Friday, May 28, 2010

Remember Memorial Day

The first weekend of summer is finally here. This long holiday weekend, you will probably attend a BBQ somewhere with friends and family, maybe you will hit the beach or attend a summer concert somewhere. Perhaps you will attend a parade and or a memorial service for the fallen. Then there are the sales. I can guarantee that there will be sales everywhere from car dealers to Wal-Mart. People will be having yard sales and all the tourist areas will become very busy. The roads, especially main interstates and highways will become packed with people intent on getting to their weekend and practically killing anyone who is in their way just to get there!

So is this what Memorial day weekend is really supposed to be about? Sales,BBQ, and surf or is there more to it then that?

The next couple of days will have various talking heads and insincere politicians lauding the sacrifices of our troops both past and present, while the President goes to Arlington to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.......
I am sorry, that last part isn't correct, he won't be going to Arlington after all. But before you get too ticked off at him for breaking such a long standing tradition, consider a few things with me.

First of all this should surprise no one, he has displayed his contempt for America and our laws and traditions since the beginning but that's not the real problem. He is simply following what I would call a trend that has taken place over the years and he ,as our "leader", is simply showing us that trend. Let me explain.

When I was a kid,Memorial day was something to be looked forward to. My home town was small but we had lot's of Veterans and so we always had a parade and a memorial service right there in the center of town. Rain or shine they had it. For me it was great because they had the parade go by the corner of our road and then the memorial service with the gun salute was there as well. The thing I remember the most about it though was the sound of taps.With the sounds of the guns echoing they would begin playing taps and for some reason, reasons that I really didn't understand at the time, it made me sad. We still had WW1 and WW2 vets. Korean war vets and at that time Vietnam was still going on so it would be awhile before they were included but they were there as well. Memorial day meant something to all of us. My uncles had fought in WW2 and Korea I had a cousin who was in Vietnam. When they spoke of their experiences you saw men who really understood what it was to sacrifice, but it included their families as well.

What I think is happening is simply this, we have truly forgotten what sacrifice is, we have forgotten about men and women and their families who gave up everything including thier lives for the freedom we so enjoy. Today just trying to find a Memorial day parade or even just a Memorial service has become difficult. I am not saying that this is true of everyone or of everyplace. To days military is sacrificing as other generations before them have done, but what is missing is the whole community commitment.We don't feel like a nation that is at war. Most of us get to go on with our day to day lives and unless we know of someone who is in harms way at the moment we forget. Though the calendar says Memorial Day, it seems that unless it has personally effected you then the only thing of interest is a good sale and a BBQ.

So the President in reality is simply reflecting the fact that for the most part, Americans have forgotten. Don't take me wrong; He is supposed to be the commander and chief of the armed forces and as such he should consider it his duty ,if not honor, to be there, but he is just reflecting what seems to be a growing trend of not caring by those who do not understand what sacrifice truly is.

So my request to you is simple, enjoy your weekend, eat drink and be merry, but please take time out this weekend to remember why we call it Memorial day in the first place.
Go visit a Veteran, walk through the cemetery and look and the graves with the flags on them,go to your local war memorial and study the names that are engraved there and then research them and discover that these were real people who gave up their lives and or health so you could enjoy your freedom. Simply put; Remember Memorial day.

Semper Fidelis,

Friday, May 21, 2010

So why the remorse?

Have you ever experienced buyers remorse? I have. You know that sinking feeling after you have made a big purchase and suddenly an unexpected bill shows up and suddenly you find your self scrambling around just trying to figure out how get everything paid.
My worse experience came from a car years ago. We had just bought a brand new car, we were living the dream ,as it were, and we suddenly found ourselves expecting a child.
Just like that we we went from being excited about having this car to, now how do we get rid of it! We knew that we were going to need that money for things for our coming baby, O why did we buy that car and what do we do now?!
Well the short end of it is through a small series of disasters, including the car being stolen, we did loose the car. The good news of course is that our daughter was born.

I think that in this country right now that there is a lot of buyers remorse going on.Everyday there are new headlines of the various things that the government is doing to get involved in our privacy, all in the name of the public good of course and"Social Justice" , and many are starting to show just how unhappy they are with all of it by joining the various groups that are protesting these changes. The governments response to all this has been everything from ridicule and disdain to accusations of sedition, and why not, after all they have the majority in the house and senate and therefore they can say or do what they like and we are led to believe that we can do nothing about it.

