Monday, December 12, 2016

Fake News

Today, a large, alien, spacecraft landed on my front lawn and very tall, thin, aliens, resembling big foot, wearing pink coats and roller blades, had a massive BBQ during the blizzard and ensuing tornadoes....
OK, so that didn't happen, or did it? You assume it didn't and you assume that it was fake because you have your own values and belief system and in that system this kind of thing can't happen, but you weren't here to prove me wrong so how can you know for sure that it is fake?

Apparently, while I paying attention to the absurd idea of Russia hacking our voting system (something I said would happen if Clinton lost) there has been a renewal of an idea to try and shut down so called “fake news” sites both here in the USA (freedom of speech and the press anyone?) and Europe. It would seem that the powers that be don't care for a well informed( my humble opinion of course) electorate, nor do they like the results of recent elections caused by a better informed electorate, so instead of countering with their own sites (they do own pretty much of all the main stream media after all) they instead want to shut down what they consider to be “fake news” (conservative) sites. So tell me, oh knowledgeable ones, what is to be considered “fake?”

My opening paragraph, by all reasonable thought, should be considered fake, but short of actually being here can you say for certain that it didn't happen? No, of course not, but even if it is “fake news” should I be shut down for writing it? I write what I write it's up to you whether or not you believe it.

What should the bench mark be for news? Who gets to make that kind of decision? Something I might find informative you might find to be a big load of horse puckey. There are many web sites and articles on them, that I find utterly ridiculous or that I disagree with on many levels, but I wouldn't shut them down just because I disagree with the content. They call it free speech and press for a reason.

What is truly scary is how many people, those who make their living with the press, seem to think that this is a good idea. In what universe is this a good thing? The former Soviet Union? Communist China?Are we going to allow for this to become our reality? Just because you don't like the outcome of an election or you don't like things that are not politically correct or things you just wholeheartedly disagree with, does not give you the right to shut them down.

If your idea of a free press or freedom of speech is only that which you agree with, what happens when you are no longer in favor? Who will be left to defend you once your speech has been taken away?

For me, I am always going to defend my rights to speak as I will and write what I wish, as well as defend your right to do the same, even if you don't believe aliens landed on my lawn.

“ Congress shall make no law....or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...”
Part of Amendment 1 of the Constitution.

Monday, November 28, 2016

A Recount

For those of you who missed it,especially in light of this coming about during a major holiday weekend, we now have a recount about to begin in three key states; Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, brought to you courtesy of a woman, Jill Stein ,a Green party candidate, who only received about 1% of the vote nation wide, with the accusation, that the system was hacked based on unusual voter patterns in those states. Interestingly enough I just read an article that is suggesting that HRC actually started this process the day after conceding the election sending out as many lawyers and computer gurus as she could to scour the results to see if there was any evidence of hacking or fraud. They admit they have nothing but they are going to go through with it anyhow.

Amazing though is that this woman,Stein, who wasn't able to hardly raise any money for her campaign, suddenly finds herself with the millions of dollars needed to demand a recount, receiving this money over Thanksgiving weekend when most folks are more interested in the turkey and black Friday deals, all over election results that would change nothing for her no matter what was found.

I also find it quite interesting that after three weeks of saying that she was going to accept the outcome of the election, that even though there is no evidence of fraud or tampering , that the Clinton team is going to join forces with her ( they say not financially ) so that all “voices can be heard” because ,after all, she allegedly won the popular vote so we need to be sure. So much for accepting the results.

So why go through all this when they admit they have no proof?

I believe ( tin foil hat time ) that this was a part of the plan all along. They have been talking of the system being hacked by the Russians,since at least spring time, thus setting us up for this very scenario. No one actually believed HRC was going to lose but they set in place an excuse and they chose Stein as their patsy to push this. Not necessarily so HRC can steal the election but to try and bring more doubt on our election process and to try and DE-legitimize the presidency of Mr. Trump.
As someone else has suggested if they can make it so that those electoral votes won't be able to be counted then you wind up with neither candidate having the right amount of electoral votes and so it would have to go to the house and the senate to vote on it in which case, in all likely hood,they would finish the job of electing Trump, and causing even more of a political firestorm.

