Monday, October 11, 2021

Communist NWO 2


A week or so ago I posted my viewpoint that we are coming under a Marxist/NWO regime here in the USA. I gave my reasoning, via observation, and then posted it to my blog and put the link on FB. I did it that way so that it wouldn't get censored or deleted by the fascist overlords that control the page.

Today I am going to add to my view but I won't be hiding my opinion because I think for way to long many of us, who are conservative or at least libertarian, have been hiding, hoping this is all going to go away, well it's not. Not unless we all come together and stand up for ourselves. Otherwise this is only going to get worse.

Last week the DOJ stated that they were going to use the full power of the government to go after parents who speak up and against the current politically correct agendas at school board meetings.

Are you listening? The DOJ is going to come after you because you don't like the idea of CRT being taught in your schools. You are going to be labeled a domestic terrorist and possibly find yourself in the cross hairs of the FBI, if you oppose the idea of boys being in girls bathrooms or you find that the porno they are passing off as ways to help boys and girls understand their sexuality is morally repugnant. If you are against all that and you use your God given rights to speak up, you just might get jailed for it. Think about this, you can't speak up unless it's government approved!!

I don't know what else I can say to persuade you. The last donkey used the IRS to target conservative groups, this donkey (or should I say his handlers) are going full out communist and fascist to destroy our country. They want you to be taxed for every mile you drive, they want the IRS to have access to your bank account. They are going out of their way to open our borders wide and punish the BP for doing their jobs.

The list goes on and on and quite frankly I am tired of trying to persuade people to see what is right in front of them. At one time I had hundreds of readers, now I only have a few because apparently the blunt truth was too much. At least no one will ever be able to say I didn't speak out when and where I could.

I end this with a link to my last post, if you think I'm nuts , do nothing, but if you think even for a second, that I , and others like me, could be right, then do something about it. Take the chance and speak out, don't let us go down to the dust bin of history.

Here is the link.

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