Monday, March 19, 2012

It Has Begun...

For a long time, I have watched what has been going on in the political arena, and while I have made no bones as to what I think of Mr. Obama and his administration as well as the former administration of Mr. Bush and company, I find that I need to get more personal with you, particularly those of you who continue to support Mr. Obama.

Fridays and holidays seem to be the time that the President likes to spring new orders or changed ones, as he did this past Friday, on all of us. See HR 347 or NDAA or The National Defense Resources Preparedness EO. Tactically speaking it's brilliant because most people are doing things on the weekend and not watching the news, and most, so called news media, are ending their news cycles, so most of them get little notice until it's too late or unless an alternate news sight puts it out there.

As always , before I say much more, understand I don't like any of the people running in either party. The only one who I think is worth anything, Ron Paul, doesn't stand a chance because he's a libertarian and all sides are against him, but let us be clear ,I think that the whole system is rigged and it doesn't matter who's running, the winner has already been decided we are just going through the motions.

Having said this, I still have to ask the question, why are any of you still supporting Mr Obama?

What good has he done for this country? Yes ,Gays can serve openly in the military but other then that what has he done? Is it health care? I have government style health care and I can tell you it's not as great as you may think and it will hurt the economy more. It can't be his economic or energy policies, he hasn't got any, and this you know to be true every time you go to the pump or buy food, so what, pray tell, is it?

My observances of him show him to be nothing more then Mr. Bush on steroids. Mr Bush may have started this assault on our freedoms and liberties, via the patriot act ,but Mr. Obama has done nothing but make it worse. I remember protests where folks were upset about Mr. Bush wanting to tap our phones and see our library cards, yet when Mr. Obama continues this policy and then adds to it, via executive orders, completely by passing congress on just about everything, I have to ask ; Where are all you protesters now?

Doesn't it bother any of you that your rights are essentially gone? You no longer have the right to free speech unless it's politically correct, to your religious beliefs, to protest against the government. The press is complicit in all of this in that they have turned a purposeful blind eye to it and they are really only as free as their owners allow. Your right to own a gun is filled with massive paper work and unnecessary restrictions.You have no more rights to privacy or to be secure in your persons etc.....the list is long and I have written about all of it before. We have officials from this administration informing congress that they don't need to ask for permission to go to war, they only need the blessing of NATO or the UN, again a clear violation of the Constitution. You can be detained indefinitely and for no reason, without a warrant. You can be charged with a felony for protesting. The government can take everything ,whether it's peace time or war, all on the whim of the president. They are going to allow for 30,000 spy drones by 2015 to be flying and spying on all of us. TSA can search you at the airports and VIPR teams can stop you on the highways and bus stations. We are told by DHS to spy on each other and report anything no matter how stupid and we are living in constant fear of our shadows. Spending is through the roof and though it may have started with Bush it has gotten far worse with Obama and no one in either party has the courage to stop it. We have, in short, gone insane and we are bent on our own destruction.

I haven't taken the time here to give you lot of bill numbers and dates or where to find the articles because I have done all of that in earlier blogs. For once I am just simply expressing my frustration with some of you for not being able to see what is happening right in front of you.

I had this conversation with someone just recently who supports Obama, and as we were discussing the whole birth certificate issue, they called me a racist. My obvious question was why, because I don't like anything that he is doing? I spoke out against Mr. Bush and last I knew he was white. So where does my racism come from? Is it from my Cuban father or my Scottish/ Irish mother who is a democrat? Did I learn this from my Gay brother or his husband? The nerve of anyone calling me a racist because I don't agree with this administrations policies tells me just one thing. You know he has nothing to stand on so all you can do is insult those of us who are opposed to him.

So go ahead and vote for who ever you wish. It doesn't really matter because no matter who wins , and that will be Obama, mark my words on that one, the results will be bigger government.That government getting more and more in our personal business and eventually the crashing of our economy along with the total destruction of the Constitution.

It has already begun, and it will end badly.

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