Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Change The Constitution ?


This morning I read a couple of articles that were commenting on a column written concerning the US Constitution, the column suggesting that the constitution isn't working and it needs to be changed to reflect today's world, not the world of 1787. Suggesting that because most Americans have lost faith in the institution of government and those allegedly leading it, that the document needs to be changed

While I too have no faith in the government, regardless of party control, it is not the constitution that is at fault. The fault lies with those so called leaders that fail or out right refuse to follow the constitution that are the problem.

Whether it's 2022 or 1787 tyranny is the same. The faces may change, and some small details might be different but tyranny ,at it's heart, hasn't changed. Our founding fathers knew this, they had lived it.

No, the problem is not with the document, the problem is that for many years that document has not been followed. If it had been we wouldn't even be thinking about it.

The federal government powers were limited to a very few things such as defending the country, coining money and passing laws that were in accordance with the constitution.

The three branches of government, the executive, the legislative and the judicial all had their very specific roles to play and were meant to be checks and balances against one rule tyranny. They were never meant, as we have seen in the last few decades, to over lap.

Most of the power was meant for the individual states to have, not the federal government.

In the beginning they only met for short periods of times and , at best , had a stipend to compensate them for their time. There were no full time politicians.

There was no massive federal government institutions (see the part about limited government) employing 1.5 million workers, there wasn't even a standing army at the time. When the government can go into a partial shut down and lay off 800,000 as “non essential” you know it has become way to big.

For the most part, up until the civil war, the federal government stayed out of the states business and the states left their people alone. Then everything started to change. Not to the degree we see today, but it started there.

Since that time, the constitution has been ignored repeatedly.

Woodrow Wilson is responsible for the creation of the federal reserve, negating the governments responsibilities in creating and backing of our money. Nixon took us off the gold standard and so now our money is virtually worthless.

The “great society” created by Lyndon Johnson put in place what is now a series of massive social programs and institutions, again negating the constitution, that spoke of limited government.

George Bush the younger after 9/1/1 created a bunch of lettered security agencies to allegedly spy on our enemies, and apparently on us, that has gone from a few to something along the lines of 16 or so.

We have allowed our government to run us all into pointless wars ( none declared by congress since WW2) for decades now, the last time there was any real opposition was during Vietnam but the government kept it up anyhow until they were forced to quit.

There are countless examples of this kind of government expansions from both parties, more then I can write here, but that's not the only issue.

We have three branches of government, as I mentioned before, and all of them have a purpose of which none of them seem to be following.

The executive is supposed to uphold the laws and defend/ follow the constitution.

The legislative is supposed to make law and provide for spending.

The judicial is to uphold laws and determine whether or not a law is constitutionally sound.

All of this is supposed to be with the consent of the people.

Instead we have the executive making laws with a stroke of a pen without the approval of the legislative and completely ignoring things, such as the border and national defense, of which they are charged to do.

We have a legislature that is so out of touch with their constituents, that instead of doing what they are told to by the people they represent, they instead go with whatever either the big corporations want or their party demands no matter how destructive it is to the country.

The judicial has become a kangaroo court for what ever is popular and totally ignores the fact that they are supposed to interpret laws according to the constitution not their feelings.

The problem is not the constitution, the problem is those elected, by the people, are not doing their job of upholding the will of the people or the words of the constitution.

So rather then “fix” the constitution, which isn't the issue, we need to go back to it.

We need to get rid of all the useless government agencies that tax and regulate us to death.

We need to hold all our representatives feet to the fire, if they are not doing as we wish, remember they work for us, then they should be recalled and fired.

Term limits should be in place, no more lifetime politicians.

There should be put in place an amendment that would hold the judicial to following the constitution as it is written rather then by feelings and there should be a system in place to fire them if it becomes obvious that they won't.

The executive should be limited to only using executive orders in an emergency and even then it should go through some sort of review by the other two branches to assure it is constitutionally sound.

I am sure that there are many more suggestions that could be made but really until “we the people” stand up and demand change and a return to the constitution will anything come of this.

The powers that be certainly aren't going to give it up willingly.

So the problem is not with the constitution, the problem is with those that refuse to follow or enforce it.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Blood On Their Hands


I am not one to be very shy about what I believe whether it be religious or political. I have, in these days of mass censorship, used code words that anyone with a thinking mind could figure out. Today there will be no code words. I am going to be blunt.