To my liberal friends and others who studied the issues and determined that this is the man you want leading you, you have my highest respect, at least you did your homework before you came to your conclusions. I know this to be true because of many nights of camp fire discussions on the issues. We could probably teach people what real civility is about.

So let me ask you a question, those of you with the remorse, why are you so sorry? I admittedly did not vote for President Obama so I am not experiencing that remorse, so I have to ask the question of those of you who did; Why the remorse?
Did you not pay attention to the campaign? Did you not listen to the Debates? Did you not pay attention when people pointed out that then candidate Obama, was raised by Marxists and believed in the Communist/Socialist ideas of "Social Justice" or of the re-distribution of wealth? It was right out there in the open for all to see, so why are you so surprised? When he said that they were going to "fundamentally change America" did you think that he was kidding?
When he spends his time America bashing, why are you surprised? O that's right you didn't pay attention to him not respecting our flag during the campaign, because you apparently weren't watching! America isn't perfect and we have done some amazingly stupid things in the past but that is no reason to disrespect the nation that you are supposed to be leading.

In my humble opinion the last election was little more then a sham anyhow. You didn't have any real choices and after listening to the debates I came to realize that they all are out for the same thing, it was just a matter of how they would do it. And yes I also believe that there is a much larger global agenda going on here, that would be going on no matter who was in charge, that's a subject for another day though.

How about you in the press. What are you complaining about? You being left out of the loop all of a sudden? He has no respect for the constitution or America in general, he won't uphold our own laws of checks and balances in the government, and somehow you think that he is going to respect "freedom of the press? " You are more to be despised then he is because you could have honestly reported the truth about him but you did nothing but lick the dirt off of his shoes. I realize that Bush had issues as well, but is that any reason to glorify this man almost to deity status? So I do not feel sorry that the press is being screwed royal, if you had been honest in your journalism in the first place you'd still be in the loop.

So there you have it, with last nights vote, the government has control of the financial sector. So as soon as they can get cap and trade passed, or whatever they are calling it now, they will have control of most aspects of our lives. The Fed. now controls the banks and the financial institutions, they have now put a strangle hold on Wall Street, they own the Auto industry. They have control of Medical. They are considering adding a "Value Tax" to everything that you buy. They are fighting in court to control what food you eat and what natural herbal supplements that you use. You are taxed on everything from food to a fishing license and every year the fees go up.And just in case you haven't figured this out yet, with the government now owning the banks and financial institutions, they own your house as well. This is what you voted for; So why the remorse?

It still not to late to change things, but I am afraid that the death knell has been sounded, we were too busy to pay attention to the issues, the press did nothing to inform people of the truth and those of us who spoke loudly were ignored or were accused of bigotry and hatred.

If someone had told me before I signed for the car that there were going to be much more important issues coming my way, such as a baby, I wouldn't have bought the car. Unlike todays political issues, there was no way I could have known so I bought it and I paid badly for that decision. So whats your excuse?

Semper Fidelis,

Monday, May 17, 2010


I tend to think of myself as a fairly open minded person,I like new thoughts and ideas and am constantly looking to see whats coming around the corner of time.Even on my worst days when my body and mind are taking a beating from illness's that I can't control, I still try to look on the bright side of things and try to conceive of what the future is going to be like. Well today is not going to be one of those days. To elaborate a bit; I am going to speak on what I believe is happening, not only in our nation but in the entire world and you are going to find that it's fairly simple.

We have become a people that are liars and thieves. We have become a nation of people that would literally sell our grandmothers as slaves if it would help us achieve our goals in our lives, and , even worse, is what we do to total strangers thinking that the end justifies the means that we use. We have become thoroughly corrupt in our thinking and our choices in leadership and what they are doing to us reflect this.

It used to be that honesty and integrity defined a person. People used to keep their word and it was all you needed to sign a deal. Now it's simply to hell with everyone else I am going to get my own by whatever means necessary.

