Tuesday, December 21, 2021

NY Detention


I would imagine by now that you have heard of the detention facilities in Australia. These are the places that those who have contracted the bug, or have just been in contact with someone who has it,have been forcibly detained.

Then there are those who have been minding their own business and have been arrested for either not having a mask on, outside, and while smoking, or they were outside the limits of a distance forced upon them by their government. This is real life now and guess what? Just as the prophet foretold, it's coming here.

Yesterday Boston got in on the act and announced that they are now going to do the whole forced stab thing in order to do anything indoors. Combine that with NYC mandates and you have quite a section of the North East involved with this idiocy.

In NYC there has been numerous reports of folks defying these mandates and being arrested in various eating establishment, for the crime of no mask or stab, and for the nerve of wanting to eat. First they loose their jobs and then they can't buy food. All because they refuse to get stabbed, a stab that doesn't work very well, for a bug 99.6 percent of the population survives.

But it's about to get a lot worse, starting with NY state assembly.

In an article I read yesterday. NY has legislation waiting in the wings that would allow for anyone from the governor down to medical personal, to essentially detain anyone of whom “authorities” deem to be a medical threat to society. They could essentially lock you away for 60 days and, upon further review, indefinitely.

I will provide you a link. In that link there will be another link that will let you read the actual legislation. It is scary. It hasn't passed yet but, allegedly, it's expected in come up in 2022.

One of the things that I have learned in my shortish life time is that if it happens in NY or California, it eventually spreads to all parts of the country, especially those that are blue.

I can't imagine it spreading much beyond the blue spots in this country but the fact that it's even being considered here in what was once a free nation is down right scary.

So to my friends in the east, particularly in New England, either get out while you can, or organize and get loud and don't let this happen to you. There is plenty of room out here in fly over country for you.

Here is the link:


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