Thursday, March 22, 2012

End of Simple Minded

I entered into the idea of "Simple Minded" to provide ,what I saw, as very simple solutions for a complicated world. It seemed to me that the simple thoughts of following the Constitution and common sense was the best way to do things.

Apparently I am wrong.

It would seem that sex is the only thing that interests people. Of all the posts I have written, "Sexual News" got the most reads and it actually had very little to do with sex, but it finally showed me the truth of things, which is simply this ; we ,as a nation, care more about sex and entertainment then we do about what is happening ,Constitutionally speaking, to our country. If we did, think more of the Constitutional welfare of our country, we would have a much smaller government and our constant state of warfare and welfare would be a thing of the past because the government would not be getting involved in everything that is going on in the world or in our homes and business. Alas this is not to be.

We are a people who do not deserve our Constitution if we did we would be holding our politicians accountable for subverting it.

We have a government that does not have the integrity or honor to stand amongst the great founders of this nation, for if they did they would uphold that Constitution that our forefathers died for, rather then destroy it.

In short, it would seem that most of you would rather prefer the sheepdom of so called government intervention in every aspect of your life, as long as you can be gainfully entertained, rather then live your lives free from tyranny. So be it.

So simply put, "Simple Minded" is pointless to write anymore. If the obvious events happening around us can not bring up the wrath of the American people against those who would destroy us and subvert us to the whims of the UN, or the NWO or whomever, then my humble writings, with such a small amount of readers, will not do it either.

So thank you to the few that have read this blog, sorry that it won't keep going. We are repeating history ,going all the way back to the tower of Babylon, and most of the sheep are content and asleep in their cages not realizing or even caring that the wolf has the keys.

1 comment:

  1. After some thought and some serious consideration, I am going to continue on anyhow. I will only hand the powers that be a small victory if I quit, so I refuse to do so.