I used to teach a class to younger Marines on honesty and integrity. They had cards that they received in boot camp that they were supposed to carry with them, that gave the "Core Values " of the Marine Corp. I told them point blankly that if honesty and integrity were not all ready in their souls then no stupid card was going to help them remember. It proved out to be true, their were Marines that I could count on always, men and women that I could tell what needed to be done and I knew that it would be done and properly, then there were the ones that would do as little as possible and try to get away with every thing, their time was tough while they worked for me.

But now we have become a people who would rather lie and cheat rather then do the right thing, simply because it is right.

Let me start with a personal story and you will begin to see what I mean.
This house that we are currently living in has issues. We have started the process of removing wall paper and painting, fun things like that and we have started to find a myriad of problems that we never knew existed. The previous owner , who sold the house to us, certainly did, because he is the one who covered them up!He waxed eloquent on the money that he had spent on the roof and furnace and of course the cabinets but used that as a distraction from the real problems. We were all ready troubled with some of the plumbing issues that we discovered after moving in, which we have repaired,but now we have now found everything from holes in the walls to some water damage that was hidden and are discovering that it's going to cost us more then we had planned to fix these things properly, had I seen these hidden problems, I would not have bought the house. But I guess that's the point, the former owner wanted to sell the house but didn't want to do the work that needed to be done. It did not matter to him that this would be passed on to me, he had his goal and he achieved it and now it's going to cost my family and I more to fix these problems properly.
Some of you might be thinking that you should have checked closer, perhaps so, but if the problem is covered up your not going to see it and if the person in question had and ounce of integrity these things would have been pointed out.

So lest any of you think that I am suggesting that I am perfect in this regard, I will state unequivocally that I am not. I can think of times in my life that I was less then honest and my integrity went out the window for self preservation and perhaps even in the future I may stumble and fall into that trap again, but then again I was younger and I would like to think that as we get older in life that we learn and grow up.

But you see the above mentioned problem is symptomatic of a greater problem in our society. We have become a people who lie and cheat to accomplish our goals and this is shown in Hollywood and in Washington.

Hollywood is always showing us movies where the distinction of the bad guys and the good are sometimes a matter of perspective. Both lie and cheat and steal to accomplish their goal, but because one character is considered the good guy we cheer them on no matter what it is that they do.
The Harry Potter series, I have read the books and have seen the movies and I like them, but lets face it ,the kids in those movies go to great lengths to get away with whatever their goal is, and I will grant you that theirs is a battle with the greatest evil known to their world, but still some of what they do I would punish my kids for doing, but again because they are the good guys we over look it and cheer them on.

I also understand that their are times that honesty might get someone killed, as in hiding Jews in Nazi Germany. If you told the truth not only would you die but people who had come to you for shelter would die as well, that , at least in my mind, would be a much greater evil.

Washington D.C. has become so filled with corruption and greed that I find it impossible to believe anything that they say anymore. The only "truth" that they want you to hear and believe is that "truth" that comes from them.
These are people that get away with everything from Perjury to Tax evasion , both of which should land you in jail, and nothing happens to them. Occasionally the will have a committee to review the charges but most of the time it gets swept under the rug and given enough time it is forgotten. If you are in the wrong ( at the moment) political party the press might hound you out of office, but really it rarely happens.

The press that is supposed to be part of the watch dogs of our liberties and freedoms have lost all integrity and honesty and put a spin on everything so that they can influence you to believe what ever it is that has been determined by others that you should believe.

Now I am pointing a finger at a lot of people but I would remind you that I have identified myself as having been a part of the problem at times as well. So how about you? Are you one of those types of people who would lie with a straight face to accomplish your goals? I know "Lie" is such a harsh word, but would you do it? Call it what you will but do you have the integrity and the honesty to state the truth even if that means your goal is not accomplished? Would you do something as simple as returning too much change handed to you at a store , after a purchase? How about lying about your wages on a form knowing that if you don't put down enough or little that you might not get what you want? How about spending money that you really should be using on bills on things that you really don't need? The list could go on. All of it shows a lack of honesty and integrity.

We have thrown out God as a nation and look where it has brought us.Nature abhors a vacuum, so it becomes natural that when G-D and the things of G-D are thrown out of a society, that the things which are against G-D will fill the void. Some want to see a "Progressive" society. Congratulations. What you see is exactly what "Progressive" looks like.

