Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Blood On Their Hands


I am not one to be very shy about what I believe whether it be religious or political. I have, in these days of mass censorship, used code words that anyone with a thinking mind could figure out. Today there will be no code words. I am going to be blunt.

A friends husband died today. He was admitted to a hospital with pneumonia and tested positive for Covid . He was then transferred to a larger hospital. Where apparently they did nothing for him except putting him on a ventilator. No Ivermectin, no Hydrochlorquine ( not sure on either spelling) both proven drugs used for respiratory issues. No daily exercise, no sunlight, just locked away from his wife and friends until he died. His wife and daughter had been stabbed, he was not able to take the stab. He died.

Why? Not because of not being stabbed, no he died because stabbing is the only thing this BS administration, and alleged medical experts will allow to be used.

There was no need for him to die. There has been no reason for many others who have died. If the protocols that have been used for decades were still being used then hundreds of thousand here in this country and millions more around the world would still be alive.

The blame for this does not go to unstabbed. Many of the unstabbed, to include myself, have had the bug and now are immune to it. We don't need the stab. It's not terribly effective anyhow.

The blame goes completely on Dr. Fauci and his minions, as well as Joe Biden and his cronies. It also goes out to all the lobbyist and the big pharma who have done nothing but push the stab. A Stab that has killed and maimed hundreds of thousands that we know about, which is also blood on them.


May God have mercy on their black corrupt souls, if there is a hell, I hope they all find themselves there in the most hottest cavern possible.

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