Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Back in the dark ages I was a platoon Sgt. That meant I was responsible ,and was in charge of , a platoon of Marines. At one point I was the acting company commander, (for about a week as I was the most senior person available at that time) which meant I was in charge,technically speaking, of an entire company of Marines even though I was but an enlisted man. I was in charge and therefore RESPONSIBLE for all that went on with my Marines.

Getting ready to go to war and the process of getting our equipment there was also my RESPONSIBLITY and there were many things that I had to see to to make sure that everyone had their personal equipment, weapons ammunition etc. The bottom line is that the RESPONSIBLITY was with me.

Sections had their NCO's in charge and they reported to me, but if something went wrong I was the one who had to report to the CO or the 1st. Sgt on what happened and it was usually up to me to fix said problem, the ultimate RESPONSIBLITY was mine.

Everyone who has ever served in the military understands that there is chain of command and that ultimately the higher ranks are the ones RESPONSIBILE for what goes on under their commands.

I look back at the time of D-Day Gen. Eisenhower wrote two letters just before that day. One was to congratulate the troops on their successful invasion of France but the other, which is more relevant to this discussion, was a letter of resignation and RESPONSIBILITY for his massive failure, luckily for him, and our nation, he didn't have to submit that letter.

Today, our military, in the higher ranks, are filled with little more than politicians wearing uniforms, suits with ribbons, that seem more interested in political correctness then actually winning wars, or even dignified withdrawals.

Never before have I ever witnessed our nation purposefully leaving people behind even while openly admitting to doing so and still no one takes RESPONSIBILITY. No one has resigned, no one has been fired for this debacle and in fact they seem to be patting themselves on the back for such a “historic evacuation” what?

They keep claiming that no one could have seen this coming, from the generals to our so called intelligence agencies, and yet ask the average grunt who spent time over there ( this would include Iraq or Vietnam) and they could have told you it would happen and some did, years ago. You had to be dumber then a rock, and that's an insult to rocks, to not see it.

I salute the men and women in the ranks, you did your jobs to the best of what you were allowed, but I have no faith, at all, in any of those in command all the way up to the President. You should be held RESPONSIBILE and fired, all of you. We need new leadership, heaven help us if we don't get it soon. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Surprise From Revelations

Today my wife was on one of the pages she follows on FB. One of the women on that page expressed her concerns about the stab, said she had been praying about and wants to do whats right. She has some concerns based on her own health and was looking for answers. One of the responses got my attention.

I haven't written anything on a religious subject for a long time and really this isn't going to be massively so, but the response that came from someone is found in the NT book of Revelations and, to say the least, I was shocked at what it said.

Chapter 18 verse 23 from the NKJV : “The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived.”

Now you might be wondering what does this have to do with anything, glad you asked. Look at the word “sorcery” most of the time when we think of that word we associate it with magic and witchcraft, generally in a very negative context, and while it is used that way that's not the actual translation of the Greek.

Strongs exhaustive concordance, Greek number #5331 says that the word translates into “pharmakeia” otherwise know today as “pharmacy” It signified the use of medicine,drugs and spells as well as poisoning and witchcraft.

That word comes from #5332 “pharmakeus” which comes from “pharmakon” meaning a “druggist” (pharmacist) or poisoner.

In all fairness, it has been translated into almost every English version as either Sorcery, or witchcraft,but this was translated ( Such as the King James version) by people who were deathly afraid of anything that resembled magic or witchcraft.

The word “merchant” is pretty straight forward but consider the words that they “were the great men of the earth” So who today would be considered the “Great men of the earth” big corporations with world wide reach, big pharma. The world wide banking system? All these ( and many more) are all connected and ,quite frankly, they are the ones running the world. Do you really think that the politicians are in charge? They are mere puppets paid for by corporations, in actual control, to do their bidding.

Now put the actual Greek word into play and re read the verse, especially the end. “For your merchants(big pharma, world wide conglomerates etc.) were the great men of the earth, for by your “Pharmacy” all the nations were deceived.”