So,again, whats the point to all of this? Division. Hatred. Confusion. Greed and selfishness.
I believe that HRC likely had this in the works shortly after conceding the race, and because she is a very sad egomaniac who would rather see the country burn to the ground then lose power, she is willing to roll the dice and do as much damage along the way as possible.

So much for the peaceful transition.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Uneducated Voters?

Today, while reading through various web pages and articles, I discovered the real reason that Clinton lost the election. Apparently it was stupid,uneducated,ignorant and misinformed voters that put her out and him in. It apparently had nothing to do with the idea that she was the worst candidate the democrats could have enthroned or the fact that her and her fans did little more than smear and trash everyone who disagreed with her.
First let me say, that you should have gone with Bernie. He had a message that was very popular with the younger crowds, and those were the very people who didn't show up to vote for her. I personally believe that had he of won the primary, he might have been able to beat Trump, but no, the fix was in, many of your people caught on and said hell no.

Now lets take a moment to discuss the “stupid, uneducated, ignorant and misinformed voter” of which I am a proud member.

I am the first to admit that I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but stupid? Not hardly. I'm not the one who fell for the total BS notion that she actually cares anything, at all,about any of us. I didn't fall the idea of having a President who has more baggage than Logan airport. I didn't fall for ignoring all her crimes and all the damage she has done to national security. Nor did I fall for some ridiculous idea that Trump has to be a saint.

The “uneducated” You got me there, I have only had a little college. I don't have a bunch of letters behind my name ( nor do I have the colossal debt) though I have had a few titles in front of it, such as Sgt and Rev, but really not a lot of education in the hallowed halls of academia. However I have gone to 4 different military schools for 4 different jobs using equipment and materials that Clinton probably leaked to our enemies. I did MCI (Marine Corp Institute) classes on my own, and completed the Corporals school, Sergeants course as well as the Staff NCO course. I have a stack of of certificates that would blow most peoples minds away. It has been said that if any of it counted in the “real world” I would have an easy B.S. Along with all the tech training.

But setting all that aside, just because someone doesn't have a degree, does not make them stupid or ignorant. How many of you college educated folks can rebuild a carburetor? How many of you even know what that is? How many of you can weld or fix your plumbing or wiring? How many of you even begin to understand how to build a house? Some of you do, but a vast majority of you don't. I don't have your education but I know how to do these things and more, the difference being that I understand that you don't know these things, and so I don't go out of my to insult people because they can't, which brings me to my last point.

Stop with the insulting already. You want to persuade people to your way of thinking? How about open discussion and discourse. How about conversation and an exchange of ideas? How about listening to those who disagree with you and trying to find common ground?

I warned someone ,a few years ago, that the political winds would change, as they always do, and when that happened my liberal friends were going to, figuratively, take a beating. It didn't have to be this way but many liberals have spent their collective time trashing everything that many Americans hold sacred and true, insulting instead of discussion, ridicule instead of open dialogue.

The bottom line is that it wasn't because the people were stupid,ignorant or just uneducated, it was because they had had enough of the liberal ,political correct, BS that the establishment in DC pandered to. They were tired of being pushed around and ignored, ridiculed for their beliefs and insulted because they wouldn't fall in line with a globalist agenda. In short a long sleeping giant was awoken and,quite frankly you brought it on yourselves.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Is 70 considered old?

Is 70 considered old? According to Obama care it is.

Not long ago my family and I went to a BBQ put on by one of our friends. One of the things that came up was the health of my friend since we had seen him last and, to say the least it, wasn't good. We had heard, of course, that he had not been well, but we didn't realize just how bad until that night.

