Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sexual News

You know what, I am tired of the news. No it goes way beyond that, I am sick of what people want to call news anymore. I have a better Idea. In stead of focusing on subjects that really matter, such as the various wars or the state of the national economy and personal liberties being trashed, let us, instead make all our news sexually orientated. Yes you read me right. If it doesn't have some sort of sexual content, then It should be banned from the airwaves. No more war news with out sex. No more political news with out sex. Here is an example of how this would work.

If I write a headline that says organic potatoes are better then chemically enhanced ones, then I may get a few readers who are interested in the subject of organics. But if I make the headline say, that sexual intercourse is better with those who eat nothing but organic potatoes, then suddenly I am going to have a multitude of readers. I will have not only those who eat organic foods attention, but there is bound to be folks from the scientific community reading and or commenting on it as well as those who are just curious about anything that involves sex. It's not that there is anything different about the potatoes in either article, but there is a huge difference in how I present it and that makes all the difference.

Another example; I don't watch much for television, so as you can imagine, I don't watch any of the awards shows, yet when a particular starlet came out and showed some leg, that became news and it caught my attention. This particular starlet doesn't appeal to me and I think she needs to put on a few pounds to look healthy and dare I say it ,sexy , but because of the headline, it was able to get my attention.

So lets put this in perspective then. Imagine headlines that looked something like this;

" The Afghan war ended today because the US military and the Taliban couldn't continue fighting due to an out break of sexual contact that disrupted the shooting and the war. Both sides declare sexual prowess victory....."

"GOP rivals battle it out in close contests over sexual performance, Ron Paul , while clearly the oldest, said that his sex life was still going strong and that makes him the best candidate for office, because of more experience in the things that really matter..."

" The president signed into law today a bill that would legalize the constitution once again. He signed this while resting in his bed at the white house after a wonderful night with his wife, he is quoted as saying that he has had flowers sent to her...."

Is any of this likely to happen? I doubt it. But did you see what I did,in just those three "headlines". I brought in the ending of the war, the GOP political fight and the Constitution all in three ridiculous headlines.

My point though is that if this is the only way to get Americans to pay attention to anything other then reality shows and whose legs are sexier then others, then it should be done. Yesterday I posted an article that told of congress stripping away more first amendment rights, which many a protestor is going to find out about the hard way this summer, and Only one person even bothered to comment. Sad. So lets try that headline differently and see what happens.

The Sexually active House of Representatives approved a bill on Monday, after their daily orgy, that outlaws protests in instances where some government officials are nearby, engaged in sex,whether or not you even know it.....

The actual headline says this; (Courtesy of RT )"The House of Representatives approved a bill (HR 347) on Monday that outlaws protests in instances where some government officials are nearby, whether or not you even know it." It already has senate approval.

The first revised version likely got your attention, and may have even disgusted you, but the second one you likely yawned through, but just like my organic potato analogy, the message didn't change, just the presentation.

So just let me know if a sexual format will work for you, when I post political news that I think is important. I refuse to show any leg but Ill do whats needed if it will get your attention....


  1. Funny Stuff man. And no, I am not commenting because all of the sexy talk; you old perv... haha. Keep up the good work!

  2. Dear Anonymous, thank you for making my point.
