Wednesday, January 12, 2022

End Of The Fillibuster

Some time in the next week or two the Donkeys are going to attempt an end run around the Constitution. They want very badly to pass their so called “voter rights” legislation to essentially legalize the federal take over of the election process in this country. However, they know they can't get the 60 votes for it ( never mind that it violates the constitution ) so they need to do an end run. Simply put they want to end the filibuster.

For those of you who don't know, the filibuster is the tool used in the senate to protect the rights of the minority party, it allows one senator or a group of senators to speak to either delay or stop a vote in the senate. It is essentially a tool in place to keep cooler heads prevailing when a piece of legislation is clearly partisan. With out the filibuster the majority only needs to get 51 votes, a simple majority, instead of the required 60. It was first introduced in 1806 but not used much until about 1837 and then was strengthened in the 1970's.

Now the donkeys, led by the chief donkey, want to change this. They want it removed. These are the same donkeys, that when the elephants were threatening to do the same in the mid 2000's, screamed that it would put an end to our “democracy.” I agreed with them then. Ending the filibuster means that the majority party, no matter how slim that majority is, can ram through legislation that in all actuality may not be particularly popular or needed.

So now we have some of those same donkeys screaming that if they don't get rid of the filibuster it will be the end of our democracy. Hypocrites.

The truth is, is that they know they can't pass this voter legislation without destroying the filibuster. They don't have enough votes to legally do it, so they want to change the rules and cheat, as always.

But please understand, this is about more then destroying the filibuster. This is little more then attempt by the donkeys to attempt one party rule. Again ignoring the constitutional battle that would occur if it was passed, if the federal government is in control of the elections, then they become the arbiters of what is allowed and what isn't. We saw what happened in the last “election” now picture that on steroids and for the foreseeable future. We will never again have a legitimate fair election.

But lets even set that aside for the moment. Imagine all the other crazy things that the donkeys have attempted to get through that would tax us into oblivion, such as the BBB, and destroy our economy to an even worse degree then it is already. Think about your freedoms that they would either get rid of or regulate to death. This one move can, and will, effect everyone if they succeed. There would literally be no stopping them, we would be a socialist nation in short order with no one to bail us out but ourselves, and most of us appear to be asleep at the switch or there would be a much louder outcry from all sides.


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