Thursday, January 6, 2022

SCOTUS vs Mandate


Tomorrow is a big day here in the United States. Today the media and politician types are focused on remembering the idiocy of Jan 6th of 2020. Tomorrow, Jan. 7 the rest of us may remember it as being the day that American freedom died.

On Jan.7th SCOTUS will hear arguments both for and against the federal governments stab mandates.

They will decide if the federal government can force private businesses into forcing their employees to get the controversial stabs.

Setting aside the fact that these are proving to be almost useless in preventing the spread of said bug, the issue at hand is much more profound.

If the court rules that the fed can indeed force this upon businesses of 100 or more employees, then it stands to reason that they will go after smaller businesses as well, and once they have accomplished that then they will go after all of us as individuals, there will literally be nothing to stop the federal government from forcing everyone into compliance by whatever means they deem necessary.

Maybe some of you reading this thinks that it's OK for the fed to do this because of your fear of this bug or you have been stabbed already and you're OK with forcing everyone. If that's the case, and it's your right to believe this way, whats next?

Our population is too big, we need to force sterilization or birth control on everyone to control the population because it's a health crisis.

You need to eat only the foods that we say are good for you because it's a health crisis.

You can't speak the truth or go against the accepted government controlled narrative because it could constitute a health emergency. This one is already happening in the background via social media.

We need to force everyone to give up their guns because “gun violence” is a health emergency. That one is already in the works, behind the scene.

But there is nothing to restrict them to health emergencies. Once the government has the right to dictate what we do with our bodies there is nothing they won't be able to do.

We don't want you living in the country because humans are destroying the environment so we are going to mandate that you live in suburbia or the city.

You don't need your own personal vehicle. See environment. So we are going to mandate that you give up your car, which you won't need because you'll be where there is public transportation.

Your religion has to be approved of, and monitored by, the state. Your old way of believing is a threat to mental health of individuals because you actually follow the bible.

These are not far fetched. Once you let the fed override the Constitution and violate your individual right to control your own body, everything else becomes a very real possibility.

We are at a serious crossroad here. We have been for awhile.

We have a set of elected officials, and many more that have not been elected, that want us to become a socialist/communist country. They are throwing everything that they have into this effort, including the mandates. If they win this one, and sadly I think they will, 6-3, they will have accomplished something that will be the envy of every despot and dictator in the world and it won't end with just this mandate, more will follow.

Pray. A lot.

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