You want to see things change? We as individuals need to become re acquainted with honesty and integrity and the G-D who makes that possible, and then perhaps we will be in a much better position to demand it from our leaders.

As our nation has gone so have the leaders and as the leaders have gone so has the nation.

Semper FI

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Random Thoughts and Why's....

Just some random thoughts on some various random issues.

Today we have Oil executives saying that the mess that they created is somehow not their fault, or should I say that they are spending their time blaming each other rather then being adults and owning up to their collective mistakes....of course when you consider who it is that's grilling them in the first place they have learned how to blame from the pros.

I am still at a loss to understand how it is that you SAVE money by putting yourself so deep in debt that the next ice age will come before we even begin to touch the interest....I think 10,000 years from now when they rediscover the lost nation of the United States that they will discover that just like the Mayans we disappeared with out a trace, years later they will discover that we all migrated to 3rd world countries to avoid all the taxes.....

What part of illegal is miss-understood? How can it be that average legal citizens can't get a hand up in these troubling times, but if you cross the border illegally, you can have everything handed to you? Sorry I don't get it. I am not prejudice, look at my name for goodness sakes, but why is it if I ask these very basic questions, instead of answering the question I am labeled....or how can it be that in the United States kids in school get in trouble for wearing American flags on their shirts? Do the British get upset if we wear our shirts on their independence day? How about the Irish on St. Patric's day? Just saying...

Why is it that everyone insists on being hyphenated Americans? What happened to just being plain good old fashioned American? Used to be that when people came here from other countries they learned the language and the culture and they expected their kids to do the same thing......doesn't mean you give up the traditions or customs of your former country but it does mean that you give up that national id and become American citizens with out the hyphen.

Why is everyone suddenly afraid of free speech? By everyone I mean the politicians and the main stream media. Why is it that everyone who even thinks about disagreeing with whatever is politically correct at the moment is demonised? What is it that they are afraid of? That you might learn the real truth about things? You might adapt a differing opinion? President Bush made me nervous with all his changes and I spoke up against that which I thought he was doing wrong and it was suggested that we were not being patriotic. President Obama and his cronies have actually accused people of sedition because they have disagreed with them and they have made a concerted attempt to paint those of us who disagree with them as anything from lunatics to terrorists.
Why? Again, are you afraid that people may come to really see what it is that you and past administrations are truly up to?

How can it be that a man who is supposed to defend the Constitution and uphold the laws of this land , won't do it? Of course in all fairness to him, the same can be asked of all of our politicians...

Why is it that we trust these people with our wallets, when they can't keep track of their own? They give us more and more taxes on more and more things and yet many of them don't pay their own taxes, if we avoided them we would go to jail they somehow get a pass. It's sort of like asking Jack the Ripper to babysit your teenage wouldn't do that so why are we doing this?

One last "why".

Why is it that we are allowing this government to keep us in a constant state of war? I fought in this war,when we left we had beat them, and it was over.Yet here we sit still involved in Iraq and Afghanistan, years later with no end in sight and rumors of Pakistan now floating around. Why do we waste our time on places that hate us no matter what we do? Why do we spend lots of money on all these foreign bases and wars while in our own land we have much work that could be done with that same money?
Why, after sending them into harms way, would you cut the pay and benefits of the troops, when there are people on the welfare roles who are capable of work but just refuse to do so? Cut their pay instead and see how long they stay. Why would you even begin to hint that Veterans may not deserve their pay and benefits when it is the government who made them disabled in the first place?!

That last why is extremely personal to me....just saying.

OK I have rambled on enough. If I have pissed you off in some way by my questions ask yourself why? Is it because I am asking the questions that you are to afraid to ask or is it because you think that I'M an Idiot?

Either way you have a right to say so and express yourself and that is the point of all this. Think what you think and speak your mind that's part of the America I remember.

Semper FI.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Grandparents Common Sense

OK here we go, I am going to ask one of the most profound questions that I can think of at the moment. This question just really sums up my thoughts and attitudes about a great number of things from both a political and religious point of view and truly this is purely rhetorical but I must ask it anyhow.

Have we all lost our minds? Or should I say common sense?

I ask this question because I am getting to a point where I really don't get it anymore. Perhaps it's my age. I am , after all, middle aged and past the most productive stage in life. I am dumber then almost everyone under the age of 25,just ask them and they will tell you that, and I am a great deal heavier...I have always leaned more towards the conservative side in politics and religion, though in recent years I have embraced more of a libertarian mind set, but over all I am old fashioned conservative.

