Tuesday, November 23, 2021

This Is America

A true story. Not just a true story but a true story as observed by this humble writer. This is short story that shows what America actually is compared to what we are told to believe.

I went to the barbershop today to get a haircut, nothing unusual about that, it was the conversation that I was hearing while waiting my turn.

Two men were talking, best I could tell they had never met before, the older of the two, who was also waiting his turn, was about my age, while the other, who was getting his haircut, might have been thirty.

Apparently they were from the same neck of the woods in Florida. They talked about towns and

schools that they both knew and went to and they talked about what had brought them to this area of Missouri. By the time they both left they were calling each other cousin. I watched while they continued talking in the parking lot, they appeared to have swapped cell numbers and they parted with a hug that spoke family.

Here is what I didn't tell you, the man who was my age was as white as the driven snow. He could have been the poster child for what folks might consider “redneck” and what the MSM would suggest is a racist.

The other man was as black as midnight, dressed to the nines, he might have been the poster boy for a new boys band and surely would be seen as a BLM supporter.

Yet....and this is a big yet....they left each other as family.

This, my friends, is the real America.

The race hating that they are showing on the idiot box is NOT the real story. The real story exists outside of the DC beltway and the coastal elite cities and is epitomized by these two men.

This is America.

Happy Thanksgiving. 

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