Friday, March 16, 2012

The Dead Constituion And New Bill Of Rights

Last Thursday, with no fan fare or media coverage, the first amendment to the Constitution was officially killed. HR 347 was signed into law by President Obama and thus ended your right to free speech and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. If you don't believe it to be true, first of all go look it up and then see how it's worded. Next if you still don't believe it then get some of your friends together and go protest anywhere near someone who has secret service protection, say Mitt Romney or Mr. Obama, and see how fast you are arrested. Worse yet is that now, because of NDAA, you can be arrested and held indefinitely while being charged with a felony crime, for nothing more then speaking your mind. Mr. Obama has suggested that he would never use such a law, as in found in the NDAA against Americans, but if he can justify killing Americans in foreign countries with impunity and with out do process, as was once in our Constitution , I doubt that something as silly as his word would actually stop him from using it . One thing that history should have taught all of us, is that there has never been a weapon invented that hasn't been used, and killing dissent, is a massive weapon.

So this summer when some of you will be out protesting various issues near the political conventions, I am going to sit back and eat popcorn and laugh at all you sheep who haven't listened to a damn thing that I and a host of others have tried to warn you about. When you start screaming about your first amendment rights of free speech and the right to assemble, I am going to chuckle because you don't have any them anymore. You kept quiet when they shut down people that you disagreed with and now they are going to come after you. Hell they will likely come after me at some point, but at least I will go down knowing that I did what I could to warn you and to stop the destruction of our Republic.

So lets do something different then. Rather then trying to convince you I will rewrite the Bill of Rights, that's the first 10 Amendments for the sheeple, and show you how they look today. The original you can find on line if you have the ambition and the guts to do so.

Amendment 1
The Congress shall force you to follow laws that violate your conscious and freedom of religion. They will disguise it as something else, but they will infringe on your God given rights and morals, you will have no choice.You have the right to speak and to write only that which is politically correct and non offensive unless you are speaking against Christians and Jews then it's OK.The press shall be mind numbed robots who will only report that which their corporate owners dictate even if its a bold faced lie. If you even think or suggest that you are going to assemble to protest anything you will be arrested and jailed quite possibly forever.

Amendment 2
We will do everything in our power to take away your right to bear arms to defend yourselves from crime and tyranny. Until that time we will regulate and make arbitrary rules making it difficult for you to have said arms.

Amendment 3
While we won't let the military live in your house, which we own by the way, we will let them patrol in the streets and establish checkpoints and work with the local paramilitary forces known as police. Make sure that you are carrying the proper papers at all times.

Amendment 4
You will never be secure in your possessions and personal effects from search and seizure. We may come in and arrest you for little more then the thought that you might commit a crime, and with out a warrant arrest you and take all your things. You have no right to resist arrest, if you do we will fill you full of bullets in front of your family and kill your dog for the sheer hell of it.

Amendment 5
We can arrest you and make you disappear, quite possibly forever, and take everything that you have as well. You don't have to worry about double jeopardy either because you won't likely ever get to a civil trial if we think that you are to dangerous.

Amendment 6
We can detain you indefinitely. We can hand you over to the military for detention as well as ship you overseas to a foreign detention cell. No charges, no lawyer, you simply vanish because we don't like what you say or believe.

Amendment 7 -9
You have no right to trial by a jury of your peers because if they are your peers then they are enemies of the state and should be arrested as well. If we think that you are an an enemy of the state, even without proof, we can have you assassinated. Torture is optional. No fuss , no muss.....

Amendment 10
We are the Federal government and you have no rights unless we give them to you.
Those of you with your eyes open know that all of this has already happened. Some of you know personally . Those of you who just think I'm nuts, need to get your heads out of the TV, get on line and do some serious research and don't just go to the corporate media, they are in on all of it and, I might add, are actively encouraging and supporting our demise.

If the powers that be do succeed in their agenda it will become way too late to sit around and sing Kum By Ya and hold up protest signs because you will be in a FEMA camp somewhere with no rights anymore and at that point you might as well just drink the koolaid and call it a day.

The saddest day , for some of you, is going to be the day when you realize that what all of us conspiracy nuts have believed, is true . Because you won't have anyone to blame but for it but yourselves.

Should be a real interesting summer...popcorn popping...

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