I won't tell you his name but I will tell you what I do know about him. He is a 10 year Navy Veteran who served “in country” during Vietnam. Like many other Vietnam vet he was exposed to agent orange and actually had a heart attack at the age of 37 because of exposure.

Since Vietnam, he had his own business for 35 years, successfully raised a family, and has grandchildren. From all I know this is a decent and hard working man who faithfully served his country and has worked hard for all he has.

While in conversation I found out that just before he turned 70 he had another heart attack, this time the damage was bad. In the course of all the paper work that had to be done he went from being on a transplant list to being off of it because he turned 70. He was 69 when he had the attack but then turned 70 shortly there after. The only thing keeping him alive now is two battery packs and a 25 foot extension cord. This comes straight from Obama Care policies.

How is that someone, who is full of life, can be considered “too old” at 70 to have a transplant that they need? Obama Care policies apparently. They determined that rather then a new heart they should place him on a battery pack. What happens if the battery pack fails? He dies with zero chance of ever getting a replacement.

This is the fault of Mr. Obama and the democrat party. It's the policies of “Obama Care” that has made it impossible for him to get any more help, all because he crossed an imaginary line from 69 to 70.

How old are you? I'm 51 with health issues, is this to be my fate as well when I get to 70? Will the government get to decide when I no longer should be cared for? I have a curiosity for life, I want to know what comes next, I don't want some faceless bureaucrat deciding for me when it's my time.

How about your parents? How old are they? Are you willing to let them suffer and die because they hit some artificial age?

This is the second time I have witnessed this happening. If I have seen two recently, how many more times has this happened all over the country?
This is what happens when you live in a society that doesn't value human life and you have a government that's allowed to determine who lives and who dies.

The whole thing makes me sick.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Who am I choosing?

Howdy to all who are reading this. It has been a long while since I have written anything to speak of, especially concerning politics, but with fall in the air,school back in session, and the end of tourist season, I thought I might finally add my two cents worth. Though I don't suspect that it will be well received by some yet if I did not speak my mind and opinion I would be remiss.

Earlier in the year I did state my opinion that I did not care for the selection of candidates from either party and was ( and still am ) convinced that out of 330 million people in this nation, that certainly we could do better. I even considered not bothering to vote at all during the general election in November because of my distaste for the two ( not counting the libertarians or others) who were nominated by their parties. I have changed my mind. I will vote and I am going to explain for who and why.

Now in full disclosure, those that actually know me, know that I am a believer in the founders idea of a Constitutional, representative, republic, that the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land and that no one in government, any where, has the right to destroy that. We are not supposed to be answering to them they are supposed to answer to us and do as we tell them not the other way around. Our founders believed in a small federal government with very limited powers and most powers being given to the people and their states. This is what was intended but we have strayed far from that intention.

Over my life time I have watched as the government has become a massive bloated behemoth that has its suction cupped tentacles, deeply attached to all aspects of our lives. There is almost nothing you can do anymore that does not involve government interference in one way or another. Want to fish? You need a government approved license. Want to build a house? The number of permits is staggering. Want to start a small business? Look out for all the taxes and regulations. This is not what our founders intended and this is what I am firmly against.

So ,you might be asking, what party do I support? Neither. One thing I have learned,especially in the last 30 years, there is little to no difference between the parties. You and I might see differently on many political issues but we are people who are fundamentally good warmhearted folks , who genuinely want to see good things happen for all. Not so for those who live in the DC Beltway.

For them it is all about power and control.

This election season has made this quite clear. I have been very skeptical of the last few election cycles of the trustworthiness of the process, noting many cases of voter fraud, things such as dead people voting, more people voting then actually live in an area or all of them (109% in one case) voting for only one candidate, but this session , and we are still a couple of months out from the general election, has already shown us just how corrupt both parties have become.

