Thursday, September 9, 2021

It Is About Freedom


I would never have believed that I would hear the words that came out of the donkey in chief. “This is not about freedom” WOW. Not about freedom?? Really?

None of this should surprise me. The donkeys have made it a point to try and destroy everything in this country for the last couple of decades, they simply cannot abide anyone who dares think or sees anything differently then they do.

Setting aside his alleged “facts”, which had more holes then Swiss cheese, can you imagine if the chief of elephants had done the same thing? There would be riots in the streets with the chanting mantra of “my body my choice” in fact ,where is that cry now? Please don't try to tell me this is in any way different. When you abort a child you are killing that child, Yet you will cry for bodily freedom to kill,but because I won't get a “stab” I'm somehow a killer or to blame for all of those who get sick, who, by the way, have already been stabbed!!

I have asked this before but I will do it again. If this stands, that most are going to be forced into a stab, where does it end? Booster shots for ever? Other procedures you don't want, such as forced sterilization, but they mandate? Where does it end?

Worse yet is the folks that are screaming the loudest are some of the most fat and nasty individuals you will ever meet. They know nothing about nutrition and eating right and yet somehow it is your fault that they become sick! Basic nutrition will tell you that disease feasts on those who are fat and lazy, you put in a ton of sugar you are going to get fat and get sick, these are facts. Yet I don't care if that's they way you want to eat, please be my guest, but don't bitch at me because I am living healthy and I don't want unproven chemicals/technology stabbed into me.

Remember something else as well, many of those who are pushing for this stab, all over the world, in the alleged leaderships, are about Eugenics. For those of you who don't know, simply put, it's population control. Sound familiar? You only have to go back about 100 years to find it popularity which was epitomized by the Nazi's.

No one knows what the long term effects are going to be. Many have suggested it could lead to sterilization. Maybe it won't, but the fact of the matter is thousands have died from the stab and hundreds of thousands have had adverse reactions, ( including 4 people that I know personally)these are just the ones reported, the actual number isn't known because the media does it's best to suppress the information, but the bottom line is no one knows what the long term effects are going to be.

So whats next? What other procedures are going to be “for the good of the people?” Maybe forced abortions? Why not, they do it in China ,and we are following in their foot steps. Forced Euthanasia if you are too old, so that you don't become a burden to society? What about euthanasia for the handicapped? Don't think it will get to that point? IT ALREADY HAS. If they can force you to get a stab that you don't want, then there is nothing they can't force upon you.

If you have been stabbed, I take no issue with you. I have had many a stab in the past, ones that were long proven to work and so I had no issue with them, but I do take issue with you if you don't take a stand for the rights of others to not get the stab.

Many times I have stated that I will hold up your God given rights to free speech, even when I disagree with it, and I warned at the time, that if you didn't stand for that right, then it would be taken from you, and it all but has. This issue is the same but a thousand times worse. If you don't stand up for peoples rights to refuse today, there won't be anyone left to defend you down the road in time, when it becomes something you don't want done to you.

Sorry Mr. Donkey o Gropes, this damn well is about freedom and anyone who sees it differently deserves exactly what is going to come.

God help us all , we are going to need it.

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