Now imagine being John on the isle of Patmos having visions of the end of time and you have a vision that you can't quite understand, but you write what you see based on what you know. How would you explain the world wide reach of companies, when you had no frame of reference? He would have been familiar with apothecary but he would not have been familiar with chemical meds. or stabs but he recognized it for what it was by using the word “Pharmakeia” and even if you accept “sorcery” as the appropriate translation you have to ask what was he seeing that would have caused him to use that word.

I can't say for a certainty what he saw, or was suggesting, but I can see that the corporate controlled governments of the world are certainly pushing for a stab for everyone. One that has had bad effects on many that have received it, without having a clue on the long term effects. I would call that deceiving the people.

I don't really think that this stab is the mark of the beast. Some have suggested that it is but I disagree. My reading suggests that there is a spiritual choice that has to made in order to receive that mark on the hand or the forehead, it says nothing about a shoulder,but that's a subject for another day.

I will say this though; I believe we are all being deceived, at the very least lied to, just as Revelations suggests. All you have to do is look around you, ignore what your being told is true, and see ALL that IS going on and draw your own conclusions. Choose wisely. 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Who Is Responsible


Yesterday made it official. We lost. Not because of the American or allied troops on the ground doing the actual fighting, and dying, but because of incompetent leadership.

Everyone in the media and many war vets are placing the blame on Biden, and well they should, after all he has been in the senate, been vice president twice, and now is allegedly the commander in chief, during all of this, so yes he and his failed policies and short shortsightedness should be blamed, but he is hardly the only one.

Go back twenty years and walk with me through the dark times right after 911. We bombed the living hell out of the Taliban in the beginning. We almost completely smashed them into oblivion. President Bush could have left it there and made it very clear to the world and especially terrorist that if you attack us we will utterly destroy you. Reagan did that to Libya and they stayed silent for 30 years but no that wasn't enough for the Bush/Cheney clan. Why? Because war pays,especially for them and their contractor friends.

But even blaming them isn't enough. The military leadership is responsible as well. Since Vietnam we have fought in a series of conflicts with no real plan to win. Somehow military leadership, with the PC pushing of the politicians, got it into their silly heads, that what these people wanted was our style of government. So we needed to win the hearts and minds of the people rather then to utterly crush our enemies, then they act surprised when the people surrender in mass to our enemies, once we leave.

Just in my life time; Vietnam, Gulf war, ( we kicked them out of Kuwait but didn't finish the job) Iraq ( or gulf war 2) and Afghanistan have all been lost because of the incompetence, and the greed, of those that are supposed to be defending this country, from the president's on down to the generals, intel and the un elected swamp critters and government contractors, all are to blame.

But has anyone resigned over their failures? Nope. They try to blame Trump, the try to blame “bad intel” but they never place the blame or take responsibility for their politically correct policy failures.

To all of us who have fought in these wars, know that we have fought honorably with courage, and commitment, our so called leadership can never understand. I am proud of all of us and I will not hang my head in shame for my part in this war. The shame goes to those who abandoned us and our allies.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Honesty, Integrity and Discernment


Honesty,integrity,discernment. Three words that are linked, and yet seem to be missing in today's lunatic run world.

Back in the dark ages when I was a platoon Sgt. We had to give classes from time to time to our junior Marines. The one I taught the most had to do with honesty and integrity. Honesty is rather simple, doing what is right and truthful, even when you might get punished for it, and integrity, being connected to honesty, is simply doing what is right even if no one is looking.

An example given to me by an old Sgt. Maj. who was a Vietnam vet, once said that honesty and integrity could be summed up this way; if he was to head out on a weekend pass and dropped his wallet on the parade deck, either a Marine would spot it and quickly get it to him, or, upon his return, he should either find it where he lost it or it would be turned into the officer of the day with all his money still there. I have never forgotten that.

