Friday, March 30, 2012

Fridays Are Scary

I think that Fridays have to be one of the scariest days in the political world, that and just about any major holiday, because this is the time when the various political leaders in our country like to pull fast ones on us. It seems that every time there is a major piece of legislation to be signed or Executive order to be put in place, it happens during those times when we are not paying attention collectively. Who wants to look at news articles when we have the BBQ going or presents to unwrap? No one ,so that's when these little gems are usually sprung on us. Now that's not always true, I do have one from last Friday that seemed to slip quietly under the radar but the next one actually was put into place this week during the supreme courts hearing of arguments over Obama care. These are the fun little tid bits I will share with you today. Yesterday, while you and I were asleep at the wheel the EPA put into place more rules effecting the emissions from Coal powered plants, effectively killing them and ,of course, in the process making sure that the price of electricity goes up. Now I have several problem with this. First it will raise the price of electricity. I have lived out in the Midwest where they use coal powered plants to generate electricity and I can tell you that the cost of living was a lot less expensive there because of it, but I guess we cant have people in this country living cheaply and comfortably. Next is the rather poor timing of all this. Oil prices are needlessly too high and the price of gas is getting to the point of where driving is not worth the cost, but then I guess it's easier to control the people if they cant go anywhere. Natural gas , from what I know is still fairly cheap, but with all the rules that are being attempted to regulate that as well, it wont be long before it will cost you your right arm to have that as well. So what do we , the average sheep, do? We cant use Nuclear power because, so we have been told anyhow, it's to dangerous. Fracking for natural gas, again I lived in fracking country, is so dangerous we must regulate it more and make Natural gas more difficult to obtain. We could drill for our own oil thus stopping our need to be involved in middle east politics and conflicts, but no, we cant do that because it might effect a passing Caribou or Kangaroo mouse, so screw it lets just keep fighting. Live on war machine... So here is my idea, this next winter when we are all freezing to death because the price of staying warm is way to high, we all gather together and just start cutting down the trees. I have no problem with using wood, I have my own wood stove, oh, well I guess we cant do that either because the environmentalist will have a fit and then will come in the Army Corp of engineers to stop us cutting on the so called wet lands and then there is the EPA..... The second little tidbit that managed to get un-noticed by any one was a fascinating article on keeping tabs on you. This is just part of the article. Fox News 3/23/12, The original article Also appeared on AP The U.S. intelligence community will be able to store information about Americans with no ties to terrorism for up to five years under new Obama administration guidelines. Until now, the National Counter terrorism Center had to destroy immediately information about Americans that already was stored in other government databases when there were no clear ties to terrorism..... Doesn't that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside? To think that my government loves me so much that they are going to keep tabs on me for years is just heartwarming. Why the very thought that everything that I say and do will be recorded by whatever means necessary just makes me, with my pitiful memory, rejoice. Next with the government trying to force you to purchase things that you may not wish to buy and our civil liberties being regulated and our Constitution being trampled on, we have President Obama selling us out to the Russians as well. Caught on an open mic, saying that he will be more flexible after the elections, concerning missile defense, and then suggesting that we have a moral obligation to do so? Really? Why? I like the idea of a utopian world where everything is peace and love and everyone works for the betterment of all man kind ,such as in the Star Trek universe, but the reality is is that almost no one else shares our same world view on anything and, I must point out , in the Star Trek universe ,they still had weapons available to deter any one from trying to attack them. So we disarm ourselves and we then become subject to any rogue nation with a bomb. Imagine the United States being held hostage by Jamaica? Why? Because we get rid of all our deterrents and they get one, that's all it would take. But the problem runs deeper then that. Mr. Obama spoke when he didn't think that the Mic was on and in a way he tipped his hand. He has made it clear that when he has nothing to lose anymore that he is going to do as he wishes. He has already done plenty of that in the last 3 plus years, I can't imagine what he will do once he is unleashed. I suppose there are some of you who think that the idea of a socialized nation is a good thing, and so you rejoice at all these wondrous changes, let me just say a few words on that. Nazi Germany, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Eastern Europe, North Korea, Cuba, China. No matter how you try to color it, no matter how you try to "spread the wealth" and make everything equal, there is always a ruling class and they tend to kill off all dissent and repress their people. History bears this out. So today is Friday and I have to say I wonder what fun things will go on in the political world..stay tuned I'll try to keep you posted....

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