to using the “platforms” or putting pressure on those platforms, to censure what they deem as “misinformation.”

Last I knew, if the swamp animals, especially the head beast and his minions, were trying to force the issue of censorship on anyone that would be considered a violation of the first amendment.

The first amendment has never been about speech or wording that is acceptable. It has always been about speech that you might find offensive or even believe to be totally false. Even if it's considered “misinformation” by the swamp ( something they never really define other then to say it doesn't meet their collective, pc agenda) it is still allowed by the first amendment.

Some might suggest that the “platforms” are allowed to do as they please and censor as they will, and they can, however once they start going down this road, which they have been for a while now, then they are no longer a protected neutral platforms, they have become editors and therefore are subject to the same laws that other publishing companies and editors are faced with.

Of course I know this won't ever happen. No one in the swamp, with a few notable exceptions, wish to make enemies of the “platform” folks because, Ironies of all Ironies, they will get censored or out right banned.

So both are in violation of the the first amendment because they are working hand in hand and if no one, other then a few small voices like mine, are going to speak up in defense of this right, we might as well give it all up and surrender to the Mao land brothers who have made all this possible.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Trail Of Tears

As most of you who are reading this know, there has been quite a concerted effort ,by the donkeys, to push for Marxism and socialism, believing , rather foolishly I might add, that somehow a bigger more intrusive government, controlling all aspects of our lives, is somehow a thing to desire. Even as they are pushing this notion of “soft socialism” Cubans are rebelling against their communist overlords and gangs are taking over, with the approval of the communist regime, the streets of Venezuela. But for the moment let us ignore all of those pesky facts, let us forget of the oppression going on of minorities in Mao land or the millions of deaths caused by every socialist dictator since the soviet revolution, let us instead focus closer to home.

As most of you know by now my wife and I have moved to Missouri. Saturday was a very warm sunny day and we decided to take a hike along part of the “Trail Of Tears” which passes through the town we live in. I took pictures of the river, and the trees, and it was all so peaceful, the path was clear and the various markers, explaining what went on and memorializing it, I thought was quite well done. However it also got me to thinking; here is what happens when you let the government take complete control of your life or they force the issue at gunpoint.

In 1830, under President Andrew Jackson, congress approved ( with the lone exception of David Crockett) “The Indian Act” forcing all the native peoples from their lands in Florida and Georgia and the Carolina's, among other places, onto reservations in what is now known as Oklahoma. Over the course of about 15 years estimates are somewhere between 45 thousand to 75 thousand were forcibly removed and led by the army, and local militias, on a long march that brought them onto “Federal Land” otherwise known as reservations. It is written that thousands died along the way and more died of disease and illness shortly after their arrival all because a few powerful people wanted them removed and they had the power and the control.

This is a part of American history, this is fact. Give the government the control and they will destroy you and your world.

It used to be that the left was against the very idea of bigger government. Peace, love, and rock in roll was the mantra of the day. To be left alone by “the man” was the ultimate goal. Somehow this has become switched into thinking that “the man” is the only thing that can help you. The left used to point out these kinds of historical events to prove the point that big government is bad. Now they ignore the history because ,for them, it has become about total control.

I don't understand. Why would you willingly give up your freedoms and liberties for total control by the government. Ask your self this simple question; If socialism is so great why do so many people, in the countries controlled by the socialist/communist, risk life and limb to come to the US? What makes anyone think that because we try it it's going to come out better then it has for the past one hundred years or so? And what makes many of you ,who are intellectuals, educated, or famous, believe that you won't be immune to the inevitable purge of those that the powers that be believe to be dangerous to their control? It has happened every time it's been tried, maybe not immediately, but it does and will happen eventually to you. This is what you want?

If you don't believe it can and will happen ask a Cuban or Chinese refugee or better yet go local and ask the descendants of the Natives that survived the “Trail Of Tears” just how well that worked out for them.


Sunday, July 11, 2021

Door to Door


Well I have heard a rumor that the head donkey, brainless as he seems to be, wants to send out folks to go door to door to try and push for more folks to get stabbed. He seems to be under some sort of delusion, I know, that's an everyday thing with him, that folks aren't getting stabbed because of a lack of info or some sort of lack of available stabbers. I'm not sure what planet he is living on (not sure he knows what one he's on) but all of that is available everywhere, you don't need to waste more money sending folks out to share with people things that they already know. It's not a lack of knowledge of theses things, it's that many folks are awake to the fact that this is an experimental stab, not one that has been approved by the ruling swamp monsters, and there have been some serious reactions, including death, by people who were otherwise healthy. It's not ignorance folks, it's reading and seeing and being aware of the propaganda being laid on everyone.

Back in the dark ages when I was in school (this being another of those pesky fact thingys) I was taught that if you had a bug of some sort, and you recovered from it, that your body had this weird thing called immunity from said bug. This is, I am guessing, is another reason why many folks aren't getting the stab, they learned the same thing in school in what was once called science class or AP and so, with that knowledge, they have no interest in being stabbed.

Now I live in the area that allegedly is the new hot spot in this country for the duck variety, OK in all truth and disclosure I actually live about a hundred miles away from the alleged epicenter, but I have to tell you, I'm not seeing it where I am at. I use the word “alleged” because I don't trust anything that they tell us anymore and around here I have hardly seen anyone wearing a mask of any kind. Hasn't mattered where we have been, and we have been out a lot, folks have been enjoying their God given rights of freedom and there has been little of the fear mongering that I experienced while living along the upper east coast.

So my overall guess is that the powers that be aren't very happy with the fact that they can't control this part of the known universe and they know that most people at this point just are not interested in getting stabbed for a bug that you have a 99.6% survival rate from.

Time will tell but I am guessing that the donkey in mindless charge hasn't a clue as to just how badly this could go for those sent out to coerce folks into compliance. I haven't been here long but I can already tell you that the people around here simply want to be left alone and some of the back roads and folks might just make “Deliverance” let the reader understand, look like a pleasant family vacation..good luck to the poor individuals who will be doing this, they are going to need it.