Discernment is a word I usually associate with religion, but I believe it goes hand in hand with honesty and integrity. Discernment as defined by Merriam Webster dictionary; “the quality to be able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure; an act of perceiving something...insight and wisdom.”

When I was younger I was always told by teachers ( I went to a religious school) and pastors that you had to be able to discern what the Bible was telling us, through the prophets, and by their interpretation of what the Bible said, and as a child I took it all in stride, (actually that's not entirely accurate I was quite a rebel in my day) because they were the “experts” and I was but an unlearned youth.

Over time, the more I studied, the more I read, and looked into the actual languages, and history, I came to discover or discern that most of what the “experts” had been telling me was either quite factually wrong or, in some cases, an out right lie.

It was then that I really started to understand that the alleged “experts” were doing little more then regurgitating that which they had been taught by others who had themselves been taught the same way. They never questioned anything, they never looked for themselves, and even in the light of evidence to the contrary they stuck with the status quo or their already preconceived ideas.

What does any of this have to do with today? Just look at what is happening all around you. Fear and panic caused by so called “experts”. There is no honesty and integrity being shown at all by the media “experts” or their government cohorts, and very few people are using discernment to understand what is happening to them. Fear and shaming sells, and keeps you captive ,and the “experts” are going out of their way to keep you in that fear and shame by withholding news and evidence or any real truth because they want to keep the fear and shame going for their own ends, and the “experts” are right in bed with them.

Where is the honesty in this? Where is the integrity of our so called leaders? Where has the discernment of the people gone? Whatever happened to the idea of folks making their own decisions based on evidence and what they believed to be true? What makes those in government or academia more intelligent then you? What gives them the right to dictate what you are going to do or believe?

Where are those that will stand up for what is right instead of cowering to the so called experts? Where are those in the government, the media and academia that are willing to stand up for truth and shut down, with logic and reason, all the false narratives being told?

The only way out of this madness and insanity is for people of honesty, and integrity, and discernment, to read and study for themselves, not taking the alleged “experts”at their word. Then stand up and shout from the roof tops the truth, flood the internet until it is overwhelmed, and can no longer be censored, share with your friends and neighbors, and lastly, loudly, protest if ignored, if we don't take these sort of measures we will be doomed to fall into the dust bin of history.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Military Stab

Today I was going to spend some time writing on how disappointing it is to see so many people giving in to the fear porn that surrounds something we will simply call D. It's less dangerous than the original, the mortality rate is way down, and yet folks are still leaning towards the direction of diapers on their mugs or getting stabbed. Then I saw a headline that said the Sec. Of Offensiveness is going to mandate the stab on active duty personnel.

I have a massive problem with that on more levels than I can express completely but here are a few.

First, this is an all volunteer military, while officers can resign their commission, enlisted are stuck in their contracts until they are done. I doubt that any of them signed up to have an experimental stab and I am willing to bet that many of them will start leaving in droves, if forced ,with or with out permission.

Second, For decades military members have been experimented on, always with bad results. Think agent orange, anthrax or small pox stabs, gulf war syndrome, to name just a few, these were things that weren't supposed to harm anyone, it was supposed to protect you, and yet thousands have died and suffered massive side effects all because the powers that be said to do it.

Is this what we want once again?

Full disclosure I am not against stabs per se. This one being a very noted exception, I refuse to get it because I have been one of those experimented on and I have had to deal with it ever since, and I am against forcing people, or using coercion and threats, to get people to take the stab and that includes the military, government employees, medical staff, literally anyone who doesn't want it.

Tell me something, if my first point comes true, personnel leaving in droves, what happens? We become much weaker. Combine that with the PC witch hunt going on making many decide to walk away, and we become massively weaker. Add to that the possibility that those that do take it have the same kind of side effects that have been reported all over the world and we become sitting ducks for those who would destroy us from both the inside and the out and many a young and promising life has the potential of being destroyed, all over an experiment, where we are all the guinea pigs.