Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Back in the dark ages I was a platoon Sgt. That meant I was responsible ,and was in charge of , a platoon of Marines. At one point I was the acting company commander, (for about a week as I was the most senior person available at that time) which meant I was in charge,technically speaking, of an entire company of Marines even though I was but an enlisted man. I was in charge and therefore RESPONSIBLE for all that went on with my Marines.

Getting ready to go to war and the process of getting our equipment there was also my RESPONSIBLITY and there were many things that I had to see to to make sure that everyone had their personal equipment, weapons ammunition etc. The bottom line is that the RESPONSIBLITY was with me.

Sections had their NCO's in charge and they reported to me, but if something went wrong I was the one who had to report to the CO or the 1st. Sgt on what happened and it was usually up to me to fix said problem, the ultimate RESPONSIBLITY was mine.

Everyone who has ever served in the military understands that there is chain of command and that ultimately the higher ranks are the ones RESPONSIBILE for what goes on under their commands.

I look back at the time of D-Day Gen. Eisenhower wrote two letters just before that day. One was to congratulate the troops on their successful invasion of France but the other, which is more relevant to this discussion, was a letter of resignation and RESPONSIBILITY for his massive failure, luckily for him, and our nation, he didn't have to submit that letter.

Today, our military, in the higher ranks, are filled with little more than politicians wearing uniforms, suits with ribbons, that seem more interested in political correctness then actually winning wars, or even dignified withdrawals.

Never before have I ever witnessed our nation purposefully leaving people behind even while openly admitting to doing so and still no one takes RESPONSIBILITY. No one has resigned, no one has been fired for this debacle and in fact they seem to be patting themselves on the back for such a “historic evacuation” what?

They keep claiming that no one could have seen this coming, from the generals to our so called intelligence agencies, and yet ask the average grunt who spent time over there ( this would include Iraq or Vietnam) and they could have told you it would happen and some did, years ago. You had to be dumber then a rock, and that's an insult to rocks, to not see it.

I salute the men and women in the ranks, you did your jobs to the best of what you were allowed, but I have no faith, at all, in any of those in command all the way up to the President. You should be held RESPONSIBILE and fired, all of you. We need new leadership, heaven help us if we don't get it soon. 

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