Friday, February 24, 2012

Research Before You Speak

Most any of you who know me must know by now that I don't have any affiliation with any political party. Having said that,I had thought that I had found a group of Libertarians and Constitutionalists that I could agree with, that by all appearances, they seemed to be awake to the things that I have seen and have believed, only to find out that many of them are almost as ignorant of history and the facts as many people in the major parties. I read a comment by someone yesterday, from this group, that was trying to suggest that the Jews in Israel had only been there since the end of WW2 and that the true "Semites" were actually the so called Palestinians ,and that the current financial mess in the world has been caused by Jewish bankers, following the book "Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion." This is pure ignorance. With all this technology and information at your fingertips, how could anyone actually believe any of it. Then I thought about it. The problem isn't with the information being out there, the problem is that most people would rather have their information via sound bites ,from the Main Stream Media, and most of that, when it speaks of Israel and the Jewish people, is mostly anti Jewish. So I thought I might try something different and use what is known as "historically accurate facts" to paint the proper picture. You may feel free to disagree with me if you wish, but at least take the time to research it yourself before doing so. The first round of lies is that the Jews are European in origin and that they have only been in Israel for the past 60 years. Even disregarding the Bible, as an accurate historical record, there is plenty of historical documentation from the Greeks and Romans to show that they have been in Israel for at least that long. I have been doing research for a book I am considering writing, on one of the Messianic figures of the Jewish people, that led to the destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Most of my information comes from Roman historians. I went back and looked at a blog that I wrote last year in which I included all of the history of Israel, in abbreviated form, from the times before the Romans all the way to the Brits. There has always been Jewish people in Israel, it is simply a historical fact. The word Semite, to be used properly , according to Websters dictionary anyhow, is a reference to many differing peoples of the middle east to include both Jews and Arabs. It doesn't actually belong to one group or nation. So in effect if you are anti Semitic, you hate pretty much anyone of middle eastern descent, Arab and Jew alike. So to suggest that the so called Palestinians are the Semitic people is only partially accurate and only in the fact that they are Arabs. So then if they are Arabs then who might the real Palestinians be? The real Palestinians are in fact the Jewish people, again go back to history. The Romans named the area Palestine and that area was populated by Jews. An Arab, prior to the terrorist Yassar Arafat and the 1967 war, would have considered it an insult to be called a Palestinian. It wasn't until after the 1967 war, after the Arabs in Israel and been shut out of their home countries, by their own Arab brothers, that they adopted the term Palestinian. These are the facts, look them up. One other note. I have seen time and time again, where Israel is called an Apartheid state, by the media and some really ignorant people. If you believe that to be true, go and ask some of Israels Arab citizens , particularly some of the Arab women, how much opportunity that they have in Israel. Any where else but Israel and they would be slaves to their husbands and wouldn't be able to do anything. I might point out as well that these people live side by side with Jews and they have no problems. Arabs are welcome in Israel, but if Hamas and others have their way Jews will not be welcome in their territories, so who is actually promoting Apartheid? Concerning the book The Protocols Of The Elders of Zion I refer to both the London Times article of 1921 debunking it and an article written in 2000 by Charles Paul Freund in the Feb. edition of "The last mystery surrounding the infamous anti-Semitic pamphlet Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion--the identity of the 1904 hoax's author--finally has been solved. According to the Russian historian Mikhail Lepekhine, the Protocols were concocted by a Russian propagandist named Mathieu Golovinski as part of a monarchist scheme to persuade Czar Nicholas II that the capitalist modernization of Russia was really a Jewish plot to control the world. Golovinski's handiwork--24 subversive "protocols" that purport to be the minutes of a secret "Zionist" conclave--was to become a bulwark of anti-Semitic paranoia and an essential text of Nazism. The Protocols remain dear to credulous paranoids throughout the world. Historian Lepekhine discovered Golovinski's authorship in Russia's long-closed archives and published his findings last November in the French newsweekly L'Express. Golovinski had been linked to the work before: The German writer Konrad Heiden identified him as an author of the Protocols in 1944. The Protocols have been known to be a forgery since 1921, when The Times of London revealed that they had been largely copied from an 1864 political tract by a Frenchman, Maurice Joly. That work was a commentary on French politics and had nothing to do with Jews. Golovinski, working with such mystical anti-modernizers as the Holy Brotherhood, combined Joly's fantasy elements of world domination with earlier anti-Jewish and anti-Masonic material to produce "evidence" of an overarching Jewish-Masonic plot. Late-Imperial Russia was awash in documentary forgeries, domestic spying, and counterspying, with revolutionaries and the Czarist secret police often involved in complex duplicities. Golovinski himself changed sides after the 1917 revolution, becoming a Bolshevik propagandist." The bottom line is this, the Jewish people are not whats wrong with the world. Is their government perfect? No. No more then ours is and thats why we are attempting to fire the whole lot of them last I knew. The fact of the matter is that it is selfishness and greed on the parts of the elites, all over the world ,at the cost of all the rest of us, is the problem and as long as we are focused on the wrong people we will never be able to change anything. The below verse says much as to how I see things and how I will continue to see things, if that means I have no political party and I am hated by all because I wrote what I believe to be true, then so be it. "Listen to Me, you who know righteousness ,You people in whose heart is My law:Do not fear the reproach of men,Nor be afraid of their insults. For the moth will eat them up like a garment,And the worm will eat them like wool;But My righteousness will be forever,And My salvation from generation to generation.” Isa. 51:7-8

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