Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Truth Does Not Equal Sedition

At the end of my last blog I wrote and said that at some point in time, the things that I write might be considered to be "seditious." I am sure that many of you who have read this probably think that I am out of my mind, or that I just can't see things in the larger picture of life or ,worse yet ,you might think that I am just not bright enough to really see that my beliefs and ideals are out of touch with reality. Perhaps I am, all the above things, perhaps I am so old fashioned that I have been extremely naive to the realities of this new brave world, I don't know and honestly I don't care. I, along with many others in a general way, have been branded by the United States Government as a potential terrorist for little more then loving my country, supporting the Constitution and literally defending it against our so called enemies. I am labeled as such because I believe in the freedom of speech, even for those that I disagree with. I am labeled as such because I am a gun owner, an Iraq war vet and a constitutionalists. I have not broken any laws, have upheld my oath and yet time and time again, I , and others just like me, are considered to be the dangerous ones. I have attempted, over the last few years to be as objective in my writing as I can be. I have attempted to put a humorous spin on things or to suggest that there are some, much simpler ways ,to do things then these convoluted ideas that our government comes up with. Yet I am either ignored or thought to be a fool. So be it. This is where the supposed seditious part starts so you might want to leave now, before they round you up for having thoughts of your own or a conscience. Our president and most of congress are traitors to the country and have violated the oath of office. Here is the presidential oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." He has violated this oath time and time again , with his end runs around congress, and the Constitution that he is sworn to uphold, and Yes his predecessor did them same and is just as guilty. Congress has ignored it over and over again, and at least in a few cases openly scorned it or have suggested that we need to get rid of it or change it. How is that protecting or defending it? All of them need to be recalled and replaced. It isn't about skin color , and it isn't about party affiliation, because their predecessors were just as bad if not worse in some ways. The patriot act ,and the continuation of it, is in complete violation of more amendments to the constitution then I have time to write about. If any of you would take the time to search and really look at what has been done, all in the name of security, you would see it. This I realize will never happen because you would rather be entertained then informed, the death of a singer or the latest so called reality show or your FB status is more important to you then learning the truth,which is simply this; Your government is going out of it's way to destroy your rights and freedoms and they have a global agenda in mind. Here are just a few examples. Freedom of speech. Every time someone wants to speak out against the policies of the president or even have the nerve to question him, they are ostracized or ignored, and many times they are called racist, even if they are black. Ask Joe the plumber about being investigated for speaking his mind. Ask the General who couldn't speak at a military school because he was to controversial and CAIR protested. Ask Jewish students and leaders who try to speak out for Israel and they are shouted down. The only speech that you are allowed are those that the administration approves of or is considered politically correct. Freedom of speech means that you have the right to speak your mind even if that means some one is offended. I am of Cuban descent, if you wish to go out on a street corner and denounce all Cuban immigrants, you have that right. And while I will disagree with you as loudly as I can, I will also defend your right to say what you will. Yes, there can be consequences for what you say, but you still have the right to say them. Freedom of Religion. You have to be living under a rock to not see whats happening. The government, in clear violation of the Constitution, is telling the Catholic church, and really all religious institutions, that you have to follow the dictates of the government even though it goes against your conscience and morals. This is not entirely new,clergy of all kinds have been essentially told that they have to be careful what they preach on,because they could be held responsible for a hate crime ,if someone reacts wrong to something that they said, making broad assumptions that what happened was your intention. Then there are those, who on public streets have been arrested for nothing more then handing out Bibles. The list is long and endless but the bottom line is the agenda is to remove as much of religion and speech as possible. I will end this section with this thought; You may not agree with the Catholic church, (I am neither Catholic nor a Christian)on this issue ,but understand that once that breech has been made, it's only a matter of time before they come after what you believe to be morally wrong or your moral duty. Right to keep and bare arms. Right now the current administration is considering trying to ratify a treaty on small arms that the UN is proposing.This is little more then an attempt to end run the congress and the Constitution once again. This is not a hunter rights issue, this is an issue of every American citizen having the right to defend themselves from a tyrannical government and it's enforcers. Do you really want the UN to be the one who decides this issue? Do you really want a country where the only ones with the guns are the criminals, military and police? This is what Hitler did and millions died.This is whats being attempted here. The right of the people, peaceably, to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. A couple of years ago during the Republican convention, people were kept from protesting any where near where the convention was being held. I have watched, as time and time again, people from all walks of life have been arrested or escorted out of an public assembly, not because they were doing anything dangerous, but simply because they were voicing their opinion on what they believed was wrong. When Occupy Wall Street was peacefully protesting what they considered to be wrong, many times, they were arrested and hauled away. When the Tea Party spoke their minds,instead of the points of issue being debated they were mocked and ridiculed by the government and essentially dismissed and called racist. Their grievances still haven't been addressed. The rights of the people to be secure in their persons. The government has said that you no longer have that right either. You have no right to resist arrest. The police on the other hand have the right to enter your home and go through and remove all your personal effects for no other reason that you might be up to something. Meaning that if they smell something suspicious outside your door, with out a warrant, or real probable cause, they can bust into your home and arrest you on nothing more then suspicion. If you fly you are subject to search and naked body scans. If you take a bus or a train, or even stop at the right rest area, you can find yourself being randomly searched for no reason other then DHS says they can, again violating the Constitution. I am only up to number 4 and I have skipped a lot of stuff. Now of course along with the everything else, because of the NDAA act, you can be arrested and detained by the military or police ,for an indefinite period of time, for no more reason then you MIGHT do something. I know someone personally who this happened too so this isn't just hear say to me. Just writing this ,and telling you, that all this is a clear violation of everything that this country has ever stood for, could be enough to make me disappear for a long time, if for no other reason ,then to scare me into silence. We are spending more money then we have. Getting our selves closer to the edge of economic disaster and no one is stopping it. While many are getting poorer because of it, our congress people are getting remarkably richer. Bankers and Wall street are doing well while the working class and main street are falling apart. And no one is doing anything to stop it. Voter fraud and corruption charges have been filed in various parts of this country against officials of the two main parties. Meanwhile real voters ,at the primaries and caucuses, are having their votes disregarded in states such as Iowa and Maine because they don't match the already pre determined outcome.This is just plain wrong. We are a nation that has ignored it's own laws and Constitution from the top down and we then have the nerve to try and force other nations to follow our lead? We have become the modern day Romans and are ripe for total and complete collapse. This is what the globalist want. So there you have it. I am done supporting anything that this country does, until we go back to being a Constitutional Representative Republic. I won't support any party, or cause. I am not interested in voting because the two party system is a sham, it's a choice between two evils with the same, differently worded ideology. We have the illusion of being free but the reality is that we only have the freedom that we are willing to fight for and collectively we have stopped fighting. So am I being seditious? I don't think so, at least not according to Websters Dictionary,I am simply speaking the truth, but if in speaking that truth I am seen as such then so be it.

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