Monday, August 23, 2021

Surprise From Revelations

Today my wife was on one of the pages she follows on FB. One of the women on that page expressed her concerns about the stab, said she had been praying about and wants to do whats right. She has some concerns based on her own health and was looking for answers. One of the responses got my attention.

I haven't written anything on a religious subject for a long time and really this isn't going to be massively so, but the response that came from someone is found in the NT book of Revelations and, to say the least, I was shocked at what it said.

Chapter 18 verse 23 from the NKJV : “The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived.”

Now you might be wondering what does this have to do with anything, glad you asked. Look at the word “sorcery” most of the time when we think of that word we associate it with magic and witchcraft, generally in a very negative context, and while it is used that way that's not the actual translation of the Greek.

Strongs exhaustive concordance, Greek number #5331 says that the word translates into “pharmakeia” otherwise know today as “pharmacy” It signified the use of medicine,drugs and spells as well as poisoning and witchcraft.

That word comes from #5332 “pharmakeus” which comes from “pharmakon” meaning a “druggist” (pharmacist) or poisoner.

In all fairness, it has been translated into almost every English version as either Sorcery, or witchcraft,but this was translated ( Such as the King James version) by people who were deathly afraid of anything that resembled magic or witchcraft.

The word “merchant” is pretty straight forward but consider the words that they “were the great men of the earth” So who today would be considered the “Great men of the earth” big corporations with world wide reach, big pharma. The world wide banking system? All these ( and many more) are all connected and ,quite frankly, they are the ones running the world. Do you really think that the politicians are in charge? They are mere puppets paid for by corporations, in actual control, to do their bidding.

Now put the actual Greek word into play and re read the verse, especially the end. “For your merchants(big pharma, world wide conglomerates etc.) were the great men of the earth, for by your “Pharmacy” all the nations were deceived.”

Now imagine being John on the isle of Patmos having visions of the end of time and you have a vision that you can't quite understand, but you write what you see based on what you know. How would you explain the world wide reach of companies, when you had no frame of reference? He would have been familiar with apothecary but he would not have been familiar with chemical meds. or stabs but he recognized it for what it was by using the word “Pharmakeia” and even if you accept “sorcery” as the appropriate translation you have to ask what was he seeing that would have caused him to use that word.

I can't say for a certainty what he saw, or was suggesting, but I can see that the corporate controlled governments of the world are certainly pushing for a stab for everyone. One that has had bad effects on many that have received it, without having a clue on the long term effects. I would call that deceiving the people.

I don't really think that this stab is the mark of the beast. Some have suggested that it is but I disagree. My reading suggests that there is a spiritual choice that has to made in order to receive that mark on the hand or the forehead, it says nothing about a shoulder,but that's a subject for another day.

I will say this though; I believe we are all being deceived, at the very least lied to, just as Revelations suggests. All you have to do is look around you, ignore what your being told is true, and see ALL that IS going on and draw your own conclusions. Choose wisely. 

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