Thursday, February 9, 2012

Attacks on the Constitution and Religion

I am not a Catholic. I am not Protestant. I am not a Christian,or Jew, though my leanings are definitely towards Judaism, but I am concerned for all of the above religions. In fact I will take it just a bit further and say that I am worried about where this country is heading in regards to our constitution and our God given rights. Last week, as most of you who pay attention anyhow, know, the Obama administration decided that it would make it mandatory for religious institutions to provide everything from birth control to abortions through mandated insurance for their employees. In effect saying to them that even though it is against your religious beliefs to do so, we, "The Government", are going to force you to do this. Besides the fact that it violates the conscience of many religious groups, it is also a clear violation of the First Amendment which states very clearly: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. " I have heard this used time and time again to keep separate church and state and yet, when it's convenient to do so, the government is going to violate it for their own purposes? I have heard it argued that a vast number of the above named groups use contraception any how but that is not really the point. The point is that the government does not have the right to force you to violate your conscience whether or not they think it's good for you. None of this is new of course. I asked someone, a Christian friend, 20 some odd years ago, when the great witch hunt for smokers was going on, where does it stop? At that time, as most of you probably remember, smoking and smokers were being hunted down almost like dogs and some were actually calling for the government to ban cigarettes or at least tax them so high as to bankrupt the tobacco companies, which of course were the most vile of all groups, and so I asked the question then, if the government interferes here in our lives where does it stop? Even if it is with the best of intentions it goes way beyond what they were ever intended to do and what if the thing that you love or like to do suddenly becomes the next target? Where does it stop? Today it seems that the entire Constitution is under attack in one form or another and there are those in powerful positions who are calling for it to be changed or ignored. It has become PC to attack the very document that points out our God given rights to even have this conversation. We have groups such as DHS that would suggest that people like me, a war vet, Libertarian, constitutionalists are actually the enemy now, because I believe in freedom and liberty as guaranteed by that very Constitution. I should point out that unless you live under a rock you likely fit into one of their terrorist categories as well. None of this really surprises me. The constitution has been under full blown attack for the past 12 years at least and religion for at least the last 20 in both the private and public arenas. Two recent examples a Supreme Court Justice, suggested in an interview that the constitution was too restrictive and that if she was looking for a model she would go with something like South Africa uses. This is a someone, who is supposed to uphold and defend the Constitution and yet she belittles it internationally. Of course when you have presidents, past and present, who do end runs around the congress and the Constitution, and in congress people who ignore the Constitution in favor of PC or who pays the most, I don't suppose I should expect any less. The religion part is easy to spot as well. Military Chaplains being told what they can and cannot say to their congregations, They cant invoke the name of their god in their prayers. A prominent university, is threatening to ban religious organizations unless they are all inclusive of people,including those who are fundamentally opposed to what they stand for. If you are going to be a part of a group shouldn't you be expected to have similar beliefs? That's like saying that the Marine Corp League should allow members of Code Pink to join them with out ever having served in the Marines. It makes no sense. At what point do we , as Americans, say enough already? We have become a nation of people that allow the nanny state to rule everything we do. We have become a nation of sheeple who just sit back and watch or even actively promote those who would destroy our Constitution, somehow convincing ourselves that this is for our own good, not realizing that we are but inches away from full blown tyranny. You can ignore me, I am not a powerful person, I am but a patriot who has served his country and loves what this country use to be, but mark my words when I tell you that the day is coming when we won't even be able to have this conversation because it will be considered to be seditious, but that's a subject for another day. Semper Fi

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