Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Would You Defend Your Country?


Would you defend your country? If the Chinese decided to invade the US would you be willing to defend it?

There was a poll taken recently asking that very question. The results, while not terribly shocking, was , none the less, sad.

When it was all added up and averaged out only 55 percent of Americans would defend the homeland, the rest would flee or hide. All I can say is wow.

By parties, a large number of demonrats, said that they would flee, though 55 percent said they would fight. With repukelicans the number was up towards 70 percent and independents were at about 60.

By age groups it was even more telling. The vast majority ages 50 and up said that they would defend the homeland, this is the same population that has been involved with Vietnam right through Iraq and Afghanistan, yet most said that they would fight.

Below that age group, 18-34, the vast majority said quite the opposite. They would not fight. The reasoning was based on all the PC “education” that says that we as a nation are evil and racist and not worth defending.

I think about our forefathers, those men who signed up to fight when our nation was attacked at Pearl Harbor. Some of the men were not of legal age yet they lied and did whatever was necessary to be a part of the defense of our country. These are the same young men who stormed the beaches at Normandy and landed on the beaches of Iwo Jima. My own grandfather enlisted at the age of 14 in between WW1 and WW2 and served in places like Panama. He tried to reenlist when WW2 started but was refused because he had 5 kids at the time.

Like many of you I have no desire for war of any kind. I have no interest in going to Europe or Asia anymore then our forefathers did, but I would like to think that if we were attacked on our own soil, that we would show the world what true patriotism is like. But I'm not so sure anymore.

Over the last few weeks we have watched as Ukrainians of all types and ages have fought for their country. What ever you might think about the politics of all of it is irrelevant. For the average person Russia invaded their country and they are going to fight tooth and nail to stop them. That's what patriots do, right, wrong or indifferent, you defend your home against an invader.

From what I understand, the Ukraine government is quite corrupt, as is the Russian government, but the average people are not the government, yet despite the corruption, they fight, not for their government but for their homes and way of life.

As for me, if it comes to it, I will fight as long as I can. We may not be perfect, but our Constitution, our way of life, is worth preserving even with all it's warts and blemishes. While I don't agree with the politics involved I do salute the Ukrainians for standing up for their land and, quite frankly, giving us a lesson on what it takes to sacrifice for your country. Too many here have forgotten.

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