A friends husband died today. He was admitted to a hospital with pneumonia and tested positive for Covid . He was then transferred to a larger hospital. Where apparently they did nothing for him except putting him on a ventilator. No Ivermectin, no Hydrochlorquine ( not sure on either spelling) both proven drugs used for respiratory issues. No daily exercise, no sunlight, just locked away from his wife and friends until he died. His wife and daughter had been stabbed, he was not able to take the stab. He died.

Why? Not because of not being stabbed, no he died because stabbing is the only thing this BS administration, and alleged medical experts will allow to be used.

There was no need for him to die. There has been no reason for many others who have died. If the protocols that have been used for decades were still being used then hundreds of thousand here in this country and millions more around the world would still be alive.

The blame for this does not go to unstabbed. Many of the unstabbed, to include myself, have had the bug and now are immune to it. We don't need the stab. It's not terribly effective anyhow.

The blame goes completely on Dr. Fauci and his minions, as well as Joe Biden and his cronies. It also goes out to all the lobbyist and the big pharma who have done nothing but push the stab. A Stab that has killed and maimed hundreds of thousands that we know about, which is also blood on them.


May God have mercy on their black corrupt souls, if there is a hell, I hope they all find themselves there in the most hottest cavern possible.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

NY Detention


I would imagine by now that you have heard of the detention facilities in Australia. These are the places that those who have contracted the bug, or have just been in contact with someone who has it,have been forcibly detained.

Then there are those who have been minding their own business and have been arrested for either not having a mask on, outside, and while smoking, or they were outside the limits of a distance forced upon them by their government. This is real life now and guess what? Just as the prophet foretold, it's coming here.

Yesterday Boston got in on the act and announced that they are now going to do the whole forced stab thing in order to do anything indoors. Combine that with NYC mandates and you have quite a section of the North East involved with this idiocy.

In NYC there has been numerous reports of folks defying these mandates and being arrested in various eating establishment, for the crime of no mask or stab, and for the nerve of wanting to eat. First they loose their jobs and then they can't buy food. All because they refuse to get stabbed, a stab that doesn't work very well, for a bug 99.6 percent of the population survives.

But it's about to get a lot worse, starting with NY state assembly.

In an article I read yesterday. NY has legislation waiting in the wings that would allow for anyone from the governor down to medical personal, to essentially detain anyone of whom “authorities” deem to be a medical threat to society. They could essentially lock you away for 60 days and, upon further review, indefinitely.

I will provide you a link. In that link there will be another link that will let you read the actual legislation. It is scary. It hasn't passed yet but, allegedly, it's expected in come up in 2022.

One of the things that I have learned in my shortish life time is that if it happens in NY or California, it eventually spreads to all parts of the country, especially those that are blue.

I can't imagine it spreading much beyond the blue spots in this country but the fact that it's even being considered here in what was once a free nation is down right scary.

So to my friends in the east, particularly in New England, either get out while you can, or organize and get loud and don't let this happen to you. There is plenty of room out here in fly over country for you.

Here is the link:

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Lights And No Fear


Last week I went on a bit of an adventure. It probably wouldn't be a big deal for most people but it was for me because it involved a massively large amount of people. I don't do large masses of people, if I can help it, but I made an exception in this case. In all fairness I could only deal with it for a few hours and I won't lie and tell you I had a great time (see my above stated dislike for lots of people) but it actually isn't the point of this missive.

It was what I witnessed while there that was truly an eye opening experience.

Here in Missouri we have, in the south western part of the state , a small city called Branson. The city is known as the Christmas Tree City and it is about as family friendly a place as you could imagine. They have museums and theme parks, as well as the old city, filled with shopping. Is has been referred to as the Las Vegas of the region, without the casinos or the call girls. It is arguably one of the best know tourist areas in this area and literally people from all over the world go there to visit and enjoy all that it offers.

Probably the best known park there is Silver Dollar City. It has an old town feel, many shops, several theaters for live shows, and rides galore. It is also unabashedly Christian run.

Starting in July they start putting up millions of lights and displays for the Christmas holidays, and start lighting it all up the first of November. People come from all over the country, and the world, to see this display. This year we were among them.

