Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Random Thoughts and Why's....

Just some random thoughts on some various random issues.

Today we have Oil executives saying that the mess that they created is somehow not their fault, or should I say that they are spending their time blaming each other rather then being adults and owning up to their collective mistakes....of course when you consider who it is that's grilling them in the first place they have learned how to blame from the pros.

I am still at a loss to understand how it is that you SAVE money by putting yourself so deep in debt that the next ice age will come before we even begin to touch the interest....I think 10,000 years from now when they rediscover the lost nation of the United States that they will discover that just like the Mayans we disappeared with out a trace, years later they will discover that we all migrated to 3rd world countries to avoid all the taxes.....

What part of illegal is miss-understood? How can it be that average legal citizens can't get a hand up in these troubling times, but if you cross the border illegally, you can have everything handed to you? Sorry I don't get it. I am not prejudice, look at my name for goodness sakes, but why is it if I ask these very basic questions, instead of answering the question I am labeled....or how can it be that in the United States kids in school get in trouble for wearing American flags on their shirts? Do the British get upset if we wear our shirts on their independence day? How about the Irish on St. Patric's day? Just saying...

Why is it that everyone insists on being hyphenated Americans? What happened to just being plain good old fashioned American? Used to be that when people came here from other countries they learned the language and the culture and they expected their kids to do the same thing......doesn't mean you give up the traditions or customs of your former country but it does mean that you give up that national id and become American citizens with out the hyphen.

Why is everyone suddenly afraid of free speech? By everyone I mean the politicians and the main stream media. Why is it that everyone who even thinks about disagreeing with whatever is politically correct at the moment is demonised? What is it that they are afraid of? That you might learn the real truth about things? You might adapt a differing opinion? President Bush made me nervous with all his changes and I spoke up against that which I thought he was doing wrong and it was suggested that we were not being patriotic. President Obama and his cronies have actually accused people of sedition because they have disagreed with them and they have made a concerted attempt to paint those of us who disagree with them as anything from lunatics to terrorists.
Why? Again, are you afraid that people may come to really see what it is that you and past administrations are truly up to?

How can it be that a man who is supposed to defend the Constitution and uphold the laws of this land , won't do it? Of course in all fairness to him, the same can be asked of all of our politicians...

Why is it that we trust these people with our wallets, when they can't keep track of their own? They give us more and more taxes on more and more things and yet many of them don't pay their own taxes, if we avoided them we would go to jail they somehow get a pass. It's sort of like asking Jack the Ripper to babysit your teenage daughter...you wouldn't do that so why are we doing this?

One last "why".

Why is it that we are allowing this government to keep us in a constant state of war? I fought in this war,when we left we had beat them, and it was over.Yet here we sit still involved in Iraq and Afghanistan, years later with no end in sight and rumors of Pakistan now floating around. Why do we waste our time on places that hate us no matter what we do? Why do we spend lots of money on all these foreign bases and wars while in our own land we have much work that could be done with that same money?
Why, after sending them into harms way, would you cut the pay and benefits of the troops, when there are people on the welfare roles who are capable of work but just refuse to do so? Cut their pay instead and see how long they stay. Why would you even begin to hint that Veterans may not deserve their pay and benefits when it is the government who made them disabled in the first place?!

That last why is extremely personal to me....just saying.

OK I have rambled on enough. If I have pissed you off in some way by my questions ask yourself why? Is it because I am asking the questions that you are to afraid to ask or is it because you think that I'M an Idiot?

Either way you have a right to say so and express yourself and that is the point of all this. Think what you think and speak your mind that's part of the America I remember.

Semper FI.

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