Thursday, October 6, 2022

Archaeologists are always digging up ancient civilizations and wondering what happened to them, how they came to be wiped out. Other cultures tell of wars that were fought in the skies with weapons that are remarkably like our own nuclear bombs. Others have found ancient ruins that are loaded with radiation and rocks that are melted, some places in the deserts they have found a type of glass that only could be formed by a nuclear style weapon. If any of this is true, and you may believe as you wish, how can we be the pinnacle of world history when we are repeating the mistakes of the past?What makes us think that this so called civilization is going to last? Ten thousand years from now are archaeologists going to find our ruins and scratch their heads as to what happened?

So why bring this up?

The last few days I have noticed a trend in both the MSM and alternate news. Everyone is now talking about a likely nuclear war with Russia. Democrats and republicans, conservative news as well as the liberal media seem to suggest that this is inevitable and I dare say they almost seem to revel in the idea.

What is wrong with these people?

It's not just the US and Russia either. Everywhere you look, N. Korea, China, Iran, Pakistan,etc. They are all screaming and sometimes firing off real threats. Some of their desire for mass destruction is based on politics and saber rattling and others are based on religion, but all of it, no matter the reason for it, makes no kind of sense. Why would you want to set off a chain of events that would destroy everything, quite literally, in the world? Do you hate this life so much? Are your own people so beneath you that you would allow them to suffer for nothing?

At least two states have put out PSA on what to do in case of a nuclear blasts in a major city. While I applaud them for at least giving some hope to the people, if a blast hits them they are all dead, today's arsenal makes the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like child's play and their would be little no no survivors for miles around the initial blasts. NO ONE WINS.

In the 80's there was a movie called “War Games” with Matthew Broderick. The premise was this kid accidentally hacking into a government computer and almost starting Armageddon. The computer had to learn and so it tried every scenario and it's conclusion was that the only way to win was to not play.

This is where we are at, but this isn't a game and the consequences are deadly real, yet the powers that be seem to be feeding into this very scenario and are hard at work getting us into the mind set of this being inevitable.

So ask yourself these questions; Is mutual destruction over Ukraine worth it? Is the expansion of borders for Russia or NATO worth it? Is the touted NWO worth billions dead over land or population control? Perhaps your religious beliefs say this is inevitable as well so you refuse to speak out, if so something is wrong with your beliefs and you.

All of this hurts my soul. Having been in war and seeing the evil that man can do to man, I am lost as to why anyone would opt for this level of destruction and suffering.

If you are a praying person, pray,we might yet be delivered from this insanity.


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