So what is it I don't get? Well...all of it.

Let me explain; My grandparents never had much, they at one time had owned a farm that got burned down and from there took shoe factory jobs in Maine so that there kids could get a Christian education. They owned a house,in which me and my brother were also raised in, and they had a car. They had enough property so that they could grow a garden and can veggies for the winter. These were not rich people but they worked within their means to put food on the table and to keep the bills paid. I don't remember them having a credit card, nor any outstanding bills with the exception of the house. They were however some of the most generous of people that I have ever known. My grandfather used to make bread and doughnuts and he either gave it away or sold it for very little. My grandmother was always knitting something for people or both of them were making stuff for local community events. They opened their house to us when my mother got divorced and over the years had any number of students who went to the local Christian school, stay in their house as well. Generous loving people, though in a very typical New England sort of way. At their funerals I can tell you that the church was packed to the point of people listening from outside. Truly amazing people.

So why do I mention them? They had good old fashion common sense. They knew that they had to live within their means. They didn't go out seeking government help to take care of us or to pay the mortgage. They even went so far as to take what little they had and either shared it with their neighbors or used it in such a way as to help their neighbors. My grandmother was known for buying a bag of groceries for people and leaving it on their door steps.Their way of thinking was not uncommon. Everybody there was poor and so people helped out each other and it all sort of worked out in the end.
We took care of each other and the government stayed out of our business and we were all better off for it.

So this where I kind of get lost. What has happened to us that we just want to go along for the ride and let "Uncle Sam " take care of us? Why is it that we stand by and let them get bigger and bigger? How can it be that after all their lies and BS that we still believe them? My grandparents knew that if the money isn't there then you can't spend it, so if they knew it and it worked , how can it be that a bunch of highly educated people can't figure it out. They can't balance their own check books and yet we want to turn the entire economy over to them? Sorry I don't get it.

Now of course we must add labels to all of this. If you disagree with the way that our government is going then you are a racist or you are stupid.
If you belong to any of the non mainstream groups, because you are against a bigger government, then not only are you a racist but likely you are a terrorist as well.
Heaven help you if you are a returning war vet and you fit any of those categories because they consider you to be a terrorist or should I say "potential terrorist".

It's not politically correct to speak out against illegal immigration or to have the nerve to speak out and say that Islamic terrorists are targeting the United States but it's OK to label every militia group as racist and a threat. It's OK to suggest that some grandmother in the Tea Party waving a flag and singing patriotic songs is some how a likely insurgent, while Muslims can march in our streets calling for Jihad and the overthrow of the western world and that's free speech.

So simply put; If you are against anything that the government is for you are a stupid racist and likely some type of domestic terrorist.You should be quieted and threatened and just go along with everything like domestic sheep but if you are for everything that the government is for then you are enlightened and should be given free reign to speak your mind, because , after all, it agrees with whats being spouted from the MSM and DC.

My grandparents always voted Democrat but beyond that they never said much about politics, but I think that there brand of common sense and the way that they treated people speaks volumes as to what their thoughts were.I can tell you they wouldn't have cared much for what is going on today.

I am a disabled vet. I know what government run anything is like. I know what it is to have a government check every month and to wonder if it's going to be taken away or decreased or wonder if they are going to attach any strings to it. Make no mistake about this, once you are in the government system, they have you. Doesn't matter if it's an earned check, such as in the case of Disabled vets, once they have you they can control what you do. Is this really what you want America?

My grandparents didn't take handouts from the government and while things may have been tough,especially with 2 kids in the house,they were retirement age, they hung in there and made due with what they had. America and our government needs to do the same.

Here is the kicker though, it's the way that they have successfully labeled all of us and divided us that truly makes all of this remarkable. I have pointed out a few things and most of us could come up with more, but they have divided us along party lines, though there isn't any real difference any more, they have divided us by race and color and religion.By doing this we spend our time looking at our differences rather then what we have in common and we remain divided. It's an old military tactic; divide and conquer and is as old as the garden of Eden. It has worked in the past and until we can stop fighting with each other, the powers that be win.

Semper FI,