Friday, May 7, 2010

Grandparents Common Sense

OK here we go, I am going to ask one of the most profound questions that I can think of at the moment. This question just really sums up my thoughts and attitudes about a great number of things from both a political and religious point of view and truly this is purely rhetorical but I must ask it anyhow.

Have we all lost our minds? Or should I say common sense?

I ask this question because I am getting to a point where I really don't get it anymore. Perhaps it's my age. I am , after all, middle aged and past the most productive stage in life. I am dumber then almost everyone under the age of 25,just ask them and they will tell you that, and I am a great deal heavier...I have always leaned more towards the conservative side in politics and religion, though in recent years I have embraced more of a libertarian mind set, but over all I am old fashioned conservative.

So what is it I don't get? Well...all of it.

Let me explain; My grandparents never had much, they at one time had owned a farm that got burned down and from there took shoe factory jobs in Maine so that there kids could get a Christian education. They owned a house,in which me and my brother were also raised in, and they had a car. They had enough property so that they could grow a garden and can veggies for the winter. These were not rich people but they worked within their means to put food on the table and to keep the bills paid. I don't remember them having a credit card, nor any outstanding bills with the exception of the house. They were however some of the most generous of people that I have ever known. My grandfather used to make bread and doughnuts and he either gave it away or sold it for very little. My grandmother was always knitting something for people or both of them were making stuff for local community events. They opened their house to us when my mother got divorced and over the years had any number of students who went to the local Christian school, stay in their house as well. Generous loving people, though in a very typical New England sort of way. At their funerals I can tell you that the church was packed to the point of people listening from outside. Truly amazing people.

So why do I mention them? They had good old fashion common sense. They knew that they had to live within their means. They didn't go out seeking government help to take care of us or to pay the mortgage. They even went so far as to take what little they had and either shared it with their neighbors or used it in such a way as to help their neighbors. My grandmother was known for buying a bag of groceries for people and leaving it on their door steps.Their way of thinking was not uncommon. Everybody there was poor and so people helped out each other and it all sort of worked out in the end.
We took care of each other and the government stayed out of our business and we were all better off for it.

So this where I kind of get lost. What has happened to us that we just want to go along for the ride and let "Uncle Sam " take care of us? Why is it that we stand by and let them get bigger and bigger? How can it be that after all their lies and BS that we still believe them? My grandparents knew that if the money isn't there then you can't spend it, so if they knew it and it worked , how can it be that a bunch of highly educated people can't figure it out. They can't balance their own check books and yet we want to turn the entire economy over to them? Sorry I don't get it.

Now of course we must add labels to all of this. If you disagree with the way that our government is going then you are a racist or you are stupid.
If you belong to any of the non mainstream groups, because you are against a bigger government, then not only are you a racist but likely you are a terrorist as well.
Heaven help you if you are a returning war vet and you fit any of those categories because they consider you to be a terrorist or should I say "potential terrorist".

It's not politically correct to speak out against illegal immigration or to have the nerve to speak out and say that Islamic terrorists are targeting the United States but it's OK to label every militia group as racist and a threat. It's OK to suggest that some grandmother in the Tea Party waving a flag and singing patriotic songs is some how a likely insurgent, while Muslims can march in our streets calling for Jihad and the overthrow of the western world and that's free speech.

So simply put; If you are against anything that the government is for you are a stupid racist and likely some type of domestic terrorist.You should be quieted and threatened and just go along with everything like domestic sheep but if you are for everything that the government is for then you are enlightened and should be given free reign to speak your mind, because , after all, it agrees with whats being spouted from the MSM and DC.

My grandparents always voted Democrat but beyond that they never said much about politics, but I think that there brand of common sense and the way that they treated people speaks volumes as to what their thoughts were.I can tell you they wouldn't have cared much for what is going on today.

I am a disabled vet. I know what government run anything is like. I know what it is to have a government check every month and to wonder if it's going to be taken away or decreased or wonder if they are going to attach any strings to it. Make no mistake about this, once you are in the government system, they have you. Doesn't matter if it's an earned check, such as in the case of Disabled vets, once they have you they can control what you do. Is this really what you want America?

My grandparents didn't take handouts from the government and while things may have been tough,especially with 2 kids in the house,they were retirement age, they hung in there and made due with what they had. America and our government needs to do the same.

Here is the kicker though, it's the way that they have successfully labeled all of us and divided us that truly makes all of this remarkable. I have pointed out a few things and most of us could come up with more, but they have divided us along party lines, though there isn't any real difference any more, they have divided us by race and color and religion.By doing this we spend our time looking at our differences rather then what we have in common and we remain divided. It's an old military tactic; divide and conquer and is as old as the garden of Eden. It has worked in the past and until we can stop fighting with each other, the powers that be win.

Semper FI,

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