I don't know how many vehicles that their parking lots can hold, but to say thousands would not be an exaggeration. The fact that they have multiple large parking areas should tell you as much all by itself.

As we were walking up to the entrance (that was a much longer walk then it sounds) I was looking at license plates and I saw plates from all over the country. Predominately the surrounding states but still there were folks from as far away as Minnesota. These were just the ones in my view.

Then we got to the main entrance.

Having lived in a blue state for most of the lock downs I was waiting for someone to tell me to put on a mask or ask about stab status. Crickets. We still had to go through security and have our bags checked but not a word about anything else.

As I mentioned before, I don't like crowds, but when put into that situation I tend to find a wall or something to have my back to and I observe.

What I observed in a normal world wouldn't seem all that strange. People were having a good time. People were smiling ( no masks ,with a few exceptions ) and laughing, even when standing in line for rides or food. Folks were genuinely enjoying themselves.

There were all the colors of the rainbow (people) circulating about and several languages being spoken. People were generally friendly and polite. Did I mention there were thousands of people there? All at the same time?

No one was living in fear. There were no “Karens” yelling or lecturing people. It was the world as I remember before everyone started giving in to the fear porn.

Now the powers that be are talking about a new variety. The media has hyped it, again. It seems they don't want the fear to ever end.

What I saw there was an extreme lack of fear and it gives me hope for the future.

Seeing so many people together, having a great time and not oozing fear made it all worth while.

I still don't like crowds. Probably never will. But it was worth it just to see people being free.

By the way the lights were great.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

As The Prophets Foretold


There was a thing going around a few years that suggested if you wanted to make any statement amusing just add the phrase “as the prophets foretold.” like, the sun is shining today “just as the prophets foretold.” Kind of silly , but it was funny at the time. I know, I have a strange sense of humor but it's not so funny anymore.

Almost two years ago now, after the national emergency was declared, and states went into lock downs “to flatten the curb” many a prediction was made by many “prophets” giving scenarios of what was going to occur. Most were considered “conspiracy theories” by the alleged “experts” and yet look how many have actually come to pass.

Lock downs were only going to be temporary, 14 days to flatten the curve, yet, in many places “as the prophets foretold” they are still under perpetual lock downs.

There would never be a need for a passport to prove you are “stabbed” yet “as the prophets foretold” in NYC and other blue places, you can't do anything without the stab port, including life saving surgeries.

There would never be a stab mandate and yet “as the prophet foretold” many states are forcing it in order to work, and the beltway gang is trying to force it on everyone. Many in the medical world are being threatened with job loss if they even write their opinions of these mandates, or other alternatives to stabs, on social media. The police , military and first responders, are being fired by the thousands because they refuse the mandatory stab, causing massive problems in the cities and towns, again just “as the prophets foretold.”

Thousands that are getting the stab ( just in this country alone) are dying, and many, hundreds of thousands, are having serious side effects, as reported by the alleged head honchos themselves yet these facts are being ignored to continue the fear mongering, get stabbed or else, just “as the prophets foretold.”

The media, the left, and some on the right, are ignoring actual science. Thousands of credible sources, and reported by many studies, all of them peer reviewed and published,show natural immunity is better then any stab, and that masks are useless. But rather then report these facts they have stuck to the narrative of fear and mandates just “as the prophets foretold.”

Now,as the last version of the bug goes down into the night, the next variation has arrived “just as the prophets foretold” it would. Just in time to screw with the holidays and to reintroduce a state of fear and panic on the masses. Doesn't matter that it appears to be mild, according to the Doctor who discovered it, nope, we must fear it as we have been led to fear everything else over the last two years, all of which was “foretold by the prophets.”

In Europe many thousands have been protesting. New Zealand and Australia as well. Here in the USA, with a few notable exceptions, it has mostly been quiet. Why is that? Have we finally come to a place where the vast majority of people want the belt way to run their lives? I know there are many lawsuits out there against all of these draconian measures but time has proven that the court system has become more about politics then the truth.

The “prophets” predict that America will fall to tyranny/communism under the guise of health emergencies. I hope they are wrong but so far they are batting 100.

This only ends when we stop it ourselves, no one is coming to save us, “just as the prophets foretold.”