Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Communist NWO


At the risk of offending some folks I am going to make a rather blunt statement.

If you support, or approve, of all the madness that is currently taking place by the donkey party, and their Rhino backers ,you are supporting communism. All the people that the donkey in chief has surrounded himself with are Marxists. His latest pick for banking, literally, graduated from a soviet university and has been quite vocal about praising the soviet style system in both the USSR and China, go look it up, it's quite true.

It has been said that if you don't study/learn from history you are doomed to repeat it.

The Soviet Union and the Nazi's had a few things in common, as have many of the failed communist states since, the biggest of these was a total purging of all those that they considered a threat to them or the parties goals. This should sound familiar to you because this is whats happening today, right here in the USA, even as I write this..

A short history lesson for you, brought to you by uncle Iggy's condensed version...

Back before Hitler invaded Poland he signed an non aggression treaty with the Soviet Union. Stalin decided to take advantage of that and began purging his military of all his experienced officers because they were considered a threat to him and the communist party and so they were “removed.” The lucky ones went to Siberia the rest were executed. He was so paranoid of loosing his power that he almost lost his entire empire because of that purge, and a lack of experienced veterans, when Hitler decided to invade after all. As a side note, that is relevant to this discussion, they also purged any one and everyone that they considered a threat to them, this included doctors, lawyers, teachers professors, police, anyone who was considered an intellectual or who could think for themselves and yes that included preachers and Rabbi's. Hitler had done the same he just did most of it before he started the war.

The parallel today is that our military is being purged. Men and women are leaving rather then getting a forced stab, even in the light that they could get a dishonorable discharge, and loose all benefits. For many years now, this goes back to the dark ages when I was still in, we have witnessed as our military leaders have become political monsters rather then war fighters, we have a very dangerous enemy in China and yet our so called “leaders” are more concerned with being woke and kissing the backsides of the special interests groups, and politicians, then they are about preparing for, and winning, a very real possible war. Instead they jail those who question them or those that have the “wrong” political views.

The Soviets as well as the Nazi's nationalized their police thus giving control to the government.

Communist led BLM as well as the communist in the local and federal government have been pushing to de fund the police, all the while calling for a federalization of the police nation wide, controlled by the folks in DC, Brown shirts or KGB anyone?

You have a purge going on of medical personnel as well. From administrators, doctors, nurses all the way to the janitor washing the floor. That the donkey's in charge are demanding they be sacked or stabbed. Some won't be able to draw unemployment depending on which communist area they live.

Any one over the age of thirty or so will also likely remember that the federal government, particularly when the donkeys are in charge, have been trying to take total control of the medical industry in this country. So they create a problem,( say a virus) then have forced stabs, (alleged solution) which many do not want, leading to staff shortages and viola the donkeys bring in the cavalry, what's left of the woke military, and save the day. Government gets control.

Perhaps you might think I am over blowing this. Perhaps you believe me to be wrong. That's OK because in my small world, you still have freedom to disagree, but try that with the current mob and see what happens to you. Big tech and the donkeys are all in bed together and they want this massive purge to happen. Why? It's easier to control the population if they have control of everything., including your body.

Ask yourself this, if you don't believe that this is a communist take over and a purge of those who dissent, why the mandates? Why force people into taking something that they don't want into their bodies? Why put literally millions in a position where they either have to get stabbed with no knowledge of what the long term effects are or loosing everything and starving to death. The stabs aren't remotely working any better then any other flu shot and has shown a huge amount of adverse reactions, so if this isn't about control of the population, why the mandates?

Maybe I should use another word other than communist...perhaps globalist would be a better word?

The health director from Australia said to the effect that nothing was going to go back to normal in this New World Order. She is not alone in saying that. Other alleged leaders have suggest that it's a great reset. The only way to do that is with dictatorial control ( using the virus as an excuse in this case) as communists have done for over a hundred years.

They want a NWO. We are in their way. Most thinking Americans don't want to be told by anyone, donkey or elephant, what to do. Many of us are vocal about our opinions. Honestly most of us would prefer to be left alone by government. Many of us read and understand the risks, either way, and don't want to be forced, but that doesn't suit the agenda. If you can't control the people you can't control the narrative or make the forced changes you want.

What I think is going to happen is eventually they are going to try and force everyone into compliance knowing that many of us will continue to resist, they will take our homes, keep us from food, and any kind of health care, until we either submit or die. I also believe that when the stab starts killing people in the thousands because their immune system is compromised, they will point the finger at all of us “resistors” and give license to the population to do with us as they will.

This is my belief. The communist did it to their people, as did the Nazi's. The Jews saw themselves as good Germans and wound up being nearly exterminated because they ignored what was happening. Is history going to repeat itself? Time will tell.

I hope I am wrong

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