Thursday, August 12, 2021

Honesty, Integrity and Discernment


Honesty,integrity,discernment. Three words that are linked, and yet seem to be missing in today's lunatic run world.

Back in the dark ages when I was a platoon Sgt. We had to give classes from time to time to our junior Marines. The one I taught the most had to do with honesty and integrity. Honesty is rather simple, doing what is right and truthful, even when you might get punished for it, and integrity, being connected to honesty, is simply doing what is right even if no one is looking.

An example given to me by an old Sgt. Maj. who was a Vietnam vet, once said that honesty and integrity could be summed up this way; if he was to head out on a weekend pass and dropped his wallet on the parade deck, either a Marine would spot it and quickly get it to him, or, upon his return, he should either find it where he lost it or it would be turned into the officer of the day with all his money still there. I have never forgotten that.

Discernment is a word I usually associate with religion, but I believe it goes hand in hand with honesty and integrity. Discernment as defined by Merriam Webster dictionary; “the quality to be able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure; an act of perceiving something...insight and wisdom.”

When I was younger I was always told by teachers ( I went to a religious school) and pastors that you had to be able to discern what the Bible was telling us, through the prophets, and by their interpretation of what the Bible said, and as a child I took it all in stride, (actually that's not entirely accurate I was quite a rebel in my day) because they were the “experts” and I was but an unlearned youth.

Over time, the more I studied, the more I read, and looked into the actual languages, and history, I came to discover or discern that most of what the “experts” had been telling me was either quite factually wrong or, in some cases, an out right lie.

It was then that I really started to understand that the alleged “experts” were doing little more then regurgitating that which they had been taught by others who had themselves been taught the same way. They never questioned anything, they never looked for themselves, and even in the light of evidence to the contrary they stuck with the status quo or their already preconceived ideas.

What does any of this have to do with today? Just look at what is happening all around you. Fear and panic caused by so called “experts”. There is no honesty and integrity being shown at all by the media “experts” or their government cohorts, and very few people are using discernment to understand what is happening to them. Fear and shaming sells, and keeps you captive ,and the “experts” are going out of their way to keep you in that fear and shame by withholding news and evidence or any real truth because they want to keep the fear and shame going for their own ends, and the “experts” are right in bed with them.

Where is the honesty in this? Where is the integrity of our so called leaders? Where has the discernment of the people gone? Whatever happened to the idea of folks making their own decisions based on evidence and what they believed to be true? What makes those in government or academia more intelligent then you? What gives them the right to dictate what you are going to do or believe?

Where are those that will stand up for what is right instead of cowering to the so called experts? Where are those in the government, the media and academia that are willing to stand up for truth and shut down, with logic and reason, all the false narratives being told?

The only way out of this madness and insanity is for people of honesty, and integrity, and discernment, to read and study for themselves, not taking the alleged “experts”at their word. Then stand up and shout from the roof tops the truth, flood the internet until it is overwhelmed, and can no longer be censored, share with your friends and neighbors, and lastly, loudly, protest if ignored, if we don't take these sort of measures we will be doomed to fall into the dust bin of history.

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