Lets look at the republicans first. Donald Trump was supposed to be a joke. He was supposed to be a side note, easily dismissed, while the “establishment” republicans rallied around the various, more conservative ( ie establishment) candidates. We all watched as Trump won more and more primaries and the establishment started into panic mode. One by one the candidates dropped out and in the end, the only one still standing was Trump. The establishment tried every dirty trick in the book to take him out and failed. They even threatened to make new rules so that they didn't actually have to nominate him and many of them didn't show up for the convention. Why? Because they couldn't cheat him out of the nomination and they knew it so they simply refuse to support him. Now many establishment republicans won't endorse him and many have said that they would support Mrs. Clinton. Why? Because Trump is a threat to them and the status quo.

Remember it's about power and control.

Now for the democrats. Hillary Clinton was the nominee long before the actual nomination process ever began. I was honestly surprised that any one at all chose to run against her. Mr. Sanders gave it a good run but he was something like 400 super delegates behind before the first primary votes were ever cast. We all know how that turned out, the DNC cheated and made damn sure that she won thus negating millions of votes for Mr. Sanders. Why? Because Mr. Sanders was a threat to them and the status quo.

Remember it's about power and control.

So now lets look at the two candidates starting with Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump is a business man. A rather successful one at that. Some have been critical of the few businesses that he has had that failed or went into bankruptcy while ignoring the 500 plus successful ones world wide. He knows how to create jobs.
He is loud and he can be obnoxious at times, though, in all fairness, so can his opponent.
He speaks his mind and he says what many people believe but haven't said out loud. He says he wants a better, stronger and more secure America.
The one thing he is not; he is not a politician, nor is he racist. If you believe that he is a racist go back and look at his history. He didn't become a racist until he ran against Mrs. Clinton. Just because you want to secure the borders and seriously vet people coming to this country from violent Muslim countries does not make you a racist.
The biggest problem with Trump, at least for me, is that he is an unknown. He can say many things and promise much, but as far as political things go, he has no record.

Now for Mrs. Clinton.

I don't even know where to start with her. As much as Mr. Trump is an unknown, politically speaking, she is well known and that's the problem. She has, as I said earlier this year, more baggage attached to her that can be found at Logan airport in Boston. Corruption, lies and double dealing follow her and,just like her husband before her, she doesn't seem to know what the truth is. I won't spend much time on pointing out how many times she has been investigated, or the fact that she should have been indicted over the emails, or at least fired outright for Benghazi. If it had been you and me that played with Americas secrets to cover for the Clinton foundation, we would be in jail, having said that this also seems to be her strong point. Because she is known and because her base doesn't care what she has done and because she is an insider, politically speaking, she could be a continuation of the status quo. And the powers that be want that.

Remember it's all about power and control.

So what we have is a choice, again politically speaking, between an unknown loudmouth or a known liar. I don't call that much of a choice.

Now also consider for a moment that both the house and senate are up for grabs. Neither one of them, the candidates,will be able to accomplish anything without them and my guess is that no matter who wins, unless they have a majority in both chambers they will not get anything done and even with a majority because neither of them is well liked they still may not get anything done.
The other thing to consider is that the next 20 years or so could be greatly affected as the winner will be able to nominate new members to the supreme court. Sadly, as in the case of the lower courts as well,this has become a political issue. The court was supposed to rule based on the constitution not on their own ideology but it has become very much a huge part of the political force and I am afraid that no matter the outcome of the election many of our rights will be curtailed or eliminated.

So who am I going with?

I am going to have to plug my nose and go with Mr. Trump. I don't trust him, but she absolutely frightens me.

I know that some of you, whom I care about greatly, are not going to understand but at least take a moment and read why.

First; Why Trump?

He is a political unknown. It's kind of scary I admit, but after 50 years of the same people and policies, that have accomplished almost nothing for the common person but has benefited politicians, Wall Street, and big business things need to change.

Just the fact that both the DNC insiders as well as the establishment Republicans, and many prominent big banks and business( think Goldman Sachs) support Hillary tells me that they expect her to continue the status quo and if we ever want anything to change we have to start with her.

He can't be bought. He doesn't need the money. Yes he is filthy rich but that also means he cant be bribed. I am not saying someone won't try. He knows how to run a business and how to create jobs.

He's not a politician.

Trump supports the police and the military as well as disabled vets.

The fact that both the republicans and democrats are afraid of him is enough for me.

There is more but this will suffice for now.

Why not Clinton.
For starters she is an insider and she has the support of establishment democrats and republicans.

She is corrupt and an accomplished liar. This is not speculation or hearsay this is simply the truth. Just what she did with classified material alone is enough to disqualify her for me. I have had a clearance. I would be in the brig right now if I had done the same.

I would not want to be in the military with her in charge. She showed no hesitation in denying help for the people trapped in Benghazi and four people died all to cover up the government running guns to the Syrians via Libya again. Then of course all the lies that followed.

She has stated quite clearly that she will put as many restrictions on the 2nd amendment as she can get away with.

She has stated that she would shut down various conservative sights, stating that they didn't have a right to exist, yes they do ;it's called free speech and a free press. I don't care for Solon or other liberal sights, but they have a right to speak their mind.

According to her, and the DNC as a whole, you don't have a right to your religious beliefs in your own business and that the government has the right to force you to violate your conscience or destroy your livelihood.

She supports Obama Care. Those of you who are suffering under that madness, I don't have to say any more.

She doesn't support Israel.

If elected she will pick more liberal judges for the supreme courts as well as lower courts and much of what we see as freedom, according to the bill of rights anyhow, will either be regulated more or curtailed completely, all part of the world wide socialist/globalist agenda.

The bottom line is that I am not voting for a party.

I am, instead, voting for a real chance at change, and I am voting for the person of whom I believe will honor the Constitution, destroy the status quo. I could be wrong, but I will take my chances with an unknown outsider rather than a known insider.

Either way God help us all we are going to need it.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Hate Speech/Free Speech

What would you suggest is hate speech? In my small, narrow minded world, I tend to think of hate speech as, well, words that you use to say that you hate something or someone. A fine example; I hate the Yankees, I am a die hard Boston fan, so of course I would be expected to hate the Yankees and say so loudly, but is that actually “ hate speech” or am I just expressing my opinion. What if a Yankee fan said the same about Boston? Would that be hate speech or, again, just stating their own opinion? I am going to say that in both cases, it's preference and opinion, not hate speech.

But what happens if that opinion of mine goes from , I despise the Yankees, to I want to see the whole team drive over a cliff, does that qualify as hate speech? What if the Yankee fan says that about the Red Sox? Does that now become “hate speech” No it does not. Nothing other than words are spoken, opinion expressed, while we may not care for each other, it's been nothing more than words, in fact it's what we used to call “free speech.”

Free speech used to be the idea that you could express your views and opinions with out the fear of being censored, even when it would be seen as inappropriate or disgusting, and in return, hear someone's opposing view and then debate or even have a heated argument on the issues.
Essentially I can say I hate the Yankees and a Yankee fan could say he hates the Red Sox and we could argue about it and all is fine with the world. It would be different if we actually came to blows, but just to insult or offend, that is far from hate, that's “free speech”

Apparently not any more.

I realize that many of you find the concept of free speech offensive,especially those of you in the millennial generation, who need to have safe spaces and to never be challenged in your collective thinking by anything that might be remotely different, but free speech is the bedrock of our society and to try and censor it, simply because it offends someone is silly and it's very dangerous.

From what I understand, Google and Facebook, among other social media outlets, are going to start censoring what they consider to be hate speech. Who is going to decide what hate speech is? How are they even going to know something is hate speech are they going to be reading our minds as well?? And, once you have started down that slippery slope, where does it end? Who is it that's going to decide whats offensive?

I, not liking the Yankees, would likely offend a Yankee fan, so am I to be censored and edited because I express my own opinion and some how offend? What if the Yankee fan insults the Red Sox? Should I have the right to censor them and shut them down for expressing an opinion? Is this going to fall into the ranks of hate speech?

I know some of you are thinking that it will never happen; Are you sure? If I say I like the name “Washington Redskins” many of you will interpret that as being offensive to Native Americans and therefore hate speech. All I have done is express my opinion on the name of the team but you might have interpreted it as offensive and hateful, and according to today's PC police that would constitute hate speech and I would be cut off or censored.

When I expressed my opinion that the Chick fillet guy had the right to express his opinion on traditional marriage, you would have thought the world just ended. I expressed an opinion validating his right, based on the first amendment, to have his opinion, yet I was accused of being homophobic.
If I do any of that now, at least according to FB or Google, is that going to be considered hate speech?

Sadly, unless something amazing happens, I see free speech as being totally eliminated by a generation that fears it. I read statistics that suggested that 60% of college students already believe that speech should be regulated by the government, not terribly surprising, considering safe zones and all, but it's sad. Is this what we have come to?

I realize that this really isn't the fault of the millennials. They have been taught by the last couple of generations, that they are entitled to everything and have the right to not be offended. They have been taught by those with an extremely “ bigger government is better” movement and, because they don't know history, haven't a clue as to why we have these freedoms, such as speech, in this country.

Also the fact that our Constitution is being systematically destroyed by both parties and the judicial system is not their fault either, they, the millennials, are just the end results of our corrupt government corporation and very poor educational system..

So go ahead censor away. I'm going to continue to write un PC stuff until I get arrested for it. Because after being censored, at least in the Soviet Union,where they didn't like free speech either, the next step was imprisonment.

I think that day is not far away.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Election 2 Cents Worth

I thought I might take a moment and give my two cents worth on the current run for president. In a word; Really? As in this is really the best we can do in this country? 350 million or so people and these are the only ones we can come up with? Set aside your personal political beliefs for just a moment and really look at both sides of the aisle and then tell me we can't do any better.
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz seem to be the ones to beat and I am simply not impressed.
Mr. Trump may be good at business and he may have more money than God but does that qualify him to be president?What are his actual plans and strategy? Can he articulate them with out insulting anyone? More importantly, and this to my republican friends, do you remember that some years ago he stated that if he was to seriously run, that he would run as a republican because he considered them to be stupid? Perhaps he has changed his mind...

Hillary Clinton has more baggage than Logan Airport. Since the days of Watergate, where she was fired for unethical behavior during the investigation, there has been an air of contempt of the rule of law. White Water, covering for her husband, Benghazi as well as the current investigation into her email's should make every democrat out there shutter. She has a real chance of being arrested for several violations of federal law over classified material handling ( There is a Marine fighting for his career over one classified document that he turned in once he realized that he had it where they have found over 1300 on her servers) though being a Clinton she will likely get away, but is this really the person you want running your party or being it's leader?

Ted Cruz, I can't say I know a lot about him, best I can tell He is fairly squeaky clean, unless you hate the things that he stands for of course, but I didn't care for his part in shutting down the government, it affected me personally because my pay comes from the VA and we were left with enough uncertainty that I literally went ,with hat in hand ,to my land lord to find out what I needed to do if I stopped getting paid. There has to be a better way to do things. Not sure he knows how.

Bernie Sanders; I actually like him, not because I agree with him on a lot of things but because he doesn't hide who he is and what he stands for. He doesn't engage in double talk and political speech he just says what he believes. But the reality is that our economy simply can not handle a full scale swing to socialism. Everyone, no matter your income would have to pay heavy taxes to even begin to fund some of the things he has proposed, free college, free health care etc. There are no free rides, somebody has to pay for it and I can promise you it won't be the elites in DC doing so.

So there you have it. I don't want to have my only choices being the ones listed. I am neither democrat or republican, I call myself a conservative libertarian because I believe in the old concept of I live my life you live yours and as long as you and I aren't hurting each other let the rest go.

Peace out.