Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Tech And The Swamp Monsters


While originally trying to post this on fb, I quite literally saw it get taken down as I was posting it, so I am trying this from a different direction and hope that it sticks.

I have been surprised by the lack of attention that a few comments by by the mouth piece of the grumpy one, and some of what the grumpy one himself has said, has garnished.

We all know that the swamp creatures have been spying and trying to censor us for many a moon but now they openly admit it. They openly admit to using the “platforms” or putting pressure on those platforms, to censure what they deem as “misinformation.”

Last I knew, if the swamp animals, especially the head beast and his minions, were trying to force the issue of censorship on anyone that would be considered a violation of the first amendment.

The first amendment has never been about speech or wording that is acceptable. It has always been about speech that you might find offensive or even believe to be totally false. Even if it's considered “misinformation” by the swamp ( something they never really define other then to say it doesn't meet their collective, pc agenda) it is still allowed by the first amendment.

Some might suggest that the “platforms” are allowed to do as they please and censor as they will, and they can, however once they start going down this road, which they have been for a while now, then they are no longer a protected neutral platforms, they have become editors and therefore are subject to the same laws that other publishing companies and editors are faced with.

Of course I know this won't ever happen. No one in the swamp, with a few notable exceptions, wish to make enemies of the “platform” folks because, Ironies of all Ironies, they will get censored or out right banned.

So both are in violation of the the first amendment because they are working hand in hand and if no one, other then a few small voices like mine, are going to speak up in defense of this right, we might as well give it all up and surrender to the Mao land brothers who have made all this possible.

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