Friday, May 21, 2010

So why the remorse?

Have you ever experienced buyers remorse? I have. You know that sinking feeling after you have made a big purchase and suddenly an unexpected bill shows up and suddenly you find your self scrambling around just trying to figure out how get everything paid.
My worse experience came from a car years ago. We had just bought a brand new car, we were living the dream ,as it were, and we suddenly found ourselves expecting a child.
Just like that we we went from being excited about having this car to, now how do we get rid of it! We knew that we were going to need that money for things for our coming baby, O why did we buy that car and what do we do now?!
Well the short end of it is through a small series of disasters, including the car being stolen, we did loose the car. The good news of course is that our daughter was born.

I think that in this country right now that there is a lot of buyers remorse going on.Everyday there are new headlines of the various things that the government is doing to get involved in our privacy, all in the name of the public good of course and"Social Justice" , and many are starting to show just how unhappy they are with all of it by joining the various groups that are protesting these changes. The governments response to all this has been everything from ridicule and disdain to accusations of sedition, and why not, after all they have the majority in the house and senate and therefore they can say or do what they like and we are led to believe that we can do nothing about it.

To my liberal friends and others who studied the issues and determined that this is the man you want leading you, you have my highest respect, at least you did your homework before you came to your conclusions. I know this to be true because of many nights of camp fire discussions on the issues. We could probably teach people what real civility is about.

So let me ask you a question, those of you with the remorse, why are you so sorry? I admittedly did not vote for President Obama so I am not experiencing that remorse, so I have to ask the question of those of you who did; Why the remorse?
Did you not pay attention to the campaign? Did you not listen to the Debates? Did you not pay attention when people pointed out that then candidate Obama, was raised by Marxists and believed in the Communist/Socialist ideas of "Social Justice" or of the re-distribution of wealth? It was right out there in the open for all to see, so why are you so surprised? When he said that they were going to "fundamentally change America" did you think that he was kidding?
When he spends his time America bashing, why are you surprised? O that's right you didn't pay attention to him not respecting our flag during the campaign, because you apparently weren't watching! America isn't perfect and we have done some amazingly stupid things in the past but that is no reason to disrespect the nation that you are supposed to be leading.

In my humble opinion the last election was little more then a sham anyhow. You didn't have any real choices and after listening to the debates I came to realize that they all are out for the same thing, it was just a matter of how they would do it. And yes I also believe that there is a much larger global agenda going on here, that would be going on no matter who was in charge, that's a subject for another day though.

How about you in the press. What are you complaining about? You being left out of the loop all of a sudden? He has no respect for the constitution or America in general, he won't uphold our own laws of checks and balances in the government, and somehow you think that he is going to respect "freedom of the press? " You are more to be despised then he is because you could have honestly reported the truth about him but you did nothing but lick the dirt off of his shoes. I realize that Bush had issues as well, but is that any reason to glorify this man almost to deity status? So I do not feel sorry that the press is being screwed royal, if you had been honest in your journalism in the first place you'd still be in the loop.

So there you have it, with last nights vote, the government has control of the financial sector. So as soon as they can get cap and trade passed, or whatever they are calling it now, they will have control of most aspects of our lives. The Fed. now controls the banks and the financial institutions, they have now put a strangle hold on Wall Street, they own the Auto industry. They have control of Medical. They are considering adding a "Value Tax" to everything that you buy. They are fighting in court to control what food you eat and what natural herbal supplements that you use. You are taxed on everything from food to a fishing license and every year the fees go up.And just in case you haven't figured this out yet, with the government now owning the banks and financial institutions, they own your house as well. This is what you voted for; So why the remorse?

It still not to late to change things, but I am afraid that the death knell has been sounded, we were too busy to pay attention to the issues, the press did nothing to inform people of the truth and those of us who spoke loudly were ignored or were accused of bigotry and hatred.

If someone had told me before I signed for the car that there were going to be much more important issues coming my way, such as a baby, I wouldn't have bought the car. Unlike todays political issues, there was no way I could have known so I bought it and I paid badly for that decision. So whats your excuse?

Semper